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Main Story 44 - Invite, Be Invited, Study Session


Tuesday, May 11th.

Today too, I will continue my school life as usual.

I attend classes while occasionally looking at Hiori, and eat lunch alone with Hiori during lunch break. As I spend such a fun time, before I know it, it’s after school.


“Aki! This is the first time since our second year that this period has come...!”

Immediately after the closing ritual.

Kazuo firmly grabs my right shoulder from behind, and says that. His grip is so strong that it hurts a little.

I slowly turn around and see Kazuo looking at me with a serious look on his face. When our eyes meet, Kazuo winks at me with his right eye.

“What's wrong, Kazuo? Also, I'll listen to what you have to say, so let go of my right shoulder. It hurts.”

“I'm sorry about that. My desire to rely on Aki is just too strong, you see.”

Kazuo lightly removes his right hand from my right shoulder. From what Kazuo has said so far, I can easily imagine what he wants to talk about. Kazuo and I have known each other since we entered high school after all. Besides, he said ‘this period’, that means──

“Aki! Let's study together for next week's midterm exam! I'm terrible at all science subjects and World History B! I can only count on Aki!”

As I thought, it's about studying for midterm exams, huh.

At Kasagaya High School, all club activities are prohibited from one week before the first day of the regular exam until the end of the exam. Midterm exams start next Tuesday, so club activities are prohibited starting today, which is one week before then. By the way, the literature club which Hiori and Hazuki-san belong to was supposed to be active on Tuesday, but it was moved to yesterday because of this.

If you end up getting a red mark, you may have to take supplementary classes after school depending on the subject. If the number of subjects in which you get red marks is high, the school may prohibit you from participating in club activities for a certain period of time.

Kazuo has quite a number of weak subjects, mainly science. That’s why, except on days when I have a part-time job, we study together most of the time during the period where club activities are prohibited. His lover, Shimizu-san, also has several weak subjects, so the three of us often held study sessions together during our first year.

“Kamitou-kun! Please help me with this exam too! Especially Mathematics B and Basic Chemistry!”

Before I know it, Shimizu-san is standing right next to Kazuo, carrying her bag and looking at me pleadingly. Perhaps following her example, Kazuo is also looking at me pleadingly. Even when they become second years, the fact that I will be teaching the two of them while preparing for the exams doesn’t change, huh?

“I got it already. I'll teach you the parts that you two are worried about. Teaching is a good learning experience anyway. Let's avoid red marks.”

“Thank you, Aki!”

“Thank you, Kamitou-kun.”

The two of them are overjoyed. They are already doing banzai even though nothing has started. They rely on me quite a bit every time we take a regular exam, but because they work hard, the two of them have never gotten a red mark. Shall I go along with them again this time?

Anyway... study session, huh? I wonder how Hiori always does it? She has been getting the highest grades in our grade ever since she entered the school. Does she do it alone? Or does she study with Hazuki-san?

“Miu-san and Kuraki-san, what’s wrong? You are doing banzai towards Akito-san.”

* (T/N: I think ‘banzai’ is obvious, its ‘celebratory cheer, usu. while raising both arms in the air’)

Right when I think about her... that kind of saying doesn’t exist, but as I am thinking about Hiori, the person in question comes up to me. The way she tilts her head slightly is so cute.

“It’s about studying for midterm exams. Since our first regular exam in high school, the three of us often hold study sessions before the exam. Kazuo and Shimizu-san have several weak subjects, so I often have to teach them. This time too, we are going to do the same.”

“So that’s why they were doing banzai.”

“Aki is good at teaching after all!”

“No matter how many times I ask him the same thing, he always kindly explains it to me.”

“I see.”

Hiori gives me a kind smile. Kazuo, Shimizu-san... thank you.

“By the way, Hiori, how do you usually study for regular exams?”

“I often study by myself, but sometimes I study with the girls from my club. Of course, with Saaya-san too after I became a high school student. Just like with Akito-san, I also often help her with her studies.”

“So that’s how it is. If Hiori is okay with it, won’t you study with us for the regular exam?”

“Of course it's okay. I wanted to study with Akito-san too anyway.”

“Then, it’s decided.”

I'm very happy to hear that she wants to study with me. Since we’ll be studying with Hiori as well, it seems like this study session is going to be even more successful than before.

“I like teaching anyway, and teaching deepens my understanding. So, you can ask me as well, you know.”

“Thank you, Hiori-chan! Having Hiori-chan who is ranked 1 in our grade is reassuring!”

“She has the strength of 100 people!”

Ya─y! Kazuo and Shimizu-san are doing banzai even more happily than before. Well, having Hiori, who keeps taking first place, with us is reassuring after all.

“Of course, Akito-san too.”

“Thank you. Sometimes I have a hard time solving problems in English and math workbooks. I may have to ask you several times.”

“Please leave it to me then.”

Hiori hits her chest with her right hand. She has a bright smile on her face. She has a very dependable aura about her.

The fact that Hiori is also participating in the study session means that,

“I'll participate too!”

Himura-san comes toward us while quickly raising her right hand. As I thought, it turns out like this, huh?

“I was curious since Miu and Kuraki are doing banzai, so I listened carefully and heard the wonderful word of ‘study session’. Hiori will also be participating anyway, and Kamitou seems dependable, so I'll be participating too!”

To think she’d decide to participate not only because Hiori will be there, but also myself. That's unexpected. Or maybe, does Himura-san have several weak subjects as well?

“By the way, Himura-san, do you have any subjects you're worried about?”

“I'm pretty worried about Mathematics B and Basic Chemistry. By the way, I got a red mark in Mathematics A last year.”

“I see.”

To think she has experienced a red mark. It seems like her grades in her weak subjects aren't better than Kazuo and Shimizu-san. Kazuo and Shimizu-san, to such Himura-san, they kindly say, “A comrade!” Are you guys cheering Himura up? Or have you developed a sense of camaraderie after realizing that you guys are weak at the same subjects?

“After that is world history. Depending on the content, I can remember or understand it quickly because I like it, but the scope of the midterm this time is kinda...” (Kyoko)

“I see. If you’re okay with me, I'll teach you.” (Akito)

“I'll teach you too. Kyoko-san, let's study together.” (Hiori)

“Yes!” (Kyoko)

After replying in a cute voice, Himura-san hugs Hiori. In her case, if Hiori is the one who teaches her, won’t she quickly understand the parts she is worried about or the parts she doesn’t get?

“If all five of us are going to study together, why don't we invite Saaya-chan too?” (Miu)

“Oh, that's a great idea!” (Kazuo)

“That's a good idea. Saaya is in science class anyway. The other day, I asked her about a difficult problem in our math assignment and she explained it to me in an easy-to-understand way.” (Kyoko)

“Saaya-san is quite good at science subjects after all. I've had her teach me as well. Then, I'll send a message to Saaya-san now.” (Hiori)

Hiori takes out her smartphone from her bag.

Hazuki-san, you even teach Hiori, huh? As expected of a science class student. If such Hazuki-san is there, Himura-san and the others will feel more at ease.

“I’ve sent Saaya-san the message inviting her to the study session. ...Ah, it’s marked as read.”

Now, what kind of reply will Hazuki-san send?

“The reply has arrived. It seems she wants to study together. If it’s science subjects or English, she can teach them.”

“I see. That makes me feel more at ease.”

Himura-san says that, and Kazuo and Shimizu-san nod.

A study session with the six of us who went to Dome Town together, huh? I think it’ll be a good study session where we’ll cover each other's weaknesses.

“Another message from Saaya-san has arrived. She's on cleaning duty this week, so she wants us to wait in front of our classroom.” (Hiori)

“I'm also on cleaning duty this week.” (Kyoko)

“Then, I guess we’ll wait until the two of you finish your cleaning duty. ...By the way, where should we do it? We usually did it at Aki's house.”

“Kamitou's house... isn't that fine? I've never been there before, and I'm a little curious about what Kamitou's room is like. Just a little, okay?”

“Then, let's have a study session at my house.”

“Then, I'll send a message to that effect to Saaya-san.”

With the size of my room, I think it will be okay for six people to study together.

But, if it's just the table in my room, it might be difficult for six people. There aren't even six cushions.

I send a message to my sister asking if I can borrow a table and some cushions for our study session. And within 10 seconds she replies with a [Sure!]. All right, now we are good to go as far as the study environment is concerned.

I, Hiori, Kazuo, and Shimizu-san go out into the hallway and wait for Himura-san and Hazuki-san to finish their cleaning duties.


(T/N: 定期試験 - regular exam. Maybe ‘periodic exam’ is better? What do you think? Any suggestions?)

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