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23 - Let’s tell ourselves what we can do rather than what we can't do!


Here's what happened in the dungeon.

The inside of the dungeons are generally dimly lit. This is especially true in earth-type dungeons.
If you use the despair-inducing power of [Holy] as a substitute for light, your field of vision will expand to a surprising degree.
With this, even dungeon beginners like Zem and Ports will feel at ease.

Zem in the lead was moving awkwardly in his first battle in a long time, but with me and Randy supporting him from the back, he was able to fight with plenty of leeway, as he continued to regain his battle sense.
As we progressed through the dungeon, we emerged into an open area.
After using [Scan] to make sure there were no traps, I decided to take a break here.
There are also other purposes besides rest.

After I used [Shield] to prevent monsters from entering, Zem sat down with all his might.
Even though I didn't propose it, he himself suggested, “Le-let's just rest here.”
Port that also follows from the back is also catching his breath.
Seeing their condition, I handed them my own potion and said, “Let's do that.”

But I don’t have any intention of resting.
The surroundings were illuminated by the sphere of [Holy] that was used as a substitute for a lamp. I look at the wall and the surrounding bedrock, and am convinced “As I thought.”
Then Randy suddenly put his arm over my shoulder.

“Old man. You are planning to do something aren’t you? Look, I brought a lot of things too.”

What comes out from the luggage Randy has prepared are seemingly playthings, such as knives, balls and hula hoops, but they have simple magic circles in them.
By using the same principle I used when I applied those to his cards before... Well, I can do a lot of things.
It was quite surprising that Randy was so motivated.

Let's see... among these, I’ll ask Randy to rewrite the hula hoop's magic circle like this.
One of the rocks surrounded by two hula hoops rises up due to the wind's magic power.
It's not wind pressure, it's a phenomenon closer to electromagnetic levitation.
It's a useful hidden ability to easily carry heavy ores. It's common in A Empire, but surprisingly not widespread in other countries.

Despite his interest, Randy asks in dissatisfaction.

“But, why would you take this rock? Old man.”

“At first glance, it looks like a normal rock, but this is an [Edral Ore]. If you shine light on its surface, look, it becomes dark green, right?”

Randy gets excited when he understands.

“Seriously? This is a wind gem?”

“There are other walls and bedrock that are likely to have ores, so I thought I’d shave them off with [Holy] and collect them.”

“Could it be, every colored bit is all like that? Isn’t this an 'all you can take’!”

It's partly because the nobles are not going in and out of this place, but even if they know about the ore, since their knowledge of it is nonexistent, they must have missed it.
The more I think that, the more ore there seems to be in this open area.
I called out to Port.

“Deploy the transfer circle here. I know it's easier to transport it all at once, so tell me how much you can transport.”

“Ye-yes! Umm, the width is about this much, and the height is... ah, it's about the same height as the ore over there!”

It doesn't sound like much, but it's quite a cheat Job.
It can instantly transfer objects to the marked location.
It is limited to only [Objects] and cannot transfer living beings but――just the ability to move objects instantly in an emergency situation has already marked it as an excellent Job.

That said, the amount and frequency of the transfer that can be made is not so great for a half-baked Courier.
Same with distance.
For this D-rank dungeon too, I chose a dungeon close to the guild because I was taking Port’s ability into account.

I use a water cutter that was combined from [Holy] and [Clean Water] to shave off the bedrock and wall surface I analyzed using [Scan], and pile up as much ore as Port can transfer at once.
Zem let out a sigh of admiration seeing the glittering mountain of ore that I scraped off.

With determination, Port activates the transfer.

“He-here I go!”

The ores disappeared in an instant.
Okay, next, next.
I called out to Port and Zem, who were relieved at the success of the transfer.

“Next, let’s look for a golem. We came here for the golem's materials and experience points... for improving our ability.”

However, the swordsman Zem is confused.

“I'm... damn. Swords won’t do much good against golems.”

“It's fine. I'll wash off the bedrock on the golem's surface, so Zem-san, please aim at the golem's main body. Ah, it's surprisingly fast, so please don't let your guard down.”



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