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74 - Is there a need for weapons to be anthropomorphic?


This is not I Confederacy, but a certain country, somewhere.
In an old ruin, two men were facing each other at a table, lit not by candles... but by wand flowers glowing with red light as a substitute for lighting.
The owner of that wand flower is the one who has been causing a stir among the public, Phantom Thief R... Randy.
He is randomly flipping through the documents given to him by Garda.
It’s unclear if he was listening to Garda’s talk, but Garda himself continued to give reports indifferently.

“…That’s all for the state of affairs of I Confederacy. High-ranking government officials have agreed on a policy of development of utilization of geothermal energy. Also, I gave Josiah the card. He will soon be assigned as a temporary teacher at the Sackwill Magic Academy for three years.”

“Sack...? Where is that?”

What Randy was interested in was the school where Josiah was assigned.
Exasperated, Garda points to one of the documents he gave to Randy and says.

“Just in case, I did some research. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the boarding school's establishment. Perhaps because both nobles and commoners can attend there if they have suitable Jobs, a long time ago when engagement annulments were a fad, the graduation ceremonies of that generation were only disasters. It's not much of a place.”

“Engagement annulments huh~, how nostalgic.”

“...By the way, what happened to that maid from the other day?”

“Eh? That thing? It's a familiar Josiah made. Didn't you recognize it?”

“That's not it. I want to ask what happened to that familiar. It must have had the knowledge to clean up an abandoned building like this.”

Randy awkwardly raises her face from the document and says.

“Ahh... yeah. I wonder. It's really different from a real human isn’t it? Even if I talk to her like this, it won't say anything interesting?”

“Then what's with that woman sulking over there?”

At the place Garda's chin pointed, there was a beautiful girl clad in a single garment.
However, strangely, her yellowish-green blond hair is swaying unsteadily, and from time to time, it would glitter and let out a crackling sound of an electric current.
Sitting on the floor grasping her knees, pouting face... puffing out her cheeks like balloons, was not a vagrant squatting in an abandoned house.
With a troublesome demeanor, Randy answers while sighing.

“It’s that thing, you know, that one. The one I stole the other day... um, Shrillgerland?”

“It's Slingerland!”

The beautiful girl――Slingerland shouted.
At the same time, an electric current ran around her, and Garda immediately used dark element defensive magic.
The damage didn’t extend to where they were, but the areas where the current had run were burnt all over the place.
And then “Didn’t I tell you to call me [Lula]!” said Slingerland――Lula as she pointed at Randy.

Raising an eyebrow, Garda asked.

“Is that the designated calamity weapon...? Why is it in human form? And a woman at that.”

“It is the effect of my former owner and master’s unique skill, [Anthropomorphism]! It is the one and only skill that allows him to keep any object in human form.”

The word ‘Anthropomorphism’, convinced Garda as he exclaimed “Aah.”

“A long time ago, there was a legendary anthropomorphist who used his troublesome skills a lot. Most of the things he anthropomorphized were designated as calamities, and since they carried a risk, they were sealed away... was Slingerland also [Anthropomorphized]? It should have originally been in the mermaid’s possession.”

Randy groaned with a troubled expression.

“I heard that too, and I analyzed its interior before I used the magic circle breaker, so I knew it was anthropomorphic.”

“You understood and still unsealed it, you...”

“No, even though I understood and unsealed it, it's different from what I imagined. It seems that the thing the anthropomorphist anthropomorphized was generally a beautiful girl with a good personality, right? I was expecting something like that, but...“

Randy sighed once again.
Lula is categorized as a beautiful woman, but her personality is... unfavorable.
However, even while Lula has a rebellious attitude, she speaks with a profound atmosphere as if she has something on her mind.

“I won’t be a substitute for a maid!... But I'm not saying I won't cooperate. For the time being, I’ll be your comrade.”

Fed up with her ambiguous position, Garda checked with Randy, “So.”

“If you don't have another request, I will go.”

“You're harsh, old man Garda. I'll put in another request, so you can at least listen to some small talk.”

“Just tell me the request. And give me some compensation money up front.”

“I got it already―. Both Josiah, and old man Garda, are people from A Empire impatient?”

Randy looks over a map laid out on the table in the ruins and focuses on the rivers of I Confederacy.

“Should I attack from the waterside? I want you to investigate the movement of the mermaids in the area.”

Then, Lula makes an uneasy expression.
Garda confirmed the specific scope of investigation with Randy, and after several other confirmations, Randy presented the advance payment. After confirming the contents, Garda left.
Randy said to Lula.

“They tend to focus on geothermal energy, but surprisingly, there's also water. Let's see, look, do you know the principle behind the mountain?”

“I... I’m too ashamed to meet the mermaid race.”

After a short pause, Randy bursts out at the serious Lula.

“You know, no~one cares about that! How long ago was that? The guy you're dragging around.”

“I! I don't know if it was the influence of anthropomorphism, but I was frolicking! Even though I was originally just a tool to be used by the mermaid race... and then...”

“I'm not a fan of a creepy punch line either, so you don't need to say anything that’ll make me imagine anything strange.”


Lula nodded with a complicated expression.
Randy kept looking at the map, trying to find something.


(Translator's message: don't be alarmed if I don't release a chapter for one or two days, there could be any number of reason. like if I don't feel well, if the chapter is exceptionally hard to translate, or maybe I was taking a break, or I was busy, and many other reasons. you really only need to worry if I stopped releasing for a whole week. btw, my release rate for this series might decrease to 3 chapter per 2 days or 1 chapter per day. only a chance, but it could happen.)

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