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As they walked back into the living room Jack unconsciously tried pulling the bottom of his shirt to cover up his diaper.

“Jackie, you’ll wreck your shirt doing that.” Sarah pointed out upon noticing.

Mary looked around and threateningly went to pull his shirt off him.

“Mom stop!” Jack whined, desperately clutching onto the bottom of his shirt as it began to worm its way up and over his torso.

“If you’re going to be fussy then you can just waddle around in your diaper.” She told him.

“You’re embarrassing me.” Jack cried.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, no one cares that we can see your diaper.” His mother replied.

“Jackie its fine, we said we don’t mind, right Hailey?” She turned to her daughter.

“No.” She shook her head innocently.

Jack was blushing but finally relinquished his grip enough that the shirt was pulled clean off leaving him standing naked except for his big diaper.

To add insult to injury Mary started to adjust his diaper right there in full view of everyone. Slightly moving around the leg guards she pulled it up so it hung better over his hips.

“Can I please have some clothes?” Jack pleaded.

“No sweetheart, it will be good for you to get used to people seeing you in your diaper.” She replied.

Jack remained unmoved and stood awkwardly in the centre of the room, not really sure what he should be doing with himself.

“Take a seat on the floor love, dinner won’t be far away.” Mary told him.

“I’ll come join you.” Sarah chimed in, leaving Jack and Hailey alone in the room together.

He sat stiffly on the carpet, cross-legged in an attempt to cover up the majority of his diapered state.

“Want to play?”

Jack turned to face the voice and reluctantly with nothing better to do he took the doll offered to him.

Time passed by quickly, he wasn’t sure how long it had been since he sat down and started playing but he actually found himself enjoying his time. He had no idea that as they prepared the food both Sarah and Mary took turns peeking there head around the corner into the living room to catch them both giggling and seemingly having fun.

It was during one of these moments that it was Sarah’s turn to check.

“Dinner’s ready.”

Jack quickly drew silent; his cheeks grew rosy when he saw the way she was looking at him. He stumbled to his feet, very ungracefully with the thick diaper hanging between his legs.

He followed behind Hailey, but with a significant waddle in his step. He was stopped at the doorway by Sarah who knelt down and stuck her fingers inside his diaper.

Jack knew what to expect by now and spun around so that she could check to see if he was messy.

“I’m dry.” He told her impatiently, as he realised she was taking longer than necessary to finish his diaper check.

“I can see that.” Sarah responded with a smile.

Jack went to walk passed her into the dining room but was held back again.

“You know.” Sarah continued as she met Jack’s gaze, almost enjoying the uncomfortable look on his face. “I can see how much you’re enjoying yourself, I’m sure if you asked your mommy nicely she will let you keep your diapers once we’re gone.”

Jack stared at her with a rather offended look on his face.

“I’m not.”

“You’re not what.” Sarah replied with a cheeky grin.

“I’m not enjoying myself.” Jack corrected himself.

Sarah chuckled. “You could have fooled me.”

She gently patted the front of his diaper to emphasise her point.

Jack cringed, he felt revolted that she would even suggest he was enjoying himself. He was an adult, walking around in a diaper meant for a baby but big enough for him. He stayed silent and wasn’t sure if it worked in his favour or not when Sarah finally stood up and let him leave the room with a telling smile.

He took his regular seat at the dinner table right about the time his mother put a plate down with a big homemade hamburger and chips on top of it.

He couldn’t help but smile, at least this would turn around the night in his favour ever so slightly. Burgers were his favourite meal of the week; he even enjoyed his mother’s cooking better than when they went out for takeaway whenever she made them.

He quickly muttered his thanks before greedily tucking into his meal.

The women chatted amongst themselves while Jack ate wordlessly; it wasn’t until he managed to spill a dollop of sauce onto his bare chest that they turned their attention towards him.

“Oh Jackie.” His mother sighed.

The way she sounded wasn’t annoyed, it strangely made it seem like she expected nothing better of him.

Hailey began giggling at the sight. “He needs a bib.”

“I think your right.” Sarah replied.

Mary had already walked off to the kitchen and returned with a wet paper towel. Jack had to sit there awkwardly as she wiped away the mess without any regard for his embarrassment and fussy cries.

Even worse, when she was finished she produced a kitchen towel that she fashioned into a makeshift bib and tied it around her son’s neck.

“It’s lucky you weren’t wearing a shirt after all.” She told him smugly. “Maybe it would be better from now on if we let you have your meals in just your diaper, at least until we get you some proper bibs anyway.”

Jack felt humiliated, the feeling grew tenfold when he saw Sarah looking back at him knowingly as he quickly averted his gaze and returned to eating.

He couldn’t help but think back to what she had said to him, it was unfathomable to think what she told him held any bearing. The moment they stepped outside their home he would rip off the diaper and demand his mother remove all trace of them from his bedroom.

In a moment though, that passed by just as quickly as it had come about. He caught sight of his diaper as he looked down while taking a big bite out of his burger and couldn’t help but shuffle in his seat. The thick padding crinkled and for a fleeting moment he couldn’t help feeling both safe and protected. He didn’t dwell on it however, and continued eating until there was nothing left on his plate.

After their meal they all returned to the living room and Jack was made to go back to playing with dolls. It was much less enjoyable being watched over however, both Sarah and Mary were talking amongst themselves but he knew he was being watched. He could feel their gazes piercing the back of his skull and it made him incredibly uncomfortable, it felt more like a chore this time around.

Suddenly after some time Jack began to feel fullness at the pit of his stomach and he realised what was wrong. He looked up at the big clock in their living room and could see it was starting to get late. Surely it would only be a matter of time before Sarah left with Hailey, he could hold on.

Another thirty minutes passed by, agonisingly slowly for Jack who was really beginning to feel the pressure in his bottom now. He couldn’t help squirming around on the carpet which was eventually noticed by his mother.

“Jackie what’s the matter, why are you so wiggly?” She asked.

Jack tried to pull her attention towards his diaper.

“I don’t understand baby, use your words.”

Jack was getting frustrated, he was sure she knew what he meant and was just toying with him.

‘I have to go.’ He mouthed wordlessly.

“Don’t be silly Jackie you get back to playing with your dollies.”

Jack tried pitifully to get her attention again, but she was obviously ignoring him even though she was clearly aware of his plight to some degree.

Another short while had passed and it got to the point that Jack couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. Even with all eyes on him he had no choice but move up to all fours and closed his eyes as he grunted.

It didn’t take much effort for him to push a log out as he soiled his diaper. As soon as his bowels were empty he lost control of his bladder and a long gush of wee followed next soaking into the thirsty padding.

His diaper was hanging dangerously low now and he kept on all fours to afraid to sit down and let the icky mush rub up against him.

“Ewww, Jackie went poopy.” Hailey cried.

The humiliation was all too much for poor Jack; everything had caught up to him now. Defeated he fell down onto his bottom, the one thing he had hoped not to do and started to bawl like baby.



Poor little guy really hope now he can receive a lot of mommy love and a nice diapee change