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Chapter 41


 Mayumi pushed Saki to her room, then her mouth loosened into a grin.
 Saki was startled by the look in her eyes as if she was hunting for prey, and her shoulders jumped.

“Mayumi, thank you very much for taking the trouble to visit me.”

 If Mayumi is allowed to speak freely, she will be defeated. Thinking so, Saki released a preemptive attack.

“That's fine. But why is Shimazaki-kun here?”

 Her preemptive attack was easily repelled and returned.

“...I-I didn't really call him, you know!? It's true, okay!”
“Then, why is he here?”
“...Shimazaki-san somehow noticed that I wasn't feeling well. Even though I only sent him a short message...”

 Saki said and showed Mayumi the screen of her smartphone.
 Peeking into it, Mayumi giggled.

“I see. But if you send a message like this, wouldn't someone with good sense understand it?”
“...Uu, is that so?”
“I mean, if Sakicchi were in the opposite position, you'd be a little suspicious, right? I think it's up to the other person to decide whether or not to act from there.”

 Saki was curious about Mayumi's words and immediately looked up.

“Up to the other person? Meaning?”
“In short, Shimazaki-kun was concerned enough about Sakicchi. If he didn’t, he wouldn't have come, right?”

 When Saki heard this, she felt hot all the way to her ears as if they were burning. And her expectations swelled up excessively. Saki's mouth naturally loosened as she felt a rush of joy.
 After that Mayumi searched the basket for Saki's change of clothes and towel. Because they were all packed in the laundry basket, everything was wrinkled.

“Geez, you should clean up properly.”
“...The only thing in there is my loungewear anyway.”
“Still, you could have more to show Shimazaki-kun, you know?"
“...I will be careful.”
“Yeah, be careful.”

 While they were talking like that, there was a knock on the door of the room.

“It's okay─, come in.”

 The door opened and Osamu appeared with a plastic bucket.

“The hot water is ready...”
“Thank you, can you put it on that table?”
“Got it.”

 Osamu did as Mayumi said and put the bucket down. Mayumi quickly took out a towel and lightly dipped it in the bucket.

“Well then, I'll be heading home soon.”
“...I'm sorry, Shimazaki-san. You've helped me in so many ways.”

 If she had sent him home earlier, the two of them wouldn't have met. While Saki was secretly reflecting on this, Mayumi interjected.

“Huh, did you have something to do?”
“No, it's not like that... I just think it's better for the two of you friends to be alone.”
“It's fine! Besides, I also wanted to talk to you about a lot of things! Besides, we might still need some male help.”

 When Mayumi said that, Osamu looked as if he was thinking about it, then nodded slightly.

“...Got it, then, I'll be in the living room, so if you need anything, call me.”
“Ro─ger─! I'll finish it right away and head over!”

 Mayumi gives a sharp salute.
 It was obvious that Mayumi was planning something, so Saki glared intently at her.

“...What are you planning? If you do something strange to Shimazaki-san, I'll get angry.”
“I'm not going to do anything strange, okay? I just want to ask him what he think about Sakicchi or something.”
“Y-you're trying to do something weird! W-what will you do if he says something weird...”
“At that time I'll keep it to myself!”
“Wouldn’t that mean that if you didn’t say anything to me, his evaluation would be the worst?!!”

 Saki scratched her head and screamed.
 Mayumi ignored such Saki and prepared the towel.
 While watching her intently, Saki put her hand on the button of her pajamas.


Chapter 42


“Can you take off your clothes by yourself?”
“...Probably, I can.”
“Then, take off your clothes. If we don't at least wipe off your sweat, it will get worse.”
“...I know already.”

 Then she smoothly took off her pajamas. Her pajamas were sticky with sweat. This sweat was not just from her cold, but also from shame and impatience.

“Wow, you're sweating like crazy, aren't you? Are you okay?”
“That's because Mayumi keeps making fun of me.”
“No no, not particularly. I'm just talking normally, okay? Or rather, you appeared in front of Shimazaki-kun with all your buttons undone, huh?”
“Uhya!? N-now that I think about it... I did, huh... uuu.”

 She wasn’t aware of it until it was pointed out to her.
 When Mayumi laughed out loud, Saki's eyes instantly became sharper.
 However, from Mayumi's point of view, such a glare attack had no significant effect.

“Are you that forgiving? Or are you just careless?”
“…I’m forgiving.”* (T/N: I don’t get it.)

 Given the ultimate choice between the two by Mayumi, Saki chose the former.
 After Saki finished taking off her clothes, she turned her body towards Mayumi. Mayumi carefully wipes off the sweat from her now that she is in her underwear.

“...Hyah!? It's cold!?”
“It's okay, because I’m at least as good at this as a normal person.”

 Mayumi carefully wipes off her sweat. Saki desperately tries to suppress her voice.

“Sakicchi, when was the last time you caught a cold?”
“...Let’s see. If I recall correctly, I caught a cold once last year. ...Well, it was just on the level of a slight fever, so I didn't really worry about it.”
“I see. Still, Shimazaki-kun is a gentleman, isn't he?”
“...That’s, right. I think he’s a kind person. But why all of a sudden?”

 Saki tilted her head at Mayumi's sudden question. Then, Saki was hugged by Mayumi.

“W-what are you doing all of a sudden!”
“B-because! This weakened Sakicchi is so cute that I want to attack you!”
“I-Isn’t that just Mayumi?!”
“No, no, I'm sure most of the men in the world feel the same way! But he hasn't done anything to Sakicchi, right? That's why he's a gentleman!”
“Wha-wh-wh-wh-what do you mean he hasn't done anything!?”
“Now, I wonder what? What do you think it is?”
“Th-that’s, a-are you talking about something indecent?...Wait, what are you making me say?!”
“Ahaha, even though I haven't really said that much, Sakicchi is ecchi─. Ah, that's why you are called Sakicchi!”
“No, that's just what Mayumi calls me on her own!”

 As Mayumi said whatever she liked, Saki raised her voice with all her might and then folded her arms.

“Or rather... to be attacking me when I have a cold like this, how much of a brute are you?”
“There might be a possibility of that... Maybe Shimazaki-kun isn’t interested in Sakicchi?”

 [Not interested].
 The destructive power of those words was so great that all the bright feelings she had up until then were blown away in an instant.

“I... am I unattractive?”
“No, no, there are a lot of different people! If there's a man who isn't interested in Sakicchi, he must have a special disposition!”
“...And if Shimazaki-san is like that?”
“A-at that time... you have no choice but to become what he wants!”
“Isn't there a lot of things that are impossible in reality? It's impossible for me to be a loli girl!”

 Saki's voice is tearful and hoarse.

“It was a joke! Come to think of it, I didn't get to ask you in detail about yesterday's date, but how did it go?”
“P-please don't call it a date. W-we were just going out.”
“So you’re clearly denying that, huh? So how far did you go? Did you go as far as kissing?”
“Th-there’s no way we did!”

 She glared at Mayumi, who was full of interest. As usual, Mayumi's ideas were blown away.

“Then what did you do?”
“...Fufun, please don't be surprised when you hear this, okay?”
“Yeah yeah.”

 Saki smiled, her mouth loosening,

“W-we... we held hands!”
“...Ah, I see.”

 Mayumi instantly looked disinterested.


Chapter 43


 Mayumi first met Saki when they were in elementary school.
 She always got the best grades, was always serious, and never tried to get involved with those around her.
 Although she was good at studies and sports, she was not very sociable, and the girls in Saki's class thought of her as [impudent].

 Mayumi was the opposite. When she saw such Saki, she wanted to be friends with her.
 Ever since then, the relationship between the two has continued.

“...What's with those eyes?”

 Mayumi sent an exasperated look at Saki for a while.
 Since she only managed to hold hands with him, it is understandable that she would want to give her that kind of look.

“No, no real reason. I was just thinking your relationship isn’t progressing at all!”
“...I-it progressed though.”

 Saki said sullenly. For Saki, this is no doubt a big progress.
 Mayumi didn't end it with just denial either, she decided to approve it.

“Well, I guess it’s fine, it lets me enjoy it anyway.”
“...I would like you to stop playing with other people's feelings of love though.”
“Fufun, now, now, just think of it as the price you pay for receiving my advice. Yeah, something like that, I guess?”

 Mayumi finished wiping Saki's body and handed over her new pajamas.
 Saki staggered as she changed her clothes, and Mayumi put away her towels and change of clothes.
 She picked them up while thinking ‘I guess I’ll put it all together in the washing machine’.

“Then, Sakicchi, you should rest for a while, okay? For now, leave both the laundry and talking to Shimazaki-kun to me!”
“W-what are you planning to do to Shimazaki-san?”

 With an uneasy look on her face, Saki extended her arm. Mayumi easily dodged it and gave her mischievous smile.

“Like I said, I'm not going to do anything special. I just thought I'd do a little investigation.”
“Yeah, like about what he thinks of Sakicchi, I thought I’d ask him that kind of thing!”
“Y-you can just ask something like that!? Please don’t make any weird mistakes!”

 Saki didn’t oppose Mayumi's investigation. Mayumi didn't know whether to point that out or not, but she decided to keep quiet for now.

“I’m not Sakicchi, so I’ll be okay─”
“...I wouldn't make a blunder like that either.”
“No, you definitely will.”

 Saki puffed out her cheeks. As Saki was about to say something, Mayumi left the room, as if running away from her.

 As she headed to the living room, her eyes met Osamu's. When Mayumi entered the living room, Osamu looked up with a twitch.

 His hair was long, covering his eyes, but he was tall and his face was well-shaped.
 If he arranged his face even more, it would probably look even better.

(I see. Sakicchi, you sure are good at finding hidden properties. But surely, that's not what Sakicchi fell in love with.)

 As Mayumi was thinking about that, Osamu tilted his head.

“Is Hino okay?”
“Yeah, she’s okay! It looks like she's taking a little rest for now, so you should take a little rest too, Shimazaki-kun.”
“...Ah, yeah.”

 Osamu, who was standing, sat back down on the sofa. Mayumi quickly headed to the washing machine and dumped everything in it, including everything that had accumulated in her laundry basket.

 After that, Mayumi returned to the living room in excitement because she was about to barrage Osamu with questions.
 Mayumi returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa in front of Osamu.


Chapter 44


“Then, once again. My name is Morishima Mayumi. I go to Kaze High, and have been childhood friends with Sakicchi since elementary school.”
“...I see. My name is Shimazaki Osamu... I transferred here during high school.”
“Heeh, you did? Why did you transfer here?”
“It’s a bit, work-related, you see. It's more convenient here in case something happens.”
“Work? Come to think of it, didn’t Sakicchi say it? that you’re doing some kind of work.”
“...She didn’t tell you the details?”
“Yeah. Sakicchi said it's rude to talk about this without your permission. I was sure she was talking about a part-time job or something. Is it wrong?”
“...Aah, it’s wrong. Or rather, what a serious person Hino is.”

 Osamu's mouth loosened slightly. Mayumi also laughed at that gentle smile.

“Yeah, she’s very serious. So, if it isn’t an inconvenience, can I hear it? I’m kind of interested!”
“...I write novels.”
“Eh!? You do!? ...Come to think of it, Sakicchi has been devouring books during school breaks lately, I guess that's the reason.”
“...Might be. She did say she bought my book and read it.”

 Osamu said with a wry smile.
 Mayumi remembered the cover of the book Saki had been reading.

“Or rather, isn't that a fairly popular novel? I've even seen it displayed in signage in bookstores!”

 Mayumi moved her fingers as if to represent a signage while remembering it. She was moving it as if drawing a square in the air, but Osamu shook her head.

“...I still have a long way to go. I have to try harder.”
“I see, it must be tough.”

 Osamu's face was completely serious. So much that his expression changed the atmosphere around him. Even Mayumi was speechless for an instant.
 Then, she understood why Saki was charmed by Osamu, and her mouth loosened.

“But since you’re a novelist, didn’t you become a topic of conversation at school or something?”
“...Aah, um.”

 Osamu scratched his cheek, reluctant to say anything. When Mayumi tilted her head slightly at that expression,

“I don't really have any... friends at school, you see.”
“Eeh, you don’t? What a waste.”
“...Basically, I'm shy.”
“But aren’t you talking normally now?”
“This is a situation where I have no choice but to talk. If I join a group... I can't say anything.”

 Osamu laughed jokingly.

“Ah─, but I guess I can understand a bit. It's true that there are times where the atmosphere makes it difficult to start talking.”
“...I guess.”
“But, if so, that’s good.”
“Eh? What do you mean?”
“Eh, because. That means you don't have a girlfriend, right? You see, since you came all the way here to visit her, it would be bad if it became some weird misunderstanding, I thought.”
“...Aah, I guess it would. I might never be involved with something like that for my whole life.”

 What an interesting thing she heard.
 Behind her smile, Mayumi was repeating Osamu's words from earlier.

(...So he's not aware of Sakichi's feelings at all. Hmm, this would be... interesting!)

 Osamu was still letting out small breaths.

“But, you've been getting along well with Sakicchi lately, haven't you? Could it be, are you aiming at her or something?”
“I-i-i-it’s not like I’m aiming at her or anything like that!”

 His face turned bright red and he shook his head vigorously.
 His reaction was so similar to Saki's that Mayumi's smile grew even deeper as she laughed.

“Then why?”
“...I feel bad for Hino, but somehow she seems to feel indebted to me. And, when I told her that I was having trouble describing the date in the novel, she said she’d help me. And then... I don't know if you heard, but we hang out together sometimes, like yesterday.”
“I see. By the way, just a quick question, what does Shimazaki-kun think about Sakicchi?”

 Osamu is at a loss for words.
 Mayumi and Saki have a close relationship, so if he spoke out his feelings for Saki to Mayumi, it would be directly transmitted to Saki. That's what Mayumi guessed he was probably thinking.
 So, she held up her index finger and placed it against her mouth.

“...I definitely won’t tell her. Only this, I promise.”

 She also lowered her tone of voice. This was, of course, her true intention.
 When Mayumi looked at him with a serious expression, Osamu turned his gaze outside as if to think for a while.

“...She's, not a bad person. Aah, no... she's a person I enjoy being together with, I guess.”

 His cheeks were dyed red with that. Mayumi then understood that Osamu and Saki now have feelings for each other in their own way, and just smiled a small smile.
 She didn't intend to be boorish, she just intended to watch over them until they faced their feelings and made a decision.

“...So that’s how it is. Yeah, that's all I need to hear. Sakicchi is a beauty after all, I was worried that some strange man might be approaching her.”

 Osamu shook his head vigorously at those words.

“I won’t... do anything to her. Please believe me on that. ...She’s just helping me with references for my novel, and it's helping me in various ways.”
“Yeah, of course. But I’ll give just a little advice.”
“...What is it?”
“When you say you won’t do anything, it’s fine if you take back those words, all right?”
“...What do you mean?”
“Fufun, it’s nothing. That's right! Why don't we exchange contact information? If there's anything you want to ask about Sakichi, I'll tell you, okay? Besides, if something happens, Shimazaki-kun’s house is closer than mine. I think it would be better if I can contact you.”
“...I guess, so.”

 Osamu took out his smartphone and exchanged contact information.


Chapter 45


 Saki woke up and staggered towards her smartphone nearby. When she turned on the screen, a bright light flashed into Saki's eyes.
 She looked at the clock, realized that she had slept for about an hour, and then raised herself out of bed.

“...Come to think of it, Mayumi and Shimazaki-san were here.”

 As she lightly stretched her body and checked her physical condition, she heard a voice from the living room.
 It was the voice of Mayumi and Osamu talking. Saki immediately went to the living room, aided by a desire to join them and a slight feeling of jealousy.

“Huh, Sakicchi? Are you okay now?”

 When she came out to the living room, Mayumi turned around with a smile on her face. Accordingly, Osamu's face turned toward her. Saki bowed her head towards the two.

“Yes, thanks to you two, my body feels much lighter.”
“Looks like it, and your complexion doesn’t seem bad either.”
“Is that so?”

 Saki turned her face to the nearby mirror.
 And she was surprised. Because there were bed hairs growing wherever they wanted.

“I-I have this much bed hair!?”
“That’s right? Are you going to fix it? I said that, but it's too late now!”
“I-if you knew, please tell me!”

 Embarrassed at the thought of Osamu seeing her now, she immediately headed for the washroom.
 After fixing her bed hair and her clothes, she once again went back to the living room and sat down next to Mayumi.

“...Come to think of it, it looks like the garbage bags were cleaned up but, is Mayumi the one who did that?”
“That's right. Tomorrow is the weekly cleaning day anyway...”

 Osamu tilted his head at Mayumi's indifferent words, and Saki immediately shook her head.

“P-please keep that a secret! You made it look like I can’t clean!”
“I've already perfectly explained that to Shimazaki-kun!”
“Besides, I got Shimazaki-kun to help me take out the garbage too!”

 Saki glared at Mayumi, who calmly said such good-for-nothing words, while groaning.
 When she glanced at Osamu, he was smiling wryly.

“U-um... I-I'm only a little bit bad at cleaning.”
“No, I can't clean either... well, I guess we’re the same, right?”
“I-it’s not like I can’t do it, okay? I-I have some knowledge at least!”

 Saki, not wanting to be seen as a woman who couldn't clean, desperately said that. Saying it now might be useless, but Saki still tried to put on airs.
 Mayumi pleasantly smiled.

“Then how about you go clean Shimazaki-kun's house next time and show him your supposed knowledge?”

 Saki bit her lip at Mayumi's attack. Of course she was embarrassed to go into his room, but most of all, she didn't have that much knowledge about cleaning.

“Eh─, you can't? Shimazaki-kun would be happy if you came too, right?”
“C-coming to my house?”

 Osamu looked at Mayumi with a surprised look on his face. Mayumi didn’t wipe out her smile.

“That's right. It looks like Sakicchi has never been to Shimazaki-kun's house before, so if this goes on, it would be unfair, right?”
“I don't really know if it's unfair or anything... but as expected, my room is really dirty... I'll do something about it myself.”
“Eh─, really?”

 Mayumi looked at Osamu with a teasing look.
 It seemed even Osamu was locked on as Mayumi's target. Seeing Mayumi's attitude, Saki let out a small sigh.

“...In any case. It's not like I can't clean, okay?”

 After Saki flat out declared that, Mayumi then asked another question.

“Come to think of it, Shimazaki-kun is a novelist, right?”
“Eh...? Shi-Shimazaki-san, you told her?”

Surprised, Saki looked at Osamu.

“Yeah, she asked me, you see.”

 Osamu said it in puzzlement, but Saki felt a stirring in her heart that was hard to describe. Because it was a secret between Saki and Osamu, just the two of them.
 Mayumi peered into Saki's face, who was in an indescribable mood.


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