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Main Story 37 - After the Consecutive Holidays


Thursday, May 6th.

Golden Week is over, and school life begins again today.

Since there is no danger of rain today, I decided to go to school by bicycle. I leave the house and head for the underpass where I will meet up with Hiori.

At Kasagaya High School, we have a rule that starting May, we don’t have to wear blazer jackets. So I wear a black vest over my dress shirt. With those clothes, I don't feel too hot even when I'm exposed to the sun.

What kind of clothes will Hiori be wearing? Will she be wearing a jacket like before? Or will she be wearing a vest like me? If it’s last year... I remember she was wearing a navy blue cardigan. I'm looking forward to seeing what she wears. As I am thinking about this, I naturally pedal faster.

6 or 7 minutes after leaving my house. I can see the meeting place that is the underpass. Looking at the clock, I see that it is now 8:05 am. Hiori always comes early, so there's a good chance she's already there.


When I go under the overpass... I still don’t see Hiori there. It is before the meeting time of 8:10, so it’s not a problem even if she hasn’t come. But until now, it was normal for Hiori to be waiting for me, so I end up worrying that something might have happened to her.

I stop my bike and check my smartphone. A message from Hiori is... none, huh? That means she'll probably be here by the meeting time.

I turn my gaze towards the direction of Hiori's house. When I do, I see Hiori, wearing a navy blue cardigan over her blouse, jogging towards me. We have PE today, so she’s carrying not only her bag, but also her light blue gym clothes bag. Hiori seems to notice me as well, so she smiles and waves her hand towards me. Seeing her figure is relieving.

“Akito-san, good morning.”

Hiori stops in front of me, greets me, and bows slightly. Perhaps because she had been jogging, her cheeks are slightly red, and her breathing is a little erratic.

“Good morning, Hiori.”

“...I-I'm sorry. I'm late...”

“Don't worry about it. You’re still in time for the meeting time. Besides, days like this happen.”

“Thank you very much. Actually, I overslept. The book I read after I sent the message to Akito-san yesterday was so interesting that I stayed up until quite deep into the night.”

“So that’s what happened. Something like that happened to me too.”

Because of that, I ended up oversleeping quite a bit, and I had to pedal my bike desperately just to barely make it in time.

“Also, maybe it’s because I'm still tired from yesterday, I end up spacing out every now and then. I left home later than usual, so I jogged to get here.”

“I see. I'm happy that you came on time. But, even if you're a little late, I'd still be waiting here. So, just send me a message about it and it'll be okay.”

“I understand. I will do that from now on.”

Hiori smiles in relief.

Yesterday, we spent the whole day playing at Tohto Dome Town Attractions after all. We rode a lot of thrill rides too. Also she took a train to get there and back when she doesn't usually take one. Maybe that's why her fatigue piled up.

After a while, Hiori's erratic breathing subsides.

“Should we go now? Or do you want to rest a little longer?”

“Let’s go.”

“I got it. Also, there's still a little room in my bicycle basket... I think you can fit a gym clothes bag in there.”

“I see. In that case, can you please take it until school?”

“Of course.”

I receive the gym clothes bag from Hiori and put it in the bicycle basket. I’m relieved that it fits without any problems. If it doesn’t, I'm sure I’ll look uncool.

And then, today too, I start walking towards Kasagaya High School with Hiori.

“Hiori. That navy blue cardigan looks really good on you. It's cute.”

“Thank you very much. I like this cardigan and have been wearing it since my first year. Akito-san also looks wonderful in that black vest.”

“Thank you. When I don't have to wear a jacket or on very cold winter days, I often wear a vest.”

“I see. I am also the same. Not only during summer clothes season, but even in May, on sunny and hot days, I sometimes wear a vest of the same color. Also, during summer, the air conditioner in the classroom is turned on. Last year, the temperature in the classroom was often lowered considerably. Sometimes, it was so cold that I had to wear the cardigan in the classroom.”

“I see. In the class I was in last year, there were some students who wore cardigans in the summer. It was hot outside, so we had a policy of keeping the classroom cool.”

“Fufu, I see.”

Hiori cheerfully smiles. Ever since the at-home date at Hiori's house, I've been seeing her smile more often. But I barely saw them before Golden Week, so they look somewhat fresh to me.

I can meet Hiori like this.

I can walk together with Hiori.

I can see Hiori’s smile.

That’s why, I don't feel lethargic after the holidays at all. I'm sure I won't have to worry about getting May blues.


I hear Hiori's cute yawn from next to me. When I glance at Hiori, I see Hiori covering her mouth with her right hand. She looks cute like that too.

I guess she notices that I am watching her. Hiori looks bashful, her cheeks turning slightly red.

“You saw me yawning. I'm still a little sleepy. I suppose I'm not in my normal condition.”

“You did say you were still tired. Don't push yourself too hard. It's in the afternoon, but we have PE today.”

“I understand, I'll be careful.”

PE is separated by gender. So I’ll be going to a different place than the girls. I'm worried about not being able to see Hiori's condition. But, Himura-san and Shimizu-san will be there, so I should ask them to take care of Hiori.

When we cross the intersection near Kasagaya Station, I see many students from our high school walking today. Starting May, students are allowed to take off their jackets, so they wear a variety of clothing, including dress shirts, vests, cardigans, and the usual jackets. Also, the rule is that vests and cardigans can be of any color as long as they are plain or have one stitched ornament. Because of that, I see quite a colorful scenery in front of me. The period where we don't have to wear a jacket will last until the end of October. So, I will be seeing this kind of scenery for about half a year from now.

Since Hiori seems sleepy, we go to Kasagaya High School without exchanging many words. I ask Hiori to wait in front of the bicycle parking lot, and I park my bicycle there.

“Hiori, shall we go?”

“Yes. Thank you very much for carrying my gym clothes bag.”

“No, no. But, let me carry it to the classroom like this.”

“...Then, I’ll take advantage of your words. Thank you very much.”

The way she lowers her head is so cute.

We hold hands and walk toward our classroom.

Even though it's been 5 days, many of the students around us are still looking at us today. It might be because Hiori's clothes have changed to a cardigan, or because Hiori is smiling peacefully.

When I enter the Year 2 Class 2 classroom through the front door, I see Kazuo, Shimizu-san, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san around my and Kazuo’s seats.

The first to notice us is Himura-san, and she calls out in a loud voice, “Hiori! and Kamitou,” and the other four turn toward us and wave their hands. From the looks of it, the four of them seem to be in good health.

I go to Hiori's seat and put her gym uniform bag on her desk.

“Akito-san, thank you very much for carrying it. Also... I'm returning Osakatsu Volume 1 that I borrowed the other day. Also, this is the first volume of the yuri manga that I bought at Animake during our Hagikubo's date the other day.”

Hiori takes out a Yotsuba bookstore bag from her bag and hands it to me. When I check the contents, I find the two books that Hiori mentioned just now inside.

“I have certainly received it. I have a part-time job today, so I'll read the manga tonight.”

“Yes. I hope you'll enjoy it.”

It looks like I can look forward to reading this manga and do my best in today's class and part-time job.

Hiori and I head to where the other four are. When we do, Himura-san quickly hugs Hiori tightly.

“Hiori in cardigan is so cute! Since it's a cardigan, the hug feels softer than usual.”

You remember what the hug normally feels like? I guess it’s because ever since she revealed her affection for her, Himura-san has hugged Hiori many times. Also, I want to hug Hiori so much that I can tell the difference in how the hug feels.

“Fufu. Kyoko-san is also wearing a vest after all, that’s why the hug feels softer than before.”

As Hiori said, Himura-san is wearing a navy blue vest right now, unlike before. It’s darker than Hiori’s though.

By the way, Hazuki-san is wearing a bright beige cardigan. Kazuo is wearing a dress shirt with both sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and Shimizu-san is wearing the jacket, the same as before.

“Kyoko-san. That navy blue vest... it looks good on you.”

“Thank you, Hiori!”

Himura-san says very happily.

“I bought it because I remembered that Hiori wore a navy blue cardigan last year. I like vests better, so I went with a vest.”

I did think that the color is similar to Hiori's cardigan but, so that’s the reason. That’s so like Himura-san. Hazuki-san seems to think the same thing as me, “That's so like Himuko-ssu,” she says with a laugh.

“Is that so? I think it's best to wear what you like.” (Hiori)

“Fufu. But when I look at it again, the color is darker than Hiori's cardigan. Also, since it's a vest, it might look like I’m matching Kamitou. Well, it depends on the perspective of the person looking at it.”

Himura-san says in a calm tone.

“At first glance Himura and Kamitou might look matching!”

Kazuo says brightly.

Comparing my vest and Himura-san's vest... I can see that the colors are different, but they are close. As Kazuo said, at first glance, some people might think we are matching. When I look at Himura-san, my eyes meet hers. Then Himura-san's cheeks turn slightly red.

“Well, it’s fine if they look at me like that, but. M-more importantly, Hiori. Somehow, you don't look well today. I wonder if I think that because I saw you having fun a lot in Dome Town yesterday?”

“No, I'm actually still tired from yesterday. I enjoyed myself to the fullest after all. Also, the fact that the novel I read last night was so interesting that I ended up lacking sleep might be another reason.”

“I see.”

“It's so like Hiorin-ssu. It’s not good to push yourself too hard-ssu.”

“We have physical education class today. I hope Himura-san and Shimizu-san will take care of Hiori at that time.”

“Leave it to me!”

“I understand, Kamitou-kun.”

“...Geez, Akito-san.”

Hiori looks at me with kind eyes and whispers that.

I’ve told Himura-san and Shimizu-san, so I guess I can rest easy about PE for the time being.


Then, my school life after the consecutive holidays goes on.

During lessons in the classroom, I sometimes look at Hiori. During lunch break, I have lunch with Hiori, just the two of us. Perhaps her bento is delicious, but Hiori is a little more energetic than in the morning.

At the afternoon physical education class. Even though Himura-san and Shimizu-san are there, I still feel worried. I can’t concentrate as much as usual. But, after the class is over and I see Himura-san and Shimizu-san returning to the classroom while having a friendly chat, my fears turn out to be unfounded.

Today is Thursday, so Hiori has club activities with the literature club. I also have a part-time job. So, we made a promise to have a date after school tomorrow. Since neither of us have any plans on Saturday, we talked about wanting to go on a date, anywhere is fine.

Even though Hiori’s condition wasn’t the best, school life with her was fun. I wish that I can spend days like this starting tomorrow as well.


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