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Chapter 46


“Huh, Sakicchi, could it be, you...”
“W-what is it?”
“Are you jealous? Because you thought you were the only one who knew?”
“Th-that’s not it!”

 ‘Hmph’, she turned her face away.
 Mayumi's point was correct. Because Saki was supposed to be the only one who understood Osamu.
 She felt like Mayumi had occupied that part of her.

 Being pointed out and that her point was correct was embarrassing and made her uneasy.
 Not wanting to be pointed out why she had such feelings, Saki decided to remain silent.

“Well, that part is okay. Just now, I was talking to Shimazaki-kun, about what we should do today.”
“What we should do today, meaning?”

 When the subject changed, Saki tilted her head and Mayumi smiled.

“You see, I was thinking of having Shimazaki-kun stay over.”
“Shimazaki-san in my house!? Why are you talking about that!?”
“Look, if something happens, Shimazaki-kun can help, right?”
“I-In that case, it doesn't have to be Shimazaki-san, right?! First of all, it's too early!”
“Eh, too early?”

 Mayumi picked up these words. Realizing she blurted out the words without thinking, Saki hurriedly shook her head.

“It's too early for a high school student to let someone of the opposite sex stay at their house!”
“Eh─, I don’t think it’s particularly early though?”

 Mayumi tilted her head with a sly grin on her face, and Saki kept shaking her head like a spoiled child.
 Osamu smiled wryly and turned his gaze outside the window. When he did, he saw the setting sun shining through the window.

“That's how it is, Morishima... I'm going home soon. I'll leave the rest to you.”

 In the end, Osamu stayed at her house the whole day, from morning until evening.
 Mayumi folded her arms, then laughed.

“Hmm, it's a shame, but I guess it can't be helped. Then, see you.”
“Yeah... Hino too, sorry that I barged in on your day off.”

 Osamu lowered his head, and Saki immediately denied it.

“No... that's not true. You were very helpful. Thank you very much.”
“...I'm glad to hear that. See you then.”
“Yes, until next time.”
“Yeah, once you get over your cold.”

 They saw Osamu off at the entrance. The door closed shut, and she was struck by a slight feeling of loneliness.
 Still, once Saki finished accepting the parting, she realized that Mayumi was watching her.

“...What is it?”
“Hmm, it's nothing, you know? I don't think anything like ‘you look really lonely’, you know?”
“...I don’t really feel like that, okay? There's still one noisy person left after all.”

 After sullenly saying that, Saki glanced at Mayumi.

“Somehow, it seems like you've become close, huh.” (Saki)
“Huh, jealous?”
“I’m not jealous.”

 Saki took a single glance at Mayumi, then returned to the living room together.
 However, Mayumi didn’t say even a single thing about “a certain something”.
 “A certain something” they talked about before Saki slept. Curious, Saki glanced repeatedly at Mayumi, but she couldn't resist and asked her.

“...So, h-how was it?”
“How what?”
“L-like I said... um, I was wondering... what does Shimazaki-san, think of me...”
“Ah─, so you are curious?”
“O-of course I am, right? But, not really as members of the opposite sex. I'm just wondering if I’ve built a good friendship with him...”
“Hmm, secret.”
“Because I’ve also become friends with Shimazaki-kun. Although it seems like he has various feelings for Sakicchi, wouldn't it be bad if I revealed them?”
“I-is it something bad...?”
“Hmm, secret.”
“...Kuh, I was a fool to have high hopes for Mayumi!”
“Ahaha, you high hopes, huh? But well, you should just do your best at your current pace.”
“...W-what will I do if our relationship deteriorates?”

 Saki desperately continued, tears in the corners of her eyes.


Chapter 47


 Monday after the weekend.
 When Osamu arrived at school and was preparing to write in the classroom as usual, his smartphone rang.
 It was a message. The sender was Saki. He patted his chest down in relief.

[I have already recovered from my cold. It's all thanks to Shimazaki-san, thank you very much.]
[I’m glad nothing happened.]
[Shimazaki-san too, are you okay? Is it possible that you have caught my cold?]
[Yeah, I’m okay.]

 Their exchange ended there, and Osamu stretched his back lightly.
 And so, in the increasingly noisy classroom, Osamu's presence faded away as usual.


 Once it becomes lunch break, the previously quiet classroom suddenly becomes noisy. While his classmates were doing their own activities, Osamu was looking at his smartphone screen.
 He was scheduled to receive a call from his editor during lunch break. Since he didn't have the courage to openly take a phone call in the classroom, he decided to leave the classroom for a while.
 When Osamu got up from the seat, two boys near him──the youkya boys who usually belittled him──laughed at him.

* (T/N: youkya and inkya. cheery character and gloomy character. I can't find any good translation for those, so I used the raw as is.)

“How rare for Otaku to move during lunch break.”
“Well, rare things happen sometimes─”
“It might rain today!”

 As they said that, they started talking to the other girls by making fun of another person.
 Osamu is the one they talked about, but he pretended he didn't hear it and left the classroom.

 Then, he headed to a place where there were no people. The location is in the corner of the schoolyard.
 Osamu took out the sweet bread he had prepared and started eating them.
 Soon, his smartphone rang. He immediately put it to his ear.

[Thank you for your hard work, I’m sorry you had to deal with this during your lunch break.]

 What he heard was a woman's voice.

“No, it's okay. I'm just thinking about my novel anyway.”
[You're really enthusiastic. First is the main point. It’s about the part that you finished and sent to me the other day... it was really amazing.]
“Eh, really!?”
[Yeah, I didn't expect the psychological depiction of the protagonist and heroine would be so solid. Well, heroine aside, the protagonist was more charming than ever. What happened? Could it be, you got a girlfriend?]

 As his editor said that in a teasing tone, Osamu smiled wryly.
 He knew from the beginning that she would probably say that, so he gave her the answer he had prepared in advance.

“No... it's not like that. I just studied various things.”
[That's a good thing. Well, keep up the good work. I have high hopes for the second half as well.]
“I'm a little stuck there. As expected, do we need a new heroine or something?”
[That's fine, but saving the heroine who is in trouble is easier to understand. It doesn't matter if the struggle is just to make the heroine eat something she doesn't like, anything is fine.]

 He took notes of his editor’s advice.

“...I understand. I'll try writing various things.”
[Yeah. I'm counting on you. At this pace, will it be finished within this month?]
“...It seems so. I think it'll work out somehow.”
[Well, I guess you have school classes too. Just do it to the extent that you don't neglect them. And about the next topic. It has been decided that the second volume will be reprinted. Congratulations.]
“Thank you very much... that's good to hear, somehow, it looks like it's still selling.”
[Far from ‘somehow’ It's actually selling quite well. We've put out advertisements, so it might sell even more from now on.]

 The editor's voice is lively, so it's probably not flattery.


Chapter 48


“...Is that so? Even so, I'm still far from the writers I admired.”
[Haha, I see. Well, it's much better than getting carried away. Didn’t it become a hot topic at your school? Because it seems like most of the buyers are middle school and high school students.]
“...Let’s, see. I do hear about it from time to time.”
[I see, I see. So why don’t you advertise it yourself?]
“...You know I don't have any friends, right?”
[Haha, that's why you should use this chance. Why not just casually recommend a book?]
“That's exactly why. I don't like it if they find out. Besides, I still have to aim for the top. If I recall correctly, those were the two things you asked me to do, right?”
[Aah. Also, although it's not confirmed yet, there's talk of holding an autograph session at a bookstore.]
“...I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to show my face.”
[Is that so? If that's the case, I'll have a meeting with the other party with that in mind. Well, I don't know what will happen, but please keep this in mind.]
“I understand, thank you very much.”
[Then, see you, don't neglect school either. After all, a student's main duty is to study.]

 After hanging up the phone there, Osamu's mouth loosened.
 After that, he ate lunch while reading a book, and was about to go back to class when his phone rang again.
 Osamu tilted his head and picked up his smartphone. The name displayed there is Shimazaki Nana.

 She is Osamu's older sister. Even though she regularly contacted him, he didn’t expect her to contact him at this time.

“Hello, Nee-san?”
[Hey, hello Osamu. I got your message, how about today?]
“Ah, yeah. It’s fine, but... is it okay so suddenly?”
[Of course. Besides, it’s my cute little brother’s request after all.]
“...Thank you.”
[It’s fine, really. Still, to think Osamu would ask me to cut his hair. Didn’t you always hate being used as a test subject?]

 Giggles echoed through the phone.
 Nana is an apprentice beautician attending a beauty school. About once a month, she would visit Osamu's house to clean his room and take care of his hair.

“...Um, I wanted to look good to other people, I said it in my message, didn’t I?”
[Yeah, that’s true, but for what? Did you have to show your face as a novelist or something?]
“That’s not it.”
[Haha─n, then you found someone you like?]

 Nana's words made his heart tighten. He tried to deny it, but he ended up falling silent, and Nana, surprised, continued.

[Huh, could it be, I got it right?]
“...I don't really know if I like her or not, but there's someone... of the opposite sex that I wanted to look good to. That’s why, um... I thought I'd ask you for help.”
[Haha─n, I see how it is. Roger, leave it to me. As for your hairstyle, I've prepared some cool hairstyles that will look good on you, so I'll give you a clean cut.]
“...Thank you.”
[Well then, I'll go after school today, what time will you be home?]
“...Around 17:00 I guess.”
[Roger, I'll go to your apartment then, so be there at 17:00.]
“I know it already. I’m not Nee-san after all, I’ll be there on time.”
[That's one word too much! All right, then just wash your neck and wait.]
“Yeah, don't be too late.”

 He hung up the phone with Nana while giving a wry smile.
 Osamu let out a light breath, then took a deep breath to release the heat from his cheeks.
 He is fairly close to his older sister Nana, and he was able to express his honest feelings to her like he did just now.
 And, hearing those words so clearly, Osamu felt embarrassed all over again.

(...Do I like her?)

 Osamu thought back to Saki's movement as well as her smile, and shook his head.
 She's such a beautiful girl. There's no way Osamu can match her.
 The word ‘unattainable flower’ came to his mind. An existence you can never reach out for.

 As if swallowing down the thoughts that kept popping into his head, Osamu threw the sweet bread into his mouth in one go.
 After that, he turned his attention toward his novel, but he still couldn't get Saki's smile out of his head.


Chapter 49


 Saki was in the classroom, preparing for her next class.
 She has completely recovered from her cold after being nursed by two people all day yesterday.
 Remembering how Osamu had come so quickly for her, Saki’s mouth naturally loosened.

(...This won’t do. Grinning in a place like this would make me a weirdo.)

 That’s what she thought, but she still couldn't quite forget the Sunday she spent with Osamu.
 As she immersed herself in this happy world,

“Hino-san looks beautiful today too...”
“Or rather, isn’t there some cuteness mixed in with her beauty today?”
“Th-that's true, isn't it? How should I put it, I guess her innocent cuteness has come out to the surface... Maybe something good happened on the weekend?”

 Shocked, Saki’s shoulders jumped. She cleared her throat once and tightened her expression.

“Oi... did you hear?”

 That’s when another boy appeared and joined the group.

“Oh, ooh... what? Or rather, doesn't your face look like a zombie?!”
“...That’s, obvious... you, didn’t you hear?”
“Like I said, what are you talking about?”
“On Saturday, there was an eyewitness report that Hino-san was seen with a man at a cake buffet shop!”

 The male student raised his voice and Saki almost choked.
 Still, she managed to hold it in and tried to not show a single bit of it in her expression.
 His words seemed to shock the other boys out of their seats.

“It, it can’t be... that’s impossible isn’t it!? Maybe he is Hino-san’s older brother or father?”
“Hino-san is an only child! And it has been confirmed that he is not Hino-san's father either!”
(...H-how do they know so much?)

 Saki was tempted to butt in, but she held back. If she reacted here, she would be questioned about the situation on Saturday piece by piece.
 She flipped through his textbook, giving off the air that she is preparing for the next class. She also did it with even more ferocious force than usual to make it impossible for anyone to call out to her.
 However, the content of the textbook didn't enter her mind at all. Saki's focus continued to be directed to the male students’ conversation.

“S-so, who is he?”
“Like I said... there's a strong theory that he is Hino-san’s boyfriend.”
“...B-boyfriend, you said... Th-they aren't doing that rental girlfriend thing or something like that, right?”
(Re-Rental girlfriend? What is that?)

 Brimming with curiosity, the serious Saki immediately looked it up on her phone to find out about what caught her interest, and then she choked.

“If she was a rental girlfriend, I'd have rented her a long time ago! I looked around those sites, but it was definitely different. I tried other people who looked like that, but it was totally different!
”O-ooh! Then is he really... her boyfriend?”
“...Might, be. Hey, you guys... go ask her.”
“Th-that's impossible. Calling out to Hino-san... it's presumptuous for a person as small as me to do something like that...! My body would disappear!”
“Oi! After all the effort I’ve done to give you this information, you coward!”
“Then you go!”

 When Saki was about to glare at the boys, a female classmate finally came towards Saki.

“Somehow, the boys are making a lot of fuss, aren't they? Shall I tell them that this is a misunderstanding?"

 She forgot her preparation for class and was playing with her smartphone, giving her a gap for others to call out to her. Saki felt pain as if her throat was tightening, but she desperately tried to remain calm.

“...A misunderstanding, I suppose it is. He’s just a good friend, not my boyfriend, so I suppose there is a need to correct that mistake.”

 When Saki said this clearly, the female student’s eyes widened.

“S-so the part that you went out with a boy is true?”

 The female student raised her voice. Everyone in the class took notice of that.


Chapter 50


 Saki gave a wry smile and scratched her cheek.

“Yes, well. But we're good friends. He’s not my boyfriend or anything like what they said earlier.”
“...But, you see, Saki hardly ever has anything to do with boys, and yet, you go out with one?”

 Seeing the female student’s face brimming with interest, Saki responded with a wry smile.

“Yes, well. He's someone I've been close to lately.”

 She gave the female student a smile.
 Although she was a little embarrassed, Saki spoke confidently, as there was a possibility that they would make unnecessary assumptions if she choked on her words.

 Seeing Saki's state, the female students' mouths loosened.
 Then, the male students let out a sound that sounded somehow despairing.

“...What’s wrong?”
“Well, you know... just from the fact that Saki gets along so well with a boy means it’s hopeless for those dull guys in the class, right?”
“...Umm, what does that mean?”
“Haha, well, Saki doesn't have to worry about it! I hope you get along well with that boy.”
“That’s true... that’s what I really want as well.”

 When Saki said that as if she was clenching her teeth, the female student hugged her tightly.

“W-what are you doing all of a sudden!?”
“Oh my, I just think your expression that looks like a maiden in love right now is cute!”
“‘A maiden in love’ you say... it’s not like that, okay?”

 Although she calmly pointed this out, the female student continued to misunderstand her.


 It was after school and Saki was going home with Mayumi.

“Somehow, it became a hot topic at school.”
“...It’s fine no matter who I try to get along with, right?”
“That just means Sakicchi is that popular, right?”
“...I don't deny their favor itself, but it would be troubling if so many people like me.”
“Ahaha, that’ll make unpopular people your enemy!”
“...But, isn’t that the truth?”

 Saki promptly replied to Mayumi. After walking for a while, she parted ways with Mayumi at an intersection.

“Then, see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, see you tomorrow.”

 After parting ways with Mayumi, she walked alone to her apartment.
 Then, when she passed by the apartment where Osamu lived, she stopped.

 Naturally, her eyes were looking for Osamu.
 Recently, whenever she passed by the apartment where Osamu lives, she always found herself searching for his figure like this.

 The reason for this action is simple. Because it might increase the chances of seeing Osamu even if it’s just a glance.

 Today too, Saki couldn't see his figure and she let out a small sigh.
 When she was about to pass the apartment, it happened. The door to a certain room opened. From there Osamu appeared.

 Surprised, Saki became happy, and just as she took a step toward the apartment, thinking of calling out to him, she stopped.
 Because a single beautiful woman appeared from behind him.

“Hey, Osamu! Your room is really dirty!”
“...It's not that dirty, this much is normal for high school boys.”
“Geez, even though I come once a month, doesn't it feel like I'm doing a major cleaning every time? You should be a little more careful.”
“...I am careful.”
“Then show it with your actions! Oops!”

 As the woman tried to go down the stairs with a garbage bag in each hand, she missed her footing on the stairs.
 Osamu, who was standing below her, caught her, looked at the woman's face, and smiled kindly.

“That’s dangerous… geez, are you hurt?”
“You were the one who caused the danger! Really!”

 That's what the woman said as she shouted.
 Saki looked at Osamu and the woman for a while, then rushed out.

(A-a girlfriend!? B-but, he said he doesn’t have one, but... c-could it be, is she interested in Shimazaki-san and is approaching him!?)

 Saki's thoughts became a mess and she desperately ran to her apartment with tears in her eyes.


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