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Main Story 43 - The Preciousness of Everyday Life


Sunday, May 9th.

I worked hard at my part-time job at Zosol all day today.

Also, today was Mother's Day. Perhaps that's why, compared to a typical Sunday, there were more customers with their families, and more customers buying coffee beans, instant coffee, and sweets to take home. Because of that, the atmosphere inside the shop was a little different than usual.

When I went home from my part-time job, I bought Mom's favorite blend of drip coffee to give as a present. When I got home and gave the present to her, Mom was overjoyed. She immediately enjoyed the coffee with Dad.

Also, Hiori knew that I had a part-time job, but she never came to Zosol. Because, as a present for Mother's Day, she was making Youko-san's favorite sweets as well as dinner. She bought the ingredients in the morning and spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen making sweets and dinner. By the way, the sweets are tarts and cookies. The dinner is hamburger steak.

Youko-san was obvious, but it seemed Ryou-san and Nanami-chan were also satisfied with the dinner and sweets that Hiori made. When I saw the photo she sent me on LIME, it looked really delicious. That’s why, even though it’s after dinner, my stomach is growling.

It seems that she worked hard all afternoon making dinner and sweets. When I send her a message asking if she is okay,

[I am a little fatigued. But it’s a pleasant fatigue. I'm going to bed early today.]

I receive that reply from Hiori. If you spend all afternoon in the kitchen making sweets and dinner, you'll obviously feel tired.

[Thank you for your hard work making sweets and dinner. If you're tired, going to bed early is a good idea. It's early, but good night.]

I send that reply.

Immediately, it’s marked as [read] and I receive a message saying [Good night] along with a stamp of a brown and white eight-split cat sleeping in a futon.

Hopefully tomorrow I can meet up with the healthy Hiori under the usual overpass and spend our school life together.


Monday, May 10th.

Ever since I fell in love with Hiori, Mondays no longer feel depressing. Because I can see the person I love at school. Especially since I became a second year student and in the same class as Hiori.

[I'll be waiting under the usual overpass.]

Just before I leave home, I receive that message from Hiori. Seeing those texts makes me feel relieved. I felt a shiver when I saw the notification that I received a message from Hiori. Since it’s confirmed that I will be able to spend my school life with Hiori, my mood has gone up.

It's been sunny since this morning. Since there is no danger of rain, I decided to go to school by bicycle today as well.

The thought of meeting Hiori under that overpass makes me feel happy. My pedaling speed naturally increases. The wind hitting my face feels refreshing and pleasant.

I see the meeting place under the overpass. When I look at my watch, the time is... it’s just past 8, huh. If it's this early, Hiori might not be here yet. As I think that, I head towards the underpass.


I hear such a voice from Hiori, so I look toward the underpass. When I do, I see Hiori wearing a cardigan, waving her right hand widely towards me. She has a peaceful smile on her face. I also give her a small wave with my right hand as I rush toward her.

I arrive at the underpass, and get off my bike.

“Good morning, Akito-san.”

“Good morning, Hiori. Even though I came quite early, you’re already here before me, as expected of Hiori, I guess.”

“Fufu. It's been since last Thursday after all. Besides, I like waiting for people I want to meet.”

As she says that, Hiori's smile turns into a bright one. Because of what she said just now, I find her really cute.

“I see. I also wanted to meet Hiori here. I'm happy to see a healthy Hiori.”

“Fufu. They said it in novels and manga but, precisely because we've spent time that's different than usual, that we consider it precious to be able to spend it as usual.”

“It’s as Hiori said.”

It has become common for me to meet up with Hiori at this place when I go to school. But, after Hiori caught a cold, I realized once again that I am very happy to be able to meet Hiori like this.

“Shall we go, Akito-san?”

“Yeah. Let’s put our gym clothes bags in my bicycle basket today too.”

“Thank you very much.”

I put the gym clothes bag I received from Hiori into the bicycle basket and we start walking towards Kasagaya High School.

“I'm glad that Okaa-san was happy yesterday.”

“You made Youko-san's favorite sweets and dinner, right? That's admirable, Hiori. I just bought some drip coffee at Zosol.”

“I think Akito-san is admirable too though. Mika-san was happy, right?”

“Yeah. She was drinking it deliciously with my father.”

“I think that was good. I think the most important thing is your feeling of gratitude to your mother. It’s even better if she was happy with your present.”

“That might be true.”

When my mother was drinking the drip coffee with Dad, she looked very happy. As I remember it, I realize that that was good.

We cross the intersection near Kasagaya Station and walk along the road near our high school. Today too, there are many students from our high school walking around us, and many of them are looking at us as they walk.

“Oh, that guy is walking with the Absolute Zero Lady today.”

“He was alone on Friday, so I was sure they broke up.”

“I heard that their trial relationship was dissolved.”

“Maybe it’s because of that boy, Absolute Zero Lady’s expression has become softer than before, right?”

“She was born human too, you know.”

I can hear voices saying things like those. Everyone sure is saying whatever they want. I've gotten used to it, so I don't think anything of it when I hear words like those just now.

“...Could it be, when you went to school on Friday, there were rumors that you broke up with me?”

The moment I hear that question from Hiori, I get startled. Well, after hearing what they said just now, it’s natural that she’d think there might have been rumors that she broke up with me on Friday, huh?

“...Yeah. There were even some students who laughed at me. But when I muttered about what I should bring when I visit you, the laughter stopped.”

I was lost on whether to talk about it or not, but I say it honestly without hiding anything.

“I see. Then, that’s great.”

Hiori says that with a smile on her face, but her smile looks sad. She might be feeling guilty.

“Everyone gets sick sometimes. So, you don't have to worry about it, Hiori. Besides, we can walk together like this now.”

I say those words while looking at Hiori.

Hiori's smile becomes calmer. She looks into my eyes and firmly nods. By the looks of her, she probably won’t be tormented by guilt.

Arriving at school, I head to the bicycle parking lot alone.

When I park my bicycle, “Hiori─n!” I hear Hazuki-san's voice calling out from afar. When I turn my face towards the direction of the voice, I see Hazuki-san hugging Hiori near the entrance to the bicycle parking lot.

I grab my school bag and Hiori's gym clothes bag and head over to them.

“Thank you for waiting. Also, Hazuki-san, good morning.”

“Good morning-ssu. I knew from the message that Hiorin got better-ssu. But when I actually saw Hiorin, I was so moved that I hugged her-ssu.”

“I might understand how you feel. Actually seeing her healthy just makes you happy, isn’t it?”

“As expected of Kamitou-kun-ssu.”

“Fufu. Now, let's go to the classroom. Saaya-san too, could you come to Class 2’s classroom with us?”

“I got it-ssu.”

The three of us enter Classroom Building B and head to Year 2 Class 2 classroom.

We go inside Class 2 through the door near the blackboard. Perhaps because Hiori has come to school, there are many students who shout “Ooh!” or call out to her with “Good morning!” But,

“Hiori! Good morning!”

No one can match the loudness of Himura-san's voice as she greets her from near Kazuo's seat. Himura-san, you look really happy. Himura-san waves to us along with Kazuo and Shimizu-san. By the way, most of our classmates have known by now that Himura-san loves Hiori very much.

Hiori places her bag on her desk and takes out a wrapped light blue bag from her bag.

“Hiori, what's with the bag?”

“...It’s something to enjoy later.”

Hiori says that with a smile. If it’s something to enjoy, I guess I shouldn't ask too much.

Together with Hiori and Hazuki-san, I go to Himura-san and the others. As I do, I place my school bag on my desk.

“Everyone, good morning. I've gotten better by the end of the week.”

“I'm so happy to see the healthy Hiori in the classroom!”

Himura-san says that excitedly, and hugs Hiori tightly. “Hiorii...” she says in her sweet voice as she rubs her face against her chest. I’m sure it’s soft and comfortable. Really, I'm totally jealous.

By the way, Hiori is patting the happy-looking Himura-san's head.

“I'm glad you're feeling better, Hiori-chan!”

“That's right! Besides, if Aoyama is here, Aki will be more energetic after all!”

Shimizu-san and Himura-san nod at Kazuo's words. I wonder if I seemed that unenergetic that Friday when Hiori was absent. There were many times when I felt lonely though.

“I'm happy to have Hiori in the classroom.”

“I’m also happy that Akito-san said that.”

“...By the way, Hiori. What’s with that light blue bag?”

Himura-san asks that while pointing to the wrapped light blue bag.

“Since everyone is here, I’ll be talking about it. Yesterday, I made cookies at home as a present for Mother’s Day. But, since I made a lot, I thought I’d share them with everyone, so I brought them here. It’s only one cookie per person. But, this is as thanks to Akito-san, Kyoko-san, and Saaya-san for visiting me, and to Miu-san and Kuraki-san for worrying about my health.”

“I’m so happy!”

Himura-san is overjoyed. Hazuki-san and the others are also happy, although not as much as Himura-san.

What’s in the light blue bag is actually handmade cookies, huh? She was going to give those to us as thanks, that’s why she said earlier that “It’s something to enjoy later.”

Hiori opens the bag and hands each of us a cookie. It's a plain round cookie. They smell slightly sweet and look delicious.

After giving one to all five people, Hiori also holds one cookie.

“Please enjoy your meal.”

“Yes! Itadakimasu!”


At Himura-san's signal, the five of us other than Hiori eat Hiori's homemade cookies.

It has just the right amount of sweetness and savory flavor, it’s delicious. No wonder Hiori’s family ate it with satisfaction.

Many of the students in the classroom are looking at us. Among them, some are murmuring things like “How nice” and “I'm jealous.”

“Delicious! I think I can get through this week's class with just this!”

“You're exaggerating-ssu, Himuko. But the cookies are really delicious-ssu.”

“It's delicious isn’t it, Saaya-chan.”

“So good! My fatigue from morning training was blown away!”

Himura-san and the others are also eating Hiori's cookies with great relish. Himura-san also does it while looking happy.

“It's very delicious. Thank you, Hiori.”

“No, no. I'm happy everyone enjoyed it. I'll have it too.”

Saying that, Hiori also eats the cookie. Perhaps because it’s delicious, she is munching on it with a smile on her face. The sight of it is so cute that I find it endearing.


And then, school life begins this week as well.

In the classroom, during class, I occasionally look at Hiori, just like before. Sometimes, Hiori also glances and then smiles at me. It's nice to have Hiori in the classroom. I once again realize that my everyday life is a very happy one.


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