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52 - Enough already, everyone, concentrate on the battle!


The next day, we finally goes to the C-rank dungeon.
Randy and Midia are the same as usual, but Christoph and Port are nervous.
I've told everyone about the prior preparation and prior information I've gathered but.
“It's just business as usual,” Randy says optimistically.
Port  is feeling nervous and mentally anxious, but his spirit of becoming an adventurer is still the same.

Just as we are about to leave the guild.
A middle-aged woman stood in front of the guild, waiting for someone to come out.
That must be... Port's mother.
To think she did this just before we enter the dungeon... won’t this affect the party's motivation?

I leave the guild while feeling fed up, and Port lets out an “Ah!”
Then she says in an uneasy voice.

“Um! Are you the leader of the party?”


She spoke to me, not Port.
The leader of the party this time is Christoph, so he tried to reply to the woman, but I motioned him to keep still.
I ask the woman, “May I know who you are?”

“I'm Port's mother. I heard that my son is going to enter the dungeon after this... so I'm worried... Please, please take care of Port!!”

It’s harsh, but I told her the cruel truth.

“Unfortunately, adventurers entering dungeons are at their own risk. Of course, as long as we are in a party, we will try to survive with your son… but that is for that time. You shouldn't believe in someone else here, but in your son, who set his sights on the path of an adventurer.”

“Wha, that's...! Port!! Don't go with these people!”

“I'm the one who decided to form a party with Josiah-san!”

Then Port says in a voice louder than normally possible for him.

“I put my trust in Josiah-san and the others when we formed our party! Mother!! ... we're going to the dungeon.”

“...! I'm sorry, Port... do your best.”

They’re showing a touching parent-child bond, but more importantly, it’s time for the dungeon.
After Port was hugged tightly by his mother, he rushed toward us, saying “I’m sorry!” and we head to the dungeon together.
I can't help but feel that the tension they had somewhere has disappeared.


To start with, we reach the hallway where Heinz first stumbled.
I map the dungeon at light speed using [Wand Flowers]. From the depth, monsters are gushing forth. From there, they split into two, then each group split into three, and so on.
Dungeon investigation is not just about defeating monsters, but also whether there is any change in its activation state and its terrain. We also check whether there are any changes in the ranks of the monsters that appear... we clear the quest by investigating everything in the dungeon.
I've heard that some places have dungeons that are too big to finish investigating in a day, but the dungeon this time is not that big.

Christoph and Midia are in charge of monsters that neutralize magic.
Randy and I support them from their back.
Port is in charge of the rear.

Perhaps because of his special training with dummies, Christoph is doing fine as a vanguard.
Port, from the back, also shouted out the locations and numbers of monsters that were springing up from the surroundings.
However, Randy generated an electromagnetic force from his [Wand Flowers] and pulled at the [Skeleton]’s weapon and armor, and Christoph, who was supposed to be in charge of that, was catching his breath.

However, Port is thoroughly defending himself, while Midia fires magic at ghosts in other directions, and even zealously deals with [Growdog].
Randy shouts, “Hey! Christoph!” but.
Christoph apologizes while breathing weakly, saying, “Sorry” and supports his body with his sword.
In the meantime, without caring about its weapon, without the help from its swarm, a skeleton attacked Christoph.

I instantly wiped out the skeletons with covering fire from my wand.
I throw a [Wand Flower] at Christoph and apply [Heal] to recover him from exhaustion.
Clearing up the enemies that Port is dealing with, I gradually let out an angry roar.

“Port! You're late with the search!! 5 [Grow Dog] and 10 [Lector Statue] from 4 o'clock!!”

“I, I’m sorry.”

“Clezio-sama, if you need help, please shout out!”

“Ye, yeah.”

“Leimbacher-sama, you don’t need to only support us, you can defeat the enemy if you have enough time!”

“You sure? Then, I’ll defeat them――”

“Midia! What about your side!!”

“I'm done”

“Then do it to 4 o'clock!”

Of course, we are collecting materials from monsters, but unfortunately we don't have the leisure to carefully collect them like we do in D-rank dungeons.
We throw the materials into Port's transfer magic circle, and Port will quickly transfer it.

I can create a safe zone like barrier with [Shield], but it doesn't last long.
I drank the few potions that I made myself.
I use [Heal] to recover Midia and the others from exhaustion.
Although all of us were fortunately unharmed, if I didn't constantly search for enemies with [Scan] using [Wand Flower], they would be in a state of alertness.
I also drank [Elixir] for MP recovery. It's been a long time since I drank this thing. Since that time I have to be ready for hard labor in A Empire.

Randy says with a languid look.

“Old man. You're drinking a lot of that, are you okay?”

“I'm totally fine. It's much better than when I slept with an IV drip. Are there any other abnormalities? Especially in this dungeon, there are many monsters that cause status ailments, so please tell me even if it's trivial. Even if there are no abnormalities, please check your status.”

Midia said “I’m okay”. Port also answered “I’m okay”.
Christoph said “I'm tired, but I can still fight.”
Then Randy said with a sigh.

“I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling sick since a while ago. I haven't seen anything in my status though.”

Oi, it’s you!?
Randy's attitude makes it difficult to tell if he's in good physical condition or not.
He complained that he was feeling sick, but it’s not like his complexion was bad... When I checked his condition with a long [Scan], I found a disturbance in his magic power.

([Magic Overuse Sickness] huh! To think Randy of all people would get it... tch! There's a little more left... I’ll leave the rear to Port, and have him look after Randy. Randy would be on standby in the back.)

Just in case, I’ll have Port write a teleportation magic circle in my room, and then call the medicine for [Magic Overuse Sickness] using teleportation.

“Leimbacher-sama, your symptoms are of the early stage of [Magic Overuse Sickness] caused by excessive use of magic. Please drink this. If you don't drink the medicine, the pain will continue for three days and three nights.”

“No way~... Ugee, terrible!”

I tell each person the formations I thought of earlier.
After completing the rest of the investigation, we cleanly retreated from the dungeon.
Although it was our first try, it was fortunate that everyone got through it without losing anything.

Anyway, right now, we can gather materials in the dungeon.
The priority is for adventurers belonging to W Country guild to get used to C rank dungeons. If possible, they should stabilize their coordination to the point where they can return unharmed like this time.

By the way, after that, Randy ended up in bed for a day due to [Magic Overuse Sickness].


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