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Volume 2 Chapter 20 - Dinner with Rebecca


After confirming that all members of [Lionel] had returned safely, Allen walked down the road to his home with light steps.

Allen even thought that, in the worst case scenario, someone would be missing.

Allen knew that Percy, who should have drilled the hole in the large boulder, and either Lionel or Naseem, the melee type who had been blocking bullfangs’ entry at the entrance, were definitely alive.

However, he could not determine the life and death of other people from the outside.

The reason why Allen didn't go directly to help them even though he was worried was, in small part, because he didn't want his true identity to be revealed, but the main reason was that there was no point in Allen going.

Allen's means of recovery were basically only items such as potions. If it’s just that, Allen knew that [Lionel] had also prepared a sufficient amount of items of better quality than Allen’s, as they do every time before entering a dungeon, and with the priest Thorin, there would be a way for them to recover through God’s miracles.

In other words, there was absolutely nothing Allen could do. That's why Allen stopped at simply culling a sufficient number of bullfangs before heading for the 9th floor.

Given these circumstances, Allen was in a good mood because his concerns were clearly resolved.

Then he arrived at his house and opened the door as usual.

“Ah, welcome home Len-nii. I'm hungry─” (Rebecca)

“...” (Allen)

Allen froze for a moment when he saw Rebecca leaning lazily on the table and calling out to greet him.

Allen then raised his cheeks, narrowed his eyes, and smiled softly.

“Ou, I'm home. Wait a bit, I'll feed you some delicious food right now.” (Allen)

Allen walked towards the kitchen carrying the cooking ingredients.

While savoring the feeling of nostalgia and happiness that welled up as he heard the words [Welcome home] that greeted him for the first time in a while.




“You've really gotten better at cooking, Len-nii.” (Rebecca)

“Ou, I had a lot of free time when I was a guild employee. So I tried a lot of things.” (Allen)

“Ah, Len-nii is originally handy after all. Ugh, it was delicious, but my stomach is heavy.” (Rebecca)

“Handy, you say, it's hard to know whether you're praising me or belittling me.” (Allen)

Rebecca, who ate all the welcome food Allen had made without leaving anything behind, was unable to move with satisfaction due to her rounded stomach.

Allen looked at Rebecca with a smile as he was cleaning up the dishes in the meantime.

“Handy is a compliment. Especially when I'm traveling around as a peddler, I often think that it would have been easier if Len-nii was here.” (Rebecca)

“Heeh, I guess it's tough being a peddler, huh?” (Allen)

“That’s right. You might be attacked by monsters or thieves while you’re peddling, and you’ll often be camping out, so you’ll end up eating simple food. Even in the city, you’ll have to make a lot of effort and ingenuity to make connections with people. Above all, you must never neglect collecting information about the place or you’ll never be able to sell your products at all. It was a disaster when I went without knowing the route that another peddler took just before me.” (Rebecca)

Seeing Rebecca saying that with distant eyes, Allen thought ‘It must’ve been seriously dangerous at that time,’ and he smiled wryly.

‘As of now, she’s safe and well, and although it may be a bitter memory, it’s probably a good experience for Rebecca as well,’ Allen thought.

Many adventurers also like to laugh about their failures and hardships. He thought this would be something similar to that.

Anyway, since the topic had just come up, Allen decided to ask what he was most concerned about.

“So, are your countermeasures against monsters and thieves okay?” (Allen)

“Un. I properly gather information in the city, and I basically form a caravan with several people. I'm confident in my eye for the adventurers I hire in my caravan. I've been watching Len-nii for a long time after all.” (Rebecca)

“I'm honored to have been of assistance.” (Allen)

“Well, a big part is that we have a fixed party that is permanently following us though.” (Rebecca)

Rebecca stuck out her tongue and laughed as she revealed the real reason, and Allen laughed back at her.

Being a peddler traveling around cities and villages was a high-risk job. As Rebecca herself said earlier, there was a danger of being attacked by monsters or thieves of course, but if you ran into a bad adventurer, there was a possibility that you would be attacked by that person.

Young female peddlers like Rebecca were especially rare. So it could not be said that there was no possibility of being attacked for reasons other than money.

That's why Allen was relieved that there was a fixed party that Rebecca mentioned.

From the way Rebecca spoke, there was no doubt that those adventurers were trustworthy. There were many adventurers like Allen who were based in a fixed city, so it was difficult to form a friendship with a trustworthy adventurer who would follow a peddler around.

‘It might be a good idea to thank them once,’ Allen thought but then a thought suddenly occurred to him.

“Hey, Rebecca. Those fixed adventurers aren't a party of six with five men and one woman and in silver class, right?” (Allen)

“Nn? Why are you asking me that?” (Rebecca)

“No, just a bit, you see.” (Allen)

‘It couldn’t be the party that was trying to frame [Lionel], right?’ Allen was worried and wanted to ask that but, as expected, he was hesitant to say that reason.

Rebecca tilted her head at Allen's evasive words, but after a while she shook her head, thinking ‘Well, I guess it’s okay.’

“Nuh-huh, they’re not. The people following us are two men and two women from the iron class party called [Wandering Fang]. Or rather, silver class is too expensive to hire.” (Rebecca)

“I guess that’s true. So, what are those [Wandering Fangs] bunch doing now?” (Allen)

“It seems they usually take requests in the Guild while we're in the city, so I think it's the same this time.” (Rebecca)

“Hmm, I see.” (Allen)

Seeing Allen's nonchalant reply, Rebecca's face quickly changed color and she hurriedly opened her mouth.

“It can’t be, Len-nii. You're not thinking about going to greet them, are you?” (Rebecca)

“No, I was only thinking about thanking them for looking after my little sister if we meet at the Guild.” (Allen)

“No, you can't!” (Rebecca)

“Then, what about observing them?” (Allen)

“Prohibited!” (Rebecca)

Rebecca crossed her hands to show her refusal, and Allen nodded in response, dropping his shoulders slightly to show that he understood.

(Can't be helped. I guess I'll ask Matilda to gather information on them. This is the party that’s been taking care of my precious little sister after all.) (Allen)

Allen thought it would be okay to ask for someone else's help instead of doing it himself, so he decided to go ask her for help tomorrow.

“Len-nii, you’re still thinking about doing something, aren’t you?” (Rebecca)

“No, I won't do anything.” (Allen)

“Hmm.” (Rebecca)

Rebecca looked at him with complete suspicion and Allen shook his head in response, but it didn't seem like her suspicions were completely cleared.

Allen was cleaning up the dishes while enjoying listening to Rebecca talk about her hardships when, with a smile, Rebecca asked him, “Give me the household account book,” and his expression froze.

‘Finally, the time has come,’ he thought.

He tried to be as natural as possible but still came off a little awkward as he handed Rebecca the household account book and the likes that Allen had prepared.

In the room where the only sound was the sound of Rebecca flipping through the pages, Allen, who was sitting across from her, could do nothing but gulp at the tension and wait.

After a while, Rebecca raised her face and looked at Allen.

“Len-nii.” (Rebecca)

“Yes.” (Allen)

“You're getting some great requests.” (Rebecca)

“Haa?” (Allen)

Allen couldn't help but let out a stupid sound at the completely unexpected words. Then, when he looked at the copy of the request form that Rebecca had handed him, it was a request to collect medicinal herbs that he was currently receiving.

“This, it’s a daily wage of 30,000.” (Rebecca)

“Yeah, it's got quite a special collection method and is pretty difficult. The client was an obstinate old man you see, I can't tell how many times I was turned away at first.” (Allen)

“Un, that sounds like a lot of trouble, but look at this carefully. While you’re accepting this request, you’ll keep receiving a daily wage of 30,000. Even if you don’t do the request, you’ll still get the 30,000. For example, if you come with me tomorrow and spend the whole day going around the city without going to the dungeon, you’ll still get the 30,000.” (Rebecca)

Being told that by Rebecca, Allen checked the request form again. Certainly, the conditions and locations for collecting the medicinal herbs, and the time from collection to delivery were written there, but there were no other conditions for payment, nor was there any kind of daily quota written.

From what he had read, Allen could understand that Rebecca's explanation was correct.

“But, as expected, I won't take that. I can’t just take money when I haven't done any work.” (Allen)

Seeing Allen say that so easily, Rebecca laughed softly.

Somewhere in that gaze, something like a motherly feeling toward her child, as if saying ‘Geez, it can’t be helped,’ could be felt

“I know, right. I thought Len-nii would say that. But I think a merchant would pick off as much as he can from a request with holes like this.” (Rebecca)

“Merchant, scary!” (Allen)

“We just know the importance of money more than anyone else. Thank you, Len-nii. I feel like you should work a little harder on the household account book, but I’ll give it a passing mark. I think your expenses might be a bit too high though.” (Rebecca)

Rebecca said as she returned the bundle of documents that Allen had collected. And just like that, Rebecca stood up, saying ‘Hmm,’ folded her hand, and stretched her body.

“Then come with me tomorrow. Good night, Len-nii.” (Rebecca)

“Wasn't that just an analogy? Understood, I'll make the plans. Ah, I'm leaving in a little while, so make sure to lock the door.” (Allen)

“Un. Could it be, a girlfriend? As I thought, it's Matilda-san?” (Rebecca)

“I─diot, of course not. It’s just the guys I’ve got a rotten connection with.” (Allen)

Allen lightly hit Rebecca on the head when she responded full of interest, smiled wryly when she crouched down holding her head, and he left the house.

Then, as Allen was walking down the dimly lit street toward the center of the city, he noticed something.

(Come to think of it, she didn't ask me about the inside of the room. Why?) (Allen)

Allen tilted his head at such a question and tried to think of a reason for it, but in the end he couldn't think of anything.


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