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#Everyone seemed to really enjoy this story so I added a second part, I might continue it again down the line.#

“Jessie, wake up darling.”

‘Mppph’ He replied groaning as he tried staying asleep.

“Sweetheart you’re wet; I’m just going to change you.”

Finally Jessie stirred awake, his eyes opening wide enough to see Misty’s mother hovering over him.

“What’s going on?” He asked sheepishly

“I could hear you tossing and turning when I walked passed to get a drink.”

If Jessie’s awareness was fully alerted to what was going on, then he might consider the fact that she somehow heard him moving around in his sleep was a pretty unbelievable story.

“When I checked you I found you wet, so I’m just going to get you into some dry protection.”

Jessie quickly remembered the pull up he had been forcibly made to wear before going to bed.

“But I’m not wet, I’m not a baby.” He whined.

Shhh, keep your voice down love; Misty’s still sleeping.”

Jessie turned and it clicked that he was still having the sleepover and was lying on a mattress in his sleeping bag on his friend’s bedroom floor. The thought of her as a romantic partner still lingered at the forefront of his mind.

Without any further delay Misty’s mother unzipped his sleeping bag, and even with such a low light coming in from the hallway into the room even he could see that he had thoroughly soaked the girly pull up.

“It’s lucky I checked you when I did, if I hadn’t I think you would be waking up in a puddle.”

Jessie cringed. “I can change myself.”

But she ignored him and proceeded to pull open the sides of his soaked pull up and started to clean him with a baby wipe.

Hush Jessie, you wouldn’t want Misty to wake up right now would you?”

Jessie tensed up, she was right, he stayed defiantly still but it made it much easier for her to clean him when he wasn’t being fussy. Finally the used wipes were wrapped in his dirty pull up and he watched as she pulled out a much thicker diaper.

“What about my pull ups.” He whined, realising how embarrassing it was that he was asking for the girly princess pants.

“Sorry Jessie, you need something much thicker, I know these are plain old white diapers but maybe next time I can look and see if they have something pretty and pink. I didn’t realise you liked those pull ups so much.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Jessie cried.

But it fell on deaf ears, she was already placing the thick diaper underneath him and he had no choice but to follow along with her requests to raise and lower his bottom onto the cushiony padding.

“Good baby, lie back for me.”

Jessie scrunched up his face and glared at her for her choice of words; she was either ignoring his look of angst or couldn’t see because she continued to diaper him without correcting herself. He tensed up as she began rubbing ointment into his intimate area; his face was blushing so deep that it could almost be seen in the darkness of the room. As she lifted his legs up and began liberally sprinkling baby powder into his bottom it was that moment that Misty finally woke up and realised someone was in the room.

“Mum what’s going on?” She said while rubbing her eyes.

Jessie’s mouth hung agape and tears threatened to run down his cheeks, Misty looked at him before her eyes moved downward and she saw his genitals covered in ointment and powder right before the diaper was pulled over it and taped shut.

“Sorry hun, Jessie was soaked; I should have put the thicker padding on him to begin with.”

Misty gave him a sympathetic smile.

“Alright, night guys.”

She turned back over and was soon back to sleep like nothing had just transpired.

Jessie was humiliated, with the diapering task complete Misty’s mother stood up before zipping up his sleeping back and kissing him on the cheek.

“I’ll see you in the morning sweet boy, now if the little wee fairy comes and visits you again in the night you’re all safe and diapered.”

She left the room before giving him the opportunity to respond, Jessie watched as the light in the hallway was switched off and soon he was fighting hard to keep his eyes open before eventually falling asleep.

When Jessie woke in the morning to the sounds of someone walking around the bedroom, he was greeted by the sight of Misty moving around in her underwear. He didn’t realise how intensely he was staring at her as she put her bra on until his noisy diaper shuffling under the blanket made her look around and he was caught.

“Morning.” She smiled.

“Sorry.” Jessie stammered, quickly turning over to give her privacy.

“It’s fine, nothing more than what I saw last night.”

Jessie was too embarrassed to turn back over, his head was filling with the memories of the humiliating diaper change and he had hoped at the time Misty would have been too tired to remember herself. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case.

“Are you wet?”

Jessie started blushing again, why was she acting like this wasn’t completely unusual and out of character for him, she had to know he never wore diapers before this.

“No.” He grunted.

“Ok, well get up and dressed so we can have some breakfast.”

Jessie wanted to wait until Misty had left the room, but he just decided to bight the bullet and stood up. As his diaper shifted in place he realised it was hanging awfully low on him, and unconsciously his hand went to his plastic padding and he realised to his shame he was wet again.

He froze, desperately trying to think of a way to hide his soggy state before Misty saw, in his moment of hesitation however, it was too late.

“I thought you said you weren’t wet?” She asked him.

“I didn’t realise!” Jessie cried. “I’ve never worn these before, I don’t need diapers!”

“Are you sure?” Misty screwed up her face. “You could have fooled me; you don’t need to be embarrassed it doesn’t bother me.”

It was right about then that Misty’s mother knocked on the bedroom door before walking in and seeing her fully clothed daughter and her friend with an obviously soggy diaper looking quite distraught.

“Morning guys, breakfast is ready in the kitchen.” She told them cheerfully.

Jessie stood stiff as a board, hoping that she would leave without seeing him in his wet diaper, unfortunately like the rest of the morning it didn’t go in his favour.

“Lucky I came in and diapered you last night Jessie, let me take a look at you.”

Submissively he waddled over to her, he wasn’t sure why but he didn’t feel in control of anything at the moment.

“You’re not messy are you?” She asked nonchalantly, spinning the crestfallen boy around and pulling the back of his diaper away. “Nope, just wet!” She announced with a gleam in her eye.

Jessie stood with no idea what to do in this situation; thankfully Misty’s mother answered for him.

“Why don’t you have a shower love, then you can get some breakfast, I’ll keep it warm for you.”

He nodded wordlessly before waddling off to the shower; he pulled the tapes away letting it fall to the floor with a wet thud and stepped under the warm waterfall.

He spent sometime in the shower, he had never felt so gross in his life, and he just wanted to stay under the water forever, wash away all the embarrassment since coming here. He stepped out and returned to his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, surprised to see Misty’s mother waiting at the edge of the bed for him.

“What’s that for?” He almost blubbered, catching sight of the diaper resting on the bed.

“I think it will be best for everyone if I keep you in diapers until your mommy comes and picks you up later.”

“But I don’t need diapers!” He cried, emphasising his point by stamping on the ground.

All it really did though was make him look exactly like the toddler she was treating him as.

“Jessie, come lie down so I can put your diaper on.”

Defeated, he truly had no will to fight her, so he let the towel fall to the floor and he limply walked over to her before lying himself down onto the waiting diaper.

“That’s a good baby; see how easier this is when you do as you’re told.”

Jessie stayed silent, his gaze was fixated on the ceiling light above his head and he didn’t dare deviate.

“Lift up.” She asked him sweetly.

He obeyed, following along with her movements as she hummed merrily, seemingly and obviously enjoying the experience much more so than he was.

“There we are, all safe in a nice clean diaper!”

She pulled Jessie to his feet and he stood unmoving as she retrieved a clean shirt from his travel bag.

“Here you go.” She chucked it to him; at least he was able to put it on himself not having that task forcibly taken from him.

“Now then, let’s go have some breakfast.” She smiled and offered him her hand.

He realised he wasn’t about to get any pants, there was no point in fighting it however, how much worse would it be then Misty seeing him in his droopy diaper. So bashfully he took it, again further cementing just how much a baby he truly seemed to be.



Can't wait for part 3 of this story it's so good.


Please continue this story, its great !