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Main Story 5 - Hiori’s Friend


School life begins today as well.

But, at every 10-minute break between classes, my friends and classmates come up to me and ask me various questions about Hiori. Like, which one of us confessed? Or, how far have I gone with Hiori? Because of that, I can't rest comfortably even though it's a break time. Hiori has also been spoken to by the girls.

Unlike usual, I can relax more when class is in session. I still get stared at by my classmates, and also glared at by Himura-san though. Maybe this is the fate of someone dating a popular person.


“Aki. You’ve just started dating her, so from today on, go have lunch with Aoyama.”

As soon as lunch break came, Kazuo said something like that.

When I turned around, Kazuo winked at me and gave me a thumbs up with his right hand. Isn't he really cool? I'm sure he is being considerate about Hiori and me.

We've just started dating, so I want to try to have lunch with Hiori alone. Let's accept Kazuo's kindness.

“Got it. Thank you.”

“Yeah! Also, everyone! You guys asked Aki a lot of questions during the 10-minute breaks so far, so give them some time to be alone during lunch break!”

Kazuo said that with a loud voice. Because of this, unlike the previous break time, no one comes to me to ask me questions. One reason for this situation is probably that Kazuo is well-liked, especially among boys.

“Thank you for telling everyone. However, are you going to be okay, Kazuo? Before, when you were alone with Shimizu-san, you were so nervous that you couldn't eat much, right?”

“That was only when we just started dating. As you’d expect, we’re okay now! After all, Miu and I are often alone together when we go to and from school and when we go to club activities. We've gotten used to talking alone.”

“I see. You've grown.”

“As expected, after one year we’d be able to talk normally, Kamitou-kun.”

Before I knew it, Shimizu-san had arrived near us while carrying a lunch bag.

“After this, I'm going to eat lunch with Kazuo-kun while watching over Kamitou-kun and Hiori-chan.”

There was a happy smile on Shimizu-san's face as she said that. Her main purpose of eating alone with Kazuo might be to enjoy watching over me and Hiori from a distance. The two of them might have decided on this in advance.

“Got it. Then, I'll go to Hiori, Shimizu-san, you can use my seat.”

“Thank you, Kamitou-kun.”

I got up from my chair to lend it to Shimizu-san.

I wondered how Hiori was doing and looked at her. When I did, it seemed Hiori was talking with a female student. I looked rea─lly closely at the person she was talking to, and... I realized that she was the female student from the literature club who sometimes ate with Hiori. I thought maybe she had a prior appointment to eat with her today... but the female student was empty-handed.

Shortly after that, Hiori and the female student from the literature club came toward us. As they did so, the female student's dark brown hair, which was tied in one side, swayed. At first glance, she seems to be about 10 centimeters shorter than Hiori. Partly because of that, she gives off a slightly childish impression.

“Everyone, this girl is my friend Hazuki Saaya-san, whom I met at the literature club right after entering the school. So, Saaya-san. I showed you the photo, but this is Kamitou Akito-san, someone I’m dating on a trial basis. These two are Shimizu Miu-san and Kuraki Kazuo-san, who just became my friends. They are dating.”

“Kamitou-kun, Miumiu, and Kuraki-kun, right? Nice to meet you. I’m Hazuki Saaya, Year 2 Class 5 in the science class-ssu! Please take care of me-ssu!”

Hazuki-san said cheerfully. She's a memorable girl with a bright smile. Her sentence endings are unique, and she's like the complete opposite of Hiori.

Also, I wonder if girls give each other nicknames even when they meet for the first time.

“I'm Kamitou Akito. As Hiori said, we've been dating on a trial basis since yesterday.”

“I'm Shimizu Miu. I'm the manager of the track and field club. Nice to meet you. Also, Miumiu is cute, isn’t it?”

Perhaps because the nickname she gave her was well-received, Hazuki-san patted her chest in relief.

“I’m glad-ssu. I often give nicknames to girl-ssu. I came up with a nice nickname right away, so I tried to say it-ssu.”

“So that means, you're calling Hiori by her nickname as well?”

“Of course! Hiorin-ssu.”

“Hiorin, huh. That's a good nickname. It makes Hiori look even cuter.”

“That feeling... I kinda get it, Aki. Being called Miumiu makes Miu look even cuter. I'm Kuraki Kazuo. Member of the track and field club, focusing on short distances. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you-ssu! You're so big aren’t you! That’s why you look so fast-ssu!”

“Yeah! I do my best to run fast!”

Kazuo gave her a thumbs up, so Hazuki-san also smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Somehow, I didn’t think there’s any students in the science class who joined the literature club.

“You see~, last night I got excited when I heard Hiorin’s story about Kamitou-kun. It gave me a lot of ideas for new works, so I ended up staying up late-ssu. Because of that, I overslept and barely made it to school. That's why I came to see the live Kamitou-kun at this time-ssu.”

“I see.”

Ideas for new works... huh. I wonder if Hazuki-san often writes romance novels.

Hazuki-san carefully looked at my whole body.

“Now that I see you in person like this, Kamitou-kun is quite handsome-ssu! Just as Hiorin said, I can feel your gentle and calm atmosphere-ssu.”

Being called handsome by a girl makes me happy. Also, I'm also happy that Hiori said that to Hazuki-san.

“To think you'd be dating Hiorin, who is also known as [Absolute Zero Lady], even if it’s just a trial. Kamitou-kun is amazing-ssu.”

Hazuki-san lightly poked my side with her right elbow.

But, it ended only after a few elbow pokes. Hazuki-san had been smiling all this time, but now her expression turned serious.

“As a friend, I wish Hiorin happiness-ssu. So that Hiorin can feel happy about this relationship, I want you to go out with Hiorin-ssu. I will support you-ssu. But, if, If Hiorin is having a hard time and seems sad, then... at that time, as a friend, I'll pull her apart from you, okay-ssu?”

Hazuki-san looked into my eyes and said that in a lower tone than before. And then, she stood in front of Hiori.

Precisely because she cared so much about Hiori, that she not only wished her happiness, but also told me what she’d do if something were to happen. Even though her friend said something like that, Hiori doesn’t seem particularly displeased.

Because of Hazuki-san's words just now, before I knew it I straightened up my back.

“Got it. I'll make Hiori happy. That's why, I want Hazuki-san to watch over us.”

“...Roger-ssu. I'll leave Hiorin to you-ssu.”

Hazuki-san said with a gentle smile.

After that, Hazuki-san exchanged contact information with Kazuo, myself, and Shimizu-san, and left the classroom.

“She’s a good friend.”

“Yes. She's a very wonderful person. I'm glad I met Saaya-san at this school.”

“I see. ...It's lunch time, but why don’t we eat together? Just like that time when we talked about the rules, we’ll sit facing each other at Hiori's desk.”

“Of course it's fine. Because I also wanted to eat with Akito-san.”

“I'm so happy. ...Then, I'll eat lunch at Hiori's seat.”

“Yeah!” (Kazuo)

“Take care~” (Miu)

I grabbed my lunch package and water bottle and headed over to Hiori's seat. I'm looking forward to having lunch with Hiori.


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She looks like a very bright character-ssu