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51 - Special training x production x cleaning


“You’re probably serious. Did you tell your mother?”

“N, no. Mother still didn’t...”

That’s the one person you should have told! I didn't make that tsukkomi, but Port is overflowing with sincerity.

“Perhaps... Just like Josiah-san said, I'm not good at studying, so I might have used it as an excuse to escape from that. I guess I don't know myself.”

...I can't speak for other people either, so that's that.

“But if I don't form a party with Josiah-san and give up on the dungeon just like that... how should I put it, I can't really put it into words, but I feel like I'd regret it. A regret I won't be able to forget even if I become a national courier.”


“That's why! I decided for myself. I will be an adventurer for the rest of my life without fearing what happened to my father!!”

“...I understand. But tell your mother.”

“But, I'm sure mother would... disagree”

“Even so, tell her. In the meantime, train with Midia and the others as usual.”

“Y, yes!”

It is not something that can be hidden, no matter how strained their parent-child relationship becomes.
I don't want him to be indecisive. He should explain things clearly, and have a serious discussion.
Well, I have something to do too. I looked back at my schedule.

Preparation for the C-rank dungeon.
The dungeon we plan to go to this time will be the darkness-type dungeon that we withdrew from last time.
When you hear of [Darkness], you’d think that it’ll be my forte, but unexpectedly it's not that much of an advantage.

Skeleton types are equipped with shields, swords and armors, so their movements can be stopped all at once by using electromagnetic forces.
For Randy, I prepared a prop with a formula written on it.

I also prepare liquid detergent that removes the minerals on the surface of the [Magic Golem] covered in darkness magic stones.
Anyway, as a countermeasure against ghost-types that repeatedly cause status ailments, I created medicines that increase one’s resistance to status ailments.
I myself have [Clear] that removes status ailments, but if I had to deal with it alone, my magic power will run out.

Next is MP recovery drink [Elixir], medicine that increases healing potency, and, aah, whetstones.
A quick-fix solution in case of nicked blades.
Later, I’ll also ask the dwarves' workshop where I ordered the sword for Midia, and while I was at it, I’ll ask to clean that place up, and...

“Special training... What’s a special training?”


I thought it was a voice I didn't really recognize and turned to see Heinz, which surprised me myself.
Heinz holds a hoe, which is his corresponding weapon, without hiding his lethargic attitude.
I don't know what he was thinking about his future, but he must have realized that he would become a useless person if he goes on like this.
I explained the special training that Port and the others are doing.

“Crezio-sama is also in that public square over there. Why don't you call out to him――”

“No need... I want to take some training.”

“In that case, let's ask the Hero who has the same fire-element for guidance.”

“Hero? Haha... Hero huh?”

For some reason, Heinz had a blank expression on his face, but he couldn't hide his surprise at the appearance of Midia whom I called out to.

“Isn’t she still a child... is she the Hero?”

“Yes. Her name is Midia. Her Job is Hero. Even if she looks like this, she was formerly an A-rank in A Empire... although she was demoted for complaining to her superiors.”

“As expected, A Empire is strange...”

After Midia noticed Heinz's weapon and observed it with scrutiny.
“What's your stats?”, she asks him without caring about being impolite, so I give her a warning, “Don't be rude,” and explain.

“His magic level has reached 5. Basically, he is in charge of being the vanguard using a hoe. ...Look, you've got to watch your language.”

“Senpai, adventurers have nothing to do with social status."

While confirming Heinz's weapon, Midia nonchalantly confirms with Heinz.

“Can you sense using magic?”

“Y, yeah.”

“Then, do what I do. It’s easy to swing too big when you use a hoe, so you'll need to make up for it with magic.”

Midia, who borrows the hoe without accepting any argument, goes out to the back instead of the training ground, and enchants Heinz's hoe with a weak [Flame Arrow].
When swinging it down, or when attacking, so to speak, its attack efficiency is increased by using [Flame Arrow] to add to its speed. Furthermore, this makes it possible to use magic attacks at the same time.

Perhaps because Heinz is moving his body for the first time in a long while, he wields the hoe enchanted with [Flame Arrow] in an awkward manner.
After observing him for some time, Midia takes out a special training grimoire.

“For now, I’ll set the difficulty level to that of a D-rank dungeon. A familiar will appear as a fake enemy, so avoid its attacks and defeat it. Once you get used to it, I’ll change the difficulty level to the C-rank dungeon.”

“Y, yeah.”

He starts the special training using dummies, but even with the difficulty of a D-rank dungeon, Heinz barely manages it.
It will take time for him to return to the front line... also, did he have any quarrel with Christoph? He doesn't want to meet with them.
Luckily Port’s matter is settled.

About the investigation this time, it’ll be me, Midia, Randy, Christoph, and Port.

We decided to go with the aforementioned member.


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