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2 - Oh, isn't this just the right place to earn experience points?


“Hey, you're late.”

“I’m sorry”

First of all, I came to the site of [Ditch Cleaning], a ditch and sewer cleaning business.
In a world without proper septic systems, this is the kind of place where feces and sewage can flow out, often clogging up and causing disease if left unchecked.
The wide irrigation canals are also littered with garbage, and there are especially many cursed weapons.

In other words, it is the best place to earn experience points.

Protect the weapon with the defensive magic [Shield] shaped into a box, purify and wash it with [Dispel] and [Clean Water] from the inside, and have the light familiar spirit [Familiar] carry it away.
Deploy the magic circle that incorporates the above processing one after another.
The polluted mud that has turned into sludge is then washed away with a water jet that combines [Clean Water] and the acceleration magic [Quick].

The collected garbage, especially valuable money and weapons, seems to be used or sold by employees as they please.
It doesn't seem to be collected by the government.
It's like a mess. There seems to be a lack of management oversight in these poor workplaces.

Thanks to me, they don't have to worry about money, but I don't get any rewards at all.
I'm stealing the work of the employees here to earn experience points. I don't think I have the right to take the money. I'm getting experience points instead of money.

However, even with this I didn’t manage to gather enough experience points!
I made a request to the chief.

“I’m sorry. Please excuse my rudeness, I have a request.”

“Hmm? What, do you want to resign because you're fed up with this place??”

I bowed my head to the chief who has been drinking since daytime.

“Until today we have been doing the daily clean-up area by district, but if you could increase it by one more… Please allow me to widen the area to three districts a day!”

“Ah? Eh, eeeh?”

“...I'm sorry. Two districts a day is fine. Three districts is asking too much.”

“I, I must have misheard you. I thought I heard you wanted more work…”

“That’s how it is. I know. Even though I am stealing the work that the employees should be doing, I am trying to steal more. I don't think you will just agree. But, at this rate, I will be fired as an adventurer by the time I get [Holy]. I don't have time!”

“Uuuummm, Why [Holy]?”

“Don't you remember? I'm not an employee here. I'm stealing everyone's jobs by getting to clean up here to earn experience points for light magic.”

“Is that so? Maybe it was??”

“Anyway, could you please increase the cleaning area by one more district?”

“We-well. I guess you can do what you like…”

“Thank you very much!”

Next is the construction site.
They’re trying to go forward with a plan to surround the imperial capital with a strong wall.
The poor people were screaming at the harsh labor site, and the supervising knight’s angry voice resounded.

I'm lending 20 units of trolleys and gondolas for transportation that were combined from [Shield] and [Familiar] here.
Before I could make the offer, the on-site supervisor brought it up first.

“This number isn't enough. You've got to make a few more.”

He said it with a smirk on his face, so I guess he is trying to harass me.
That’s convenient for me.
If you say I can increase it, I’ll increase it lightheartedly.

“Eh? So it’s okay to increase it! In that case, can I add 50 more?”


“...Ah, I guess that's not good. Adding fifty units at once would rather confuse the site. For the time being, let's just add 20 more units and see how it goes.”

“Ye…yeah. I see. …Aah, by the way, how many more can you add?”

“Easily a hundred.”

The supervisor fell silent.

When you speak of light magic, it would be healing.
In other words, you can earn experience points in the hospital.

Perhaps because my Job is [Magician], my normal healing is inferior to that of a [Healer].
However, if you increase the effectiveness using a magic circle and combine it with the mending magic [Repair], you can completely recover even missing parts of the body.
It’s truly a fantasy world. This place is.

As anyone can imagine, it was full of poor people who couldn't get satisfactory treatment, and I was earning experience points with them...

“Hey. isn’t anyone being brought here?”

I asked the employees, but they shook their heads in confusion.

“T-there is none. Thanks to you, we were able to secure enough medicine. We can deal with the rest by ourselves.”

“Tch… then what about other hospitals? There must be plenty of middle class, non-wealthy people who can't move. There should also be people left who lost their body parts on the battlefield.”

“Like I said, there is none! Because you cured them.”

“Damn it! What about old buildings? There must be some left!”

“Like I said, there isn't! Please don't worry! Thanks to you, the sanitation of this area has been improved and the scenery has gotten better. Everyone is talking about how you might be getting a letter of thanks from the country for all the work you've done for free.”

It's out of stock here too... the situation is getting worse and worse.


(T/N: I’ll be releasing this daily. The chapters are short enough that I can do that consistently, because I take a break at least once a week. If I have surplus chapters, I’ll do a double release or even a mass release if I don't feel like releasing 2 chapters repeatedly.)

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