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The next day.
 Although I put her to bed early, Hiuri still ended up taking a day off today.

“It looks like the Black Thorn Princess is absent.”
“I see...”

I only learned about it when I came to school. When Tadashi told me about it.
 I let her sleep through the night, but in the end, she didn’t recover. I thought she would get better with sleeping, but as expected, it didn't make her physical body recover.
 Would it have been better if I gave her medicine in the dream, aiming for a placebo effect?

“How rare. For the princess to take a day off.”
“That's true. Didn't they say she never takes any day off?”

If I remember correctly, Hiuri hasn't had a single day off since she entered high school, and must have the so-called perfect attendance.
 To think she’s taking a day off... I know it’s because of a cold, but I don't know why she caught a cold in the first place.
 Since she never had a day off before, she must have followed a strict regular routine, but... well, an illness is something that comes at you when you least expect it.

“Ah, the solace of my eyes is gone...”
“You’re that disappointed?”
“That's obvious! It's no exaggeration to say that she is the one who adds color to this school life.”

That's an exaggeration.
 I admit she’s cute, but not that over the top. Besides, Hiuri is mine.

“Come on, the homeroom teacher is here.”

Tadashi is less excited than usual.
 I wonder if Hiuri has more influence on this school than I thought.


“Hey, Nakano Kazuki-kun!”

When I was eating my lunch box outside during lunch break, someone spoke to me.

“...That face, you haven't forgotten about me, have you?”
“Ah, I haven't forgotten. Senpai.”

If it’s his face, I remember. He is the senpai who confessed to Hiuri the other day and got rejected.
 However, I don't remember his name. There were many people who approached me to confess to Hiuri, so I don't remember all their names. Or rather, I don't feel like remembering them.

“I’m Kaga!”
“Aah, so it’s Kaga-senpai. I remember you.”

I just remembered it, it's not like I forgot.

“Do you know where Sakura Hiuri is? I haven't seen her.”

Eh? Could it be, this person didn't give up?
 Or rather, he's going around the school looking for Hiuri... this person is a stalker! It might be a good idea to tell the teacher later.

“Sakura-san is absent.”

Kaga-senpai collapses on the ground. He is crying while mumbling something.

I leave the place since it has nothing to do with me. During that time, Kaga-senpai kept crying the whole time.
 Do boys collapse like this just because Hiuri is absent? I don't think I would go that far even if Hiuri isn't my girlfriend.


I let out a sigh since I have to move because of Kaga-senpai.
 Most of the boys who get involved with me are aiming for a relationship with Hiuri. I have a proper friendship with Tadashi, who isn’t aiming for that, but if he does, I’d feel unpleasant.
 Well, Tadashi is also aiming for a relationship with Hiuri... but he’s still maintaining a proper friendship with me, so it’s fine. Also, when Tadashi tries to get in touch with Hiuri, he doesn't try to make me mediate for him.

Around the time when I’m finishing my lunch, someone speaks to me again.
 When I look up to see if it’s Kaga-senpai again, there is a girl standing there. Moreover, she is a member of the class committee from the same grade and class.

“Morimoto-san, what's wrong?”
“Nakano-kun, do you know where Sakura-san's house is?”

This person is Morimoto Tomoka-san. She is a member of the class committee in my class, and has a nickname of ‘class rep’ because of her atmosphere.
 So why does this person ask me about Hiuri's house? Hiuri is supposed to be in the next class though...

“About that, somehow, no one in the next class knows where Sakura-san's house is. So, I thought Nakano-kun, who has been talking to Sakura-san a lot lately, might know.”

Apparently Hiuri hasn't told anyone in her class where her house is.
 I think people gathering at someone’s home and having fun is getting rarer these days, so it wouldn't be strange if few people knew where another person’s house is, but I think it's better to tell at least one person where it is...

“I have some printouts for her to turn in tomorrow. Someone has to go and give them to her.”

That's important.

Nowadays, there are some people who ask me if I have time, but when I ask them why, they don't tell me the reason, so I have a good impression of Morimoto-san, who told me the reason.

“I know where Sakura-san's house is.”
“I see! Can you bring her the printout?”

I accept the envelope with the printout without thinking much about it.
 Even though the biggest problem is actually the fact that I know where her house is.


After school, I arrived in front of Hiuri's house.

“...Isn’t it bad that I know her house?”

Yes, it was in the dream that Hiuri told me the location of her house. In real life, Hiuri never told me where her house was.
 However, since I know where Hiuri's house is, that means from Hiuri’s perspective, it won’t be strange for me to be caught as a stalker.

Now, if I were in the same class as Hiuri, I could still get away with it by saying I asked the teacher where her house was, but I'm in the next class. The teacher also has no reason to go out of his way to ask me who was from the next class.

“What do I do with this?”

I look at the envelope in my hand.
 At first, I thought about putting it in the mailbox. But this printout is due to be submitted tomorrow, so there is no point if she doesn’t notice. Besides, I think it would be rude to come all the way here and leave without saying hello.

“Yosh! Yosh!”

I give myself some energy.
 I can't come all the way here and go home anyway. If Hiuri herself says something, I'll just make an excuse saying I heard it in a dream. It’s probably ok!

Ding Dong

I ring the intercom.
 I thought her parents would come out... but it turned out to be Hiuri herself who came out.

“Sakura-san! What about your cold...?”
“Fuee... I’m fine, you know...”

She’s kinda fluffy. It's like when she first arrived in my dream world.

“Umm, Sakura-san, I brought you some printouts...”
“Kazuki-kun, come in, come in.”

She strongly pulls my arm.
 Or rather, did Hiuri just call me by my name!?

While I am being pulled by Hiuri, she brings me into her house.


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