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“Ah, Himezaki-san. Earlier, Onigawara-sensei was in the first lecture room looking for Himezaki-san with the appearance of a demon...”

“O Amane! Save me! I'm being chased by Onigawara-sensei!”

“...What happened?”

“Well─! I got in trouble for not doing my homework in a row, and Sensei was really pissed at me! As revenge, I spread pill bugs all over Sensei’s desk, and she saw me doing it!”

“I see, Onigawara-sensei is in the gymnasium, so I think you should hide in the first lecture room in the opposite direction.”

“Oh! Thanks Amane! I'll go immediately!"

“Yes, be careful.”

“Sure─! See you─!”

“...’For the sake of others’, is read as [to lie], Himezaki-san.”


(T/N: 人 = person, 為 = ‘for the sake of’, and 偽 = to lie, meaning, to lie = person + for the sake of.)

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