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38 - There will probably be no one who will take my place


Her real name is [Midia Rea].
As the family name suggests, she was originally a noble’s daughter... She doesn’t have a single trace of grace though.
According to my investigation, the Rea family fell due to special circumstances. You can just think that her father was a good-for-nothing.
At that time, the young Midia entered A Empire with her old butler to hide themselves.
The butler died and Midia, who is ignorant of the ways of the world, didn't know what to do, so she wandered around among the poor.
That’s where I saved her.

The only reason I helped her was because her Job was Hero.
At the time I was frustrated because I couldn't find anyone to party with and couldn't do the dungeon investigation.
That's when I found Midia.
Fortunately, she received education as a noble, and could at least read and write, so I drilled  adventurer’s knowledge into her, formed a party together, and made a lot of money in the dungeon for a few days.

But it was really only for a few days.

As soon as it became known that Midia's Job was Hero, she was recruited by a higher-ranking party.
Since then, we only interacted with each other when we met for a shared quest... usually, but if there was a chance, Midia would call me as a supporter.
Thanks to that, I was able to earn money, but honestly, I wish she’d stop asking me to form a party with her.

I get a lot of hate from people around me since they think that I'm flirting with Midia, which is not true.
Others would butt in, saying a supporter like me isn’t a good match with Midia, it was annoying.
At first, I was the one who tried to use that excuse, but I can’t use that now, and I've warned the person herself to not bring any trouble, and when I thought she had become obedient, she did this...

“Are you! an idiot!?”

What made me angry at Midia was not that she complained to her boss and got demoted, or that she left the A Empire (which I’ll get into later), but that she annihilated the A Empire guys on the way here.
This girl caused a flashy incident for a dangerous reason, something like, anger at them for stealing my job by distributing magic tools.
But, Midia says.

“It’s fine because I did it outside the border. Just like senpai said, I was careful about the law.”

It's a gray area because crimes outside the borders are difficult to prove and is part of the lawless zone, but it doesn't change the fact that she picked a fight with A Empire!

“Also, this.”

Midia, with a flashy ‘don’ sound, placed a bag containing a large amount of gold and silver coins on the table.

“Money that senpai was supposed to receive. Those guys (both the adventurers and the guild) cheated money out of senpai just because they were dealing with senpai. Also, the pay for senpai's side job. I calculated it properly, so it's fine.”

Midia boasts and snorts with her nose, but what would I say and do even if you give me this kind of money.
In the first place――

“Didn't you sell your equipment? you can just use this!”

“I don’t wanna. There’s nothing I want. I've been saying that I want to be an adventurer in senpai’s party.”

Her expressionless face hasn't changed since she was a brat, but I can tell she's quite sulking.
I say while continuing to write the formula with my hand.

“For now... Go to the reception desk and borrow a weapon.”

“! Senpai. Are you going to form a party with me?.”

“I'm telling you to prepare your weapon first! We’ll talk after that.”

Midia has an expressionless face, but her atmosphere brightens up as she triumphantly heads to the reception desk.
Randy makes fun of me, saying, “No way~.”

“Old man. You sure are popular with such a young girl, are you going to get married?”

“Ha, who the hell would...”

When I tried to argue, Midia, who was listening attentively, turned on her heels and coldly said.

“You're gross. I just want to stay as a member of senpai's party. I wasn't even thinking about getting married. Why do men always think like that?”

After spitting out lines full of contempt, Midia headed for the reception desk for real this time.
As expected, Randy pulled back, saying “Eh―”.
But ironically, thanks to the irritation caused by Midia? I pour magic power into the completed formula, see the reaction, and am assured, “OK”.
All that is left is putting it into practice.

I've completed grimoires of familiars other than darkness.
I’ll leave the fire element to Midia, but the other elements... Neither Sedoor nor Randy can use Familiar, much less Christoph.
Port hasn’t reached the required magic level either.
The only person I can ask after that is... I called out the young lady who is writing a paper about monster cuisine who might have magic at an unexpectedly high level.

“Excuse me. Can you use [Familiar]?”

“...Eh. Y, yes. I can, do it...”

“I want to test my non-fire-element familiar grimoires... you don’t have a fire element, right?”

“Ye, yes. Eh!? By any chance, did you really complete it?! That! That thing earlier!!”

The young lady is surprised, partly because she heard what we've been talking about, but I say calmly.

“Not yet. It's something like a prototype, it's a familiar that can do a simple question-and-answer and has learning abilities. Would you be willing to help me test it out?”

“Th-this formula... is this a new formula!? This alone is a great discovery you know!”

It seems the young lady has some knowledge of magic circles, she is excited just by looking at the contents of the grimoire.
I calm her down and ask, “Please test it out.”
The young lady came to her senses and poured her element’s magic power――earth magic [Familiar] into it, and the grimoire changed into a cat.
The cat talks while sitting on the table.

“Nya am, Clay the familiar nya. Nice weather today nya.”

“What a...!”

The young lady was so surprised that she almost fainted, but I felt dissatisfied with the fact that the slow speed of the earth element's magic caused its language to be broken like a baby, so I started making plans of improvement.


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