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The summer vacation, which was quite fulfilling for me, is over, and the second term begins today.

I had long since finished my assignment, but Tadashi seemed to have been working on it until this morning. That's what Tadashi said as he came to school looking sleepy.

“Continue your studies during the second term...”

Principal, please summarize quickly. You can just say ‘Let's do our best for the second term’ and that’ll be it.


After the opening ceremony, it is time for the assignment test.
The tests are created from within the scope of the assignment of the five basic subjects. The reason why something like this exists is a mystery, but apparently it is used as a material for class changes and the like.


Usually, Tadashi talks to me, but today he was sleeping face down on his desk, even though I told him to do it early...

That said, Tadashi was only able to sleep for a few minutes. The test will soon begin.

About three days ago, I restarted my sleep study with Hiuri watching over my study. In the final exam of the first term, I got a lower score than I had hoped, so I was quite motivated thinking I’ll get it this time.



Then a few days passed.

The assignment test was so-so. My score was better than usual, but it wasn't a big enough improvement to make me happy. I guess it's impossible to improve your grades in one go...

Now that the test is over, the school is full of excitement. Because a big event is just around the corner.

“So, with that being the case. We'll decide who will enter which event in the sports festival.”

Morimoto-san, a class committee member, stands in front of the blackboard and starts the discussion. This is a meeting to decide who will participate in which event.

This class has a certain number of people who belong to sports clubs. So, I think it would be better to leave the flowery events such as relays to them, but I can't devote myself to just spectating the events.
Everyone has to choose at least two events to participate in.

“Ummm... let's start with the tug of war. This’ll be ten boys and girls each.”

I raise my hand. Tug of war is still an event where even I can do my best.
 In running type events, I’d get some attention as an individual player, but in tug of war, everyone including me would get attention as a team, so even if I make a mistake, they won't care too much.

Including me, nine boys and ten girls raise their hands.
Apparently after this they’ll make the boy who lost in rock-paper-scissors rotate to make up for the shortage.

It seems Tadashi will be participating in the relay. He and his classmates, who have already decided, get together and talk about something.

“Next, scavenger race.”

Here, I raise my hand again.
Scavenger races, by their very nature, have the same running speed. I'll probably get some attention, but I'm unlikely to get criticized, so I want to settle the events I'll be participating in with this.

However, as expected, the number of people who raised their hands was greater than the specified number, since it is still one of the more interesting events. If it comes to this, the rest will be decided by rock-paper-scissors.

Most of the events that have yet to be decided or ones that don’t have enough people are all short or long distance running. Since I am already a player in the tug of war, if I lose here, I'm guaranteed to be in a running event.

“First is rock. Rock, paper, scissors!”


“So, did you win in the end?”
“Yeah. I’m going to be able to participate in the scavenger race.”

In the dream, Hiuri and I share what was decided today.

Maybe because she is athletic, Hiuri is going to be participating in the inter-grade relay. As well as the first of all the events, the short distance running.
And then, to adjust the number of participants, she will also participate in long distance running. People who can exercise sure are different...

“I'll show Kazuki-kun my majestic figure.”
“I'm looking forward to it. We're enemies though.”

The grouping for the sports festival is going to be divided by class. Hiuri, who is in the class next to me, is in the blue team, unlike me.
Note that I'm in the red team.

“Kazuki-kun, you should do your best too. I'll at least let you take me along during the scavenger race.”
“That’s, I wonder about that.”

It's true that in a romance novel there is a template where if there is a scavenger race, they’ll write things like [the person you like] or [the cutest person], then you’d take your girlfriend, but...
They probably won’t write that. Or rather, are there people who have been designated like that in real life? Isn’t it embarrassing?

“If you get things like black hair or long hair, you can take me along.”
“I will do that if that happens.”

The scavenger race doesn't have a very large amount of points. It is an event in which five people run at once, but first place gets twenty-five points, and from there the difference is only five points each.
Therefore, players can lightheartedly participate. The rule even allows you to take along a student of another color as long as they agree.

But if I take Hiuri with me, I'll probably get quite a lot of attention... There's already a lot of rumors about me, if I get attention here, I don't think I'll be able to make any more male friends.

“Kazuki-kun, did you participate in scavenger last year too?”
“No, last year it was tug of war and short distance running.”

I lost at rock-paper-scissors last year. Tug of war is generally unpopular, so participation is determined by simply raising a hand, but scavenger is popular, so it comes down to rock-paper-scissors.
In the short distance running, I came in second last. I wasn't in last place because there was someone slower than me, but without him I definitely would have been in last place.

“Practice has already begun, so let's do our best.”
“Yeah, let’s.”

The tumultuous second term begins.


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