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73 - Please don't cause trouble for others by declaring your engagement annulled at the graduation party


I clicked my tongue, thinking that I'd been had.
Understanding the message's intent, I searched the surroundings, but I couldn't find Garda.
He's an Assassin that has concealment skills, and he has the dark element that has the worst compatibility with mine. Thinking back on Garda's personality, he probably already left the surrounding area――going until near the border of I Confederacy... Damn it.

Garda still works for Randy.

They’re here to pin down where I am in I Confederacy, but at the same time, they’re also trying to cause some kind of commotion within the I Confederacy.
That's precisely Randy’s... Phantom Thief R’s modus operandi.
This message is a crime notice, so to speak.

Like Midia, I checked my room for any tampering and thoroughly analyzed the crime notice card with [Scan], but since no abnormalities were found, I erased the card without a trace with [Holy].
I get my thinking cap on.

The walls, which until recently were covered with paper for magic circle technique formulas, are now filled with maps with detailed information on I Confederacy and the neighboring countries.
From the statistical data, the areas where geothermal energy is active...
From areas where farming is progressing, political uprising, dungeon activations...
The layout of the I Confederacy transcontinental transportation route that I envisioned was drawn and pasted on another map.

...I don’t get it.

In fact, I can’t imagine what Randy is going to perpetrate.
He's a criminal who carries out acts he deems [interesting] or [fun].
That said.
If he can master the Nanatrois wand, he can cause a disturbance by utilizing geothermal energy.
The more I investigate, the more I find that the I Confederacy are rich in geothermal energy. It will depend on how he is going to take advantage of that...

While I was racking my brains, someone paid a visit to my house.
Midia... no, not her.
I hear an unfamiliar female voice.

“E, Excuse me, Josiah-san. I belong to the Adventurer Teacher Division of the I Confederacy Board of Education. My name is Abel.”

...Their timing is too bad.
I left the familiar to deal with it.
Before the fox-type familiar greets Abel, I have it check through the door for any abnormalities.
Once it judged that there was no problem, it opened the door and Abel timidly entered while saying, “Excuse me...” in a low voice.

I, on the other hand, took the map off the wall and tossed it into the storeroom.

Abel was petite... about as short as a little girl, however, she was wearing a grown-up office uniform which made her look disproportionate.
Aah, is she a dwarf?
A humanoid race who specializes in iron making and lives in mining areas. Even their adults do not grow up to the size of children.
There's a weapon workshop run by dwarves in Cameron district, so their existence itself is not uncommon, but it might be rare to find them in a job related to education.

Abel notices a piece of paper that has fallen at her feet and picks it up.
That was――a blueprint for a transcontinental transportation route for I Confederacy, which remains less than a wild idea of mine.
Before she asks anything strange, I snatch the blueprints from Abel and ask, “What can I do for you?”
With a bewildered expression, Abel opened her mouth, “Um.”

“Josiah-san will soon be promoted to A rank, so I would like to hear an explanation of your plans in relation to the teacher system…”

“I'm sorry. This was an unexpected visit, so I had to clean up the room quickly.”

I throw the blueprint into the storeroom.
I brew some tea for Abel and ask her to sit on the visitor's seat. I sit opposite her.
Perhaps because this girl is a new employee, she starts talking in a restless, nervous manner.

“Umm, these are the documents for the school that Josiah-san will be assigned to――[Sackwill Magic Academy].”

“...? Not the light element vocational school? Ah, no. I have the rare light element after all, so I just assumed I'd be sent there.”

“Ah, yes. Most of the people at the light element vocational school are women, and above all, men are forbidden over there. They are also very stubborn about it. With that said, since Josiah-san is a magician, you have been assigned to a magician vocational school.”

Enrolling aside, moving there for a new job is...
Well, that's more comfortable and helpful for me too.

Looking through the specifics of the documents, I find that the public school is safe, or rather, it’s neither good nor bad... a boarding school where all students live in dormitories.
The academic year is a four-year system.
However, in the 4th year, job hunting becomes a priority, so engrossing in school life is usually only until the 3rd year.
I would be assigned here for three years from this moment. I would be in charge of the adventure department. So to speak, it was classes on adventurer knowledge and dungeons and the like.

I grasped the outline――it seems that the academy is a mixture of nobles and commoners.
Having a bad feeling, I asked Abel.

“In this academy, has there been a commotion in the past about engagement annulment during a graduation ceremony?”

Bwuh! Abel spit out tea.
Aah... based on this reaction, it looks like it has happened several times in the past.

The engagement annulment which was once a boom among the young nobles.
A common situation where people declare their true love in the prom――the promenade held at the graduation ceremony, the so-called dance party (formal ball), in front of the public.
Because it happened like that in the novel that became a boom. There are many people who take advantage of it.
At this boarding school where nobles and commoners live equally, commoner women would seduce noble men, aiming for the jeweled palanquin.* (T/N: jeweled palanquin 玉の輿, metaphor for marrying into money or something.)
A noble man would be attracted to a woman who has a commoner-like candidness that nobles don't have, and would have an affair with her...
There are several patterns, but academies around the world have become wary of graduation ceremonies because they're wary of an engagement annulment commotion.

I quickly cleaned the tea that Abel spat out with magic, and also removed the stains on her clothes.
For a moment, she was dumbfounded.
In a panic, she shook her head and continued talking.

“Ce, certainly! There was a time when engagement annulments were popular, but recently, in recent years, there have been no such troubles at all!!”

“...Well, even if it happens, it's possible to deal with it properly.”

“No! It won’t happen!! Normally, it wouldn’t happen!”

After Abel herself finished denying it passionately as if she had a grudge against something, she took a breather.

“A, anyway... I apologize to Josiah-san, but I would like to ask you to become a temporary teacher from the first term of [Sackwill Magic Academy] even though you will be promoted to A rank soon.”


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