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Volume 2 Chapter 19 - The End of the Fools


Allen had a wry smile on his face as he watched Joseph the Greatshield disappear into the back of the Guild.

“He really hasn't changed. Old Man Joseph.” (Allen)

“He's certainly a person with very clear standards.” (Matilda)

Hearing Allen's keen words, Matilda agreed with the same wry smile.

Joseph was usually a mild-mannered, people-friendly adventurer with common sense.

Although he was formerly of the iron class, that was because he himself did not aim for the higher rank and stayed there to form a party with new adventurers to train them, and his actual ability was actually comparable to silver class or even gold class, that’s the main rumor.

It's no exaggeration to say that Joseph was the conscience of the Adventurers’ Guild for doing such philanthropic activity, but even he had one flaw.

That was, when Joseph saw someone doing something that they should not be doing according to his common sense that he has established, he’d try to stop them. And not with words, but with his greatshield.

Of course, he wouldn't actually hit them with it. He’d fully demonstrate his outstanding skills and stop right in front of their eyes, but those who received it would experience a great deal of fear.

After all, the shield that was so large that it seemed like it could crush a person's body had just stopped before it hit them, and they felt the wind pressure it produced. Weak adventurers may even felt that their lives were in danger.

Then, when the other person stopped moving, he told them a word or two about what they did wrong, and once he confirmed that the other person understood and had stopped, he became satisfied, readily lost interest, and left.

From the point of view of someone seeing Joseph for the first time, they'd be stunned by his speed of the change.

However, perhaps because of that, it was rare for the problem to arise again after Joseph left, leading some to believe that this was done on purpose.

Joseph never talked about what's on his mind, so everything was just speculation and the truth remained a mystery though.

Although there were some problems with him, the common sense established within Joseph was based on the rules of the Adventurers’ Guild and what a person should abide by, so the fact that he was a reliable presence for ordinary adventurers didn’t change.

He also had many pupils, so there were many who admired him, so in a different sense than [Lionel], he was an adventurer who represented the Lilac Adventurers’ Guild.

It was an understandable choice for the Guild to select Joseph as Allen's successor.

“What the hell, you guys? We’re the victims here! Two of our friends are dead.” (Large Man)

The large man made this claim in a harsh tone, perhaps because the adventurers who had been swarming him had disappeared because of Joseph and he felt some leeway.

As to be expected from a silver class adventurer, he showed no sign of feeling the impact of being swarmed by adventurers who were about to strike him and his voice echoed strongly through the Guild

However, his words were not heeded by the surrounding adventurers who, although they were not about to pounce, were clearly seething with anger.

There were some people who seemed to be calmly observing the situation from a distance, but they just looked at the man with mocking gazes and made no further movements.

At the sight of the man who looked as if he was performing a one-man show, Allen and Matilda looked at each other.

“That guy seems like he’s pretending to be the victim, but what’s the Guild's decision?” (Allen)

“Right now, we're waiting for the Guildmaster's decision. I don't think he'll make a decision that’ll be detrimental to [Lionel], and I think it’ll be difficult to confirm the facts based on just one side's claims, so I think he will hold off for a while.” (Matilda)

“So he’s waiting for Lionel's return? With him being on standby for the meantime.” (Allen)

Matilda nodded her head at Allen's words. ‘There’s probably no evidence anyway, I guess there’s no way he can make a decision right away,’ Allen thought with a wry smile.

Acts such as laying the blame of monsters on other adventurers are clearly against the rules of the Adventurers’ Guild. To put it more plainly, it's a clear crime.

As long as it remains within the Guild as a trouble between adventurers they won't be arrested though.

The common way to resolve such matters was for the parties to negotiate with each other through the Guild. In other words, the victim would receive compensation by claiming money in lieu of the damage done by the perpetrator.

That said, even with the settlement, in addition to paying reparations to the other party, they also had to pay a corresponding fine to the Guild.

If they fail to do so, they will be subject to the harsh punishment of being stripped of their adventurer qualifications and being reduced to slavery, with the proceeds from the sale being used to cover the reparations.

Most of the places where adventurers who have raised their level are taken as slaves are not decent places, so it could be said that the punishment was almost a death sentence.

Furthermore, if negotiations break down, the blaming side will be reported to the authorities as a criminal and arrested, and as a result, will lose everything and become crime slaves. What awaits them is a future with even less hope than ordinary slaves.

In other words, the only real option is amicable settlement.

“We might even send out an investigation team today to confirm the facts. Why don't you volunteer too, Allen?” (Matilda)

“Those guys have some passionate followers, so just leave it to them. The reward isn’t that good either.” (Allen)

Matilda looked at him and asked happily, but Allen shook his head and flatly declined her request.

Perhaps because Allen's response was just what she had imagined, Matilda let out a little chuckle.

“Or rather, those guys will just come back on their own. They're more or less gold class rising stars after all.” (Allen)

“You sure trust them. Now then, let's stop chatting and get your reward for today, shall we?” (Matilda)

“Ou, I’ll leave it to you.” (Allen)

“Understood.” (Matilda)

Matilda lightly winked at him and began processing the request, Allen smiled at that before returning his gaze to the large man who was energetically spouting nonsense. The sight of the man who kept saying things that were obviously not true made Allen tilt his head.

(I wonder why he would go out of his way to tell a lie that would cut his own neck. Even though it would be found out right away once [Lionel] came back... Hm? Aah. So he thought they wouldn't come back and he got greedy, huh.) (Allen)

Allen was thinking about why the large man would lie, but it suddenly came to him while he was thinking about it.

It was because he was at the scene that Allen understood. That there was no way they could survive in that situation where they were surrounded by all those bullfangs, that must be what the large man was thinking.

‘Come to think of it, I feel like they said something like that on the 9th floor as well,’ Allen thought as he remembered the conversation he had heard at that time 

Allen predicted that the large man was planning to blame [Lionel] for the bullfangs and legally take away the assets that [Lionel] would have left up here.

If everyone on one side was dead, the dead have no say. The chance of finding evidence in the dungeon was low anyway, and while it’s not an all-you-can-do, the chance of getting money was certainly high.

(Uwah, what a sleazebag. Should I just reveal everything I've heard?) (Allen)

Allen was convinced that the man's repeated insistence, even in the face of poor reactions from those around him, was based on that kind of thinking. And the reason why the man seemed to have a certain leeway.

“Allen, the reward is ready... that’s one amazing face you’re making. What's wrong?” (Matilda)

“Aah, well, just a bit of something.” (Allen)

Having finished processing Allen's request, Matilda saw Allen making a sour face and she opened her eyes wide in surprise at that. That caused Allen to come back to his senses and then, he took a deep breath, shook his head, and accepted the 30,000 zenny reward that Matilda held out to him.

And at the same time as he received the reward, Allen put his face close to Matilda's ear.

“Matilda. When I was gathering herbs on the 9th floor, I heard their party arguing. It's the complete opposite of what he’s saying right now.” (Allen)

“That’s!” (Matilda)

“That's all I'll tell you for now. When [Lionel] comes back, they'll talk about it, when they do, forget about this.” (Allen)

Saying that much, Allen waved to Matilda and walked towards the Guild's exit.

Just before he exited, he cast a sharp glance at the large man who was still insisting, and just as Allen was about to open the door to the Guild's entrance, the door in front of him suddenly opened inward toward Allen.

“UOOOOHH!” (Allen)

Allen desperately avoided the door while once again protecting the cooking ingredients he was holding. Having avoided so narrowly that he could feel the wind, Allen let out a sigh of relief and was about to complain to the culprit before he shut his mouth.

Lionel himself was there.

Allen and Lionel lock eyes at point-blank range.

Lionel's face gradually turned sour, while Allen's grin deepened.

“Yo, Lionel. I heard you set bullfangs on that adventurer over there.” (Allen)

“Ha? What the hell are you talking about, you half-ass... YOU!!” (Lionel)

Lionel was about to complain to Allen who said that in a teasing tone, but when he saw the large man that Allen was pointing at, he suddenly started running.

Perhaps not being able to believe that the man who was supposed to be dead was standing in front of him, the large man was frozen in shock before Lionel's fist hit the man's cheek and blew him away with a dull sound.

The Guild erupted in cheers at Lionel's appearance, and the adventurers started calling out to Lionel one after another. Allen’s cheeks relaxed as he watched them.

Allen then turned to the four members of [Lionel] who were left behind at the doorway.

“Yo, good work. Seems like something terrible happened, eh.” (Allen)


“Ask some guys around about what happened in the Guild. Also, I don't think it's needed, but I’ve got some testimony about your situation. Ask Matilda for details.” (Allen)

Saying just that, Allen patted the four on their shoulders and slipped through them and left the Guild.

The four members of [Lionel] saw him off with indescribable expressions on their faces.


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