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16 - Don't do it, don't do it! That guild doesn't have a good reputation.


After lunch, I finished the rest of my work.
On the way, even though it was from a distance, I saw Christoph and others in the city.
With an addition of a red-haired man of medium build and height, who was not among the party members earlier.
He is probably Heinz.

Based on their atmosphere, I can see that they are amicable and get on well with each other.
From what I've heard, they all seem to be classmates, and since they're acquaintances, there's probably not much of a gap between them.
As expected, there is no problem even without me.
That's pretty much what happens in this world.

Now then――while doing some side-job repair and cleaning activities in the town, I asked around to investigate.
For example, about the guild.
Once I did, my doubts were resolved. Everyone I spoke to opened their mouths to say this.

“Just don't join that guild, don't do it! If you want to be an active adventurer, join a guild in another country!!”

“May I ask why?”

“Hmm. let me think. It’s true that the government is involved there, and the support is generous. But most of the quests are just chores that the state doesn't want to deal with because it's too much trouble.”

“I was able to accept a monster subjugation quest as a temporary support for nobles though…”

“Aah. If you do it that way, you can accept it. Monster subjugation and dungeon investigation quests are all sent to the nobles, you see.”

So that’s how it is.
I guess in a certain meaning, I was lucky.

What people do after understanding the shittyness of the guild is up to each of them.
Those who have enough money will quit the guild and leave the country immediately.
Even those who don't have the money will quit the guild, work part-time in another place, earn money, and then leave the country.

The commoner adventurers who are staying in the guild seem to believe that if they steadily complete quests, their rank will rise, and they will be able to defeat monsters and conquer dungeons.
Even though that day will never come since that would steal the nobles’ achievements.

By the way,
Most of the people who have immigrated to this country are nobles from other countries.
Rather than living in the cramped guild, it is more comfortable to build a house yourself, that’s how the era of great migration unfolds behind the scenes.
In other words… surprisingly (?), the number of nobles who joined that guild seems to be quite large.

Having grasped the current situation of W Country, I asked one more question.

“By the way, what kind of request came from the country specifically?”

“Hmm? It's just trivial things, really. Things like carrying luggage since they don’t have enough manpower, or helping the residents with their problems.”

“So, what you are saying is that there are no important quests related to the country, right?”

“None, or rather. Would you leave important things to adventurers?”

“Aah, no. It's something that happens every now and then, I asked just in case.”

After I finished repairing the things the man asked me to, we separated and I started worrying.

Usually, it's only when you're really desperate that you leave important quests related to the nation to adventurers.
But... I have a [Light Element].
It’s a rare element. Moreover, requests may come just because it's a [Light Element] that specializes in recovery.

Am I being too self-conscious?
…It actually happened during my time in A Empire, you know.
I received a nominated request from the country just because I have a [Light Element].
But as soon as they found out I wasn't a healer, they started making one-sided complaints about this and that, and then they chased me away without paying me a penny.

It’s not so bad if this was done before the quest is accepted, but.
It’s bad because it happened as soon as I arrived at the location after I finished accepting the quest.

Were we not informed about the job in advance?
Is it so easy to be nominated just because one has the light element?
Isn’t this the sort of thing that wouldn't become a problem if they knew in advance?. It's crazy, isn't it?

…Somehow, I heard a tsukkomi.
Those exist, don't they?
Those nonsensical and ridiculous stories.


(T/N: I have enough stockpiled chapters and my translation speed with this series has increased, so I'll be ramping up my release rate just a little bit.)

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