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Main Story 4 - New Morning


Tuesday, April 27th.

I woke up feeling extraordinarily good today. It's no exaggeration to say it's the best of this year... no, it's the best of my life. I'm sure it's because I was able to become a trial lover with Hiori.

According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny all day today, I won’t have to worry about rain. So, I decided to go to school by bicycle again today.

I’ll make it in time even if I leave home at the same time as usual. But, today is the first time we are meeting up. Just to be safe, I left home a little earlier than usual.

Even though the gears are the same as usual, the pedals feel light. It feels good to be able to ride so smoothly. I wonder if Hiori is also walking towards the meeting place right now.

Without any incident, I arrived at the intersection where I parted ways with Hiori yesterday.

When I checked the time on my watch, it was now... 8:02 am, huh. At this time, Hiori might not have arrived yet.

Once the light turns green, I cross the intersection and head to the meeting place under the overpass.


The moment I looked at the underpass, I saw a silver-haired woman standing there. A navy blue jacket and a dark gray skirt. And a red ribbon. It’s the girls' uniform at Kasagaya High School. There is no doubt about it. That woman is Hiori. As I approached the underpass, I knew that my deduction was correct.

I got off my bike just short of the underpass and headed over to Hiori.

“Hiori, good morning.”

When I called out to her, Hiori turned around and gave me a small wave. Hiori is beautiful and cute today too. Such a girl is my lover, right? It’s just a trial though. I’m so happy that even now I still think this is a dream.

“Good morning, Akito-san.”

“Morning. It was our first time meeting up, so I left a little early. Then, it turned out that Hiori was already waiting for me. Did you wait long?”

“No. I arrived here a few minutes ago. I also left home early for the same reason. Also, I felt happy and relieved to meet Akito-san in this place. Is it because it was my first time meeting up?”

"That might be true. I was also relieved when I met Hiori. Then, shall we go to school?”


We start walking towards the school.

I've been cycling along this road since I entered the school, and I walked it with Hiori on the way home yesterday. But, because this is my first time going to school with Hiori, the scenery around me feels very fresh.

“You know, Hiori?”

“What is it?”

“Have you ever met up and gone to school with someone like this?”

“Never at all. But, if I pass through Kasagaya Station and meet a friend from the literature club who goes to school by train, I go with her.”

“So that’s how it is. By a friend from the literature club, I guess you mean the girl who sometimes comes to our classroom during lunch break and eats lunch with Hiori.”

“That's right. But, it's not uncommon for the Tokyo Chuo Line to be delayed by a few minutes. And that girl sometimes oversleeps and makes it to school at the last minute. And I don't have an exact time when I leave home either. When I go through the station, I look around while going from the ticket gate to the south exit, and if I don't see her, I go alone.”

“I see.”

My father and older sister use the Tokyo Chuo Line to commute to work and school. They both said, “It's not uncommon for there to be a few minutes delay in the morning.”

“Does Akito-san ever meet up and go to school with someone?”

“Usually not. If I meet a friend near the school, I get off my bike and go with them. Also, during the period before regular exams when club activities are prohibited, I meet up with Kazuo and go to school with him. Because he doesn't have morning practice then. Kazuo lives in an apartment near the meeting place after all.”

“So that’s how it is. You and Kuraki-san are really good friends, I see.”

“Yeah. Out of all the people I met in high school, he’s the person I get along with best.”

“I see... same with me, that girl is the person I get along with best of all the people I met in high school.”

“I see.”

Because she’s the person she gets along with best, she smiles a few times in front of her. I too...  hope I can be someone that can make Hiori smile.

“By the way, Akito-san, have you told anyone about our relationship?”

“I’ve told my family, Kazuo, and Shimizu-san. They all knew that I’ve been in love with Hiori, so they all congratulated me. My father and Shimizu-san advised me that even if it was just a trial, Hiori is still my lover, so I should cherish you.”

“So that’s how it is. I am glad to hear that. I also told my family and my friend from the literature club. I told them the details, showed them a photo of Akito-san, and showed my family the notepad where I write the rules we decided on together. Then, they all accepted our trial relationship. My little sister was excited and my mother was thrilled.”

“So that’s how it is. That’s a relief to hear.”

I was anxious about how her family would react, so they accepted it. Leaving aside if it's official, I thought they’d show disapproval about us dating after setting up a trial period. Especially her father.

Also, her mother was thrilled and her little sister was excited? Hiori is normally cool and expressionless, so I thought the rest of her family was calm. I wonder if Hiori's coolness was something she inherited from her father. Or maybe it’s just Hiori's personality?

Maybe because I was walking while talking to Hiori, but before I knew it, I was walking near Kasagaya High School. The school gate was beginning to come into view.

There are many students from Kasagaya High School walking around us, many of them are looking at us. Many of the students are surprised or giving us skeptical glances. Some of them are glaring at me as if they recognized me as her lover.

“To think that Absolute Zero Lady is walking together with a boy...”

“I can't believe it. Isn’t this a dream? A dream where only the images are real.”

I hear such voices. I, too, would suspect that this was a dream if I see Hiori walking with another boy.

“We're getting a lot of attention.”

“That's right. Hiori is popular and well known after all.”

Besides, Hiori has rejected every confession until now. If they saw such a girl walking with a boy, they would probably wonder what was going on. It looks like it is going to be normal for her to be looked at by many students like this for a while from now.

“I feel like there are some people who are looking at Akito-san though. Akito-san is cool and has a gentle atmosphere after all.”

“...I wonder if there are.”

“I'm sure there are. Also, there are some students who are glaring at me.”

When Hiori said that, I looked around and... sure enough, there are several female students who are giving Hiori sharp glances.

“...So there are.”

“...Many students have confessed to me. But, I have turned them all down. There are probably people who find me uninteresting and hateful. I'm fully aware of that. I don't mind at all as long as they only glare at me. Besides, I'm used to people looking at me. So it's okay.”

“If so, that's fine. Just don't force yourself. If you're having a hard time, tell me.”


As she said that in response, Hiori looked into my eyes and nodded.

“By the way, how do you feel about being called Absolute Zero Lady?”

“They might call me that to make fun of me, but I don't think it's particularly unpleasant. Besides, Absolute Zero Lady... it doesn't sound bad.”

“I see.”

That's surprising. I thought she might not like it.

We pass through the school gate and enter Kasagaya High School.

I go to the bicycle parking lot and park my bicycle. I pray that no one steals it or makes it unrideable.

“Thank you for waiting, Hiori. Shall we go?”


Together with Hiori, I started walking towards the entrance to Classroom Building B.

As we entered the school, the number of students looking at us increased even more. They are also gossiping. Also, I wonder if news about Hiori going to school with a male student is spreading through LIME and other media? There are multiple students looking at us from the classroom windows. I feel like I'm a celebrity. I'm starting to get nervous.

Hiori... is unfazed. Is it because she is always receiving attention? As expected of her.

“Ah, Aoyama-senpai!”

When we were about to enter Classroom Building B, a black-haired boy about the same height as me spoke to us. He calls Hiori senpai, and the color of the school badge on the lapel hole of his blazer is green. Is he a first year student? His face is red, so I can guess why he spoke to Hiori.

“I've loved you ever since I saw you right after I entered the school! Will you go out with me?”

As I thought, it’s a confession huh? Can't he see me standing next to her? Or maybe he can see me, but he was betting on the possibility that I’m not her lover.

Hiori quickly grabs my right hand,

“I'm sorry. I can't go out with you. I started dating this person yesterday.”


The moment Hiori answered that, the students around us shouted that. Their voices were so loud it made my body tremble. Perhaps because Hiori was surprised as well, her eyes widened.

The male student who confessed his feelings was so shocked that he remained dazed with his mouth open.

When I looked around, I saw many students looking at us. Several students were surprised or shocked.

With so many students nearby, I guess it's only a matter of time before the whole school finds out that “Hiori is dating a boy.”

“...I-I see.”

I heard the male student who had confessed to Hiori say that, and when I turned to him, I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

“May you be happy with that person─!”

After saying that while shouting, the male student ran off into Building B. Also, that boy who wishes for her happiness is a nice guy.

The students who were watching us also started to gradually disperse.

“There he goes. Also, I'm sorry, Akito-san. I grabbed your hand without permission. I thought if I do this, it would be easier for him to understand our relationship.”

“I see.”

Certainly, there is an image that holding hands between people of the opposite sex is something that people don't quite do unless they are in a relationship like lovers or husband and wife. In childhood, even friends would hold hands though.

Also, I know it's too late now, but... I'm holding hands with Hiori. Although it’s just our hands, our skin is touching each other. Suddenly my heart is racing.

“D-don't worry about it. Besides, I'm happy to hold hands with Hiori.”

“I'm relieved to hear that. Also, being able to feel Akito-san's warmth coming through your hands is nice, isn’t it?”

“That’s good.”

I wouldn’t know what to do if she told me she didn't want to hold hands except for times like now because it felt weird.

After that, I kept holding hands with Hiori until we reached the entrance.

We changed into our indoor shoes and headed to the Year 2 Class 2 classroom.

We entered the classroom through the front door. Maybe it's because we entered the class together. Or maybe because word of us dating is already spread, most of our classmates are looking at us.


I heard someone click their tongues, so I turned toward them, and I saw my classmate Himura Kyoko-san glaring at me from her seat. Dignified atmosphere, well-defined features. And that striking red hair tied in a ponytail.

Himura-san has been glaring at Hiori for a while now, but I wonder if there's something she doesn't like about her. By the way, she is also popular and has been confessed to by many students. But not as much as Hiori, so I wonder if she's jealous of that. Because of these things, some of our classmates say that “Aoyama of ice, and Himura of fire.”

“Aki, Aoyama, good morning!”

“Good morning, both of you!”

Kazuo and Shimizu-san waved cheerfully towards us. We also waved to those two. And I headed towards the two of them with Hiori.

“Kazuo, Shimizu-san, good morning.”

“Good morning. Shimizu-san and Kuraki-san.”

“Good morning! I'm glad that you can go out with her even if it’s on a trial basis, Aki!”

Smack! Kazuo slapped me on the back. He put a lot of force into it, so I ended up letting out a strange “Uoh!” voice. Also, it really hurts.

“Kazuo. Control your strength. It hurts.”

“S-sorry! I was so happy that my right hand got caught up in it. Aoyama, Aki is a good guy. I'd be happy if you could get along with Aki!”

“It’s as Kazuo-kun said. Please get along with Kamitou-kun. He's a good person you can rely on.”

“When I talked to him after school yesterday, I already thought of Akito-san as someone I could rely on.”

“I see. Kamitou-kun, I said it yesterday too, but you have to cherish Aoyama-san. Don't do anything strange just because she’s your trial lover.”

“Of course.”

I have to be careful not to do anything that will hurt Hiori or make her dislike me.

“If that’s the case, that’s good. Aoyama-san too, you can always rely on me, okay?”

“Thank you very much, Shimizu-san.”

Shimizu-san is a lively girl and gives advice, like just now. I'm sure she'll be a reliable ally for Hiori.

“You can call me by my name, Hiori-chan.”

“I understand. ...Miu-san.”

Shimizu-san nodded in satisfaction, probably because Hiori called her by her name.

“Yeah, this is good! From now on, let's get along as friends!”

“With me too! My friend's lover is my friend!”


What a logic. But, this idea is typical of the humanistic Kazuo, I thought. If it’s Kazuo who had a girlfriend named Shimizu-san, he probably would be able to go out with Hiori as a friend.

“Then, let's exchange contact information! Kazuo-kun too.” (Miu)

“Yeah!” (Kazuo)

“I understand. It's fine.” (Hiori)

Hiori exchanged contact information with Shimizu-san and Kazuo. Perhaps because she just made two new friends. The expression on Hiori's face as she looked at her smartphone screen seemed brighter than usual.


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Well, cat's out the bag, let's hope the other students don't act like psycho simps too much