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“Trick or Treat.”

James slumped back against the fence encircling the front of the property far enough away from his younger sister that whoever greeted them at the door would clearly recognise that he had no part in any of this. He had merely been sent along as an observer and to watch over his younger sister, much to his reluctance the task was forced onto him since his their mother was working late that evening.

“Oh aren’t you just adorable.”

James rolled his eyes at the woman who was dressed up as a Vampire as she handed over some candy into his sister’s bucket who cheerfully thanked her. Excitedly she skipped down the sidewalk and right up to the next house, as James continued to follow several steps behind as uninterested as ever.

“Trick or Treat.”

‘Will this night ever end?’  James mulled silently.

“Hello love, what a cute little witch I just adore your costume.”

James looked up again to see this woman, older than the one in the other house but also dressed up as a witch. He found himself staring at her for an uncomfortable amount of time almost in a trancelike state finding that he was unable to look away.

“And what about you young man?”

“Sorry.” James finally spoke up realising she was speaking to him.

“What are you supposed to be dressed as?”

“Oh, I’m not dressing up as anything.” James chuckled. “This isn’t a costume just my regular shirt and jeans nothing special.”

“But how come you’re not joining in on the fun, look how much your sister is enjoying herself.”

James expression was beginning to take a sour tone.

“I’m too old for that sort of stuff anymore, just not interested.”

The older woman chuckled which was somewhat unnerving for James considering the way she was dressed and similarly now acting the part.

“Well how about a chocolate bar then? Everyone loves chocolate go on, take a piece.”

She pushed forward the large ornate basket in his direction and both the older woman and his sister waited patiently for him to help himself.

James hesitated, it wasn’t that he disliked chocolate in fact he felt quite the opposite of that. He just felt so childish at the idea of it, if he took a piece it would mean he was participating and ruin his carefree tough guy façade he was trying to put on.

“No thanks.” He said turning down the offer.

“You don’t want a treat then huh; well I guess that means trick.” She causally winked back at him.

James sighed, “Look I’m not interested I told you this whole thing, I’m just not about it.” He said trying to act macho.

“No, you’re right.” The older woman pondered, replacing the bowl of candy by the door. “You’re definitely not ready to be out trick or treating at your age, much too immature for that.”

James was about to retort back with something smart, but before he could muster up the courage he felt warmth growing below his pants. He looked down in shock as his pants soaked with his pee and it trickled down to his shoes.

“James wet his pants.” His sister taunted.

“Yes it would seem your brother is much too little to be out trick or treating unsupervised, let alone being left to escort you, I think you both better come inside.”

James wanted to turn and run away from this crazy woman, the last thing on his mind was going into this stranger’s house, but yet he felt compelled and unable to resist her instructions. Following closely behind his sister the house that seemed slightly dilapidated on the outside was rather quant and nicely lit on the inside.

“Now then just follow me, were almost there.”

James was terrified; he couldn’t believe how uncaring his sister was that this strange woman had this powerful hold over them. Perhaps she was going along willingly and had no idea the effect it was having over him.

“Right in here, we will get you cleaned up in a jiffy.”

Completely unfitting to the rest of the house’s aesthetic, the woman opened up the door to reveal a babies nursery, it was painted in pastel colours, pinks blues, white accents and yellow trim. A white dresser sat on one side, a large cot opposite, and right across from them resting against the centre wall was an oversized changing table, which is where they seemed to be headed.

“Can you let us go please?” James whined, as he felt his pants being tugged down against his will.

“Go?” The stranger asked. “But you just got here, how about you?” She turned towards his sister. “Do you think your brother should go out in wet pants, looking like that?”

She shook her head.

“What do you think we should do?”

“Mum puts me back in pull ups when I wet at night time.”

“Hmmm, but your brother wet during the day time, guess that means he needs even more protection then you?”

“Uh-huh.” She giggled.

James was dressed down to his shirt before making his way over to the changing table and hopping up with an encouraging push from the woman. He lay back down and stared up at the ceiling before meeting her eyes and seeing a strange glow staring back at him. As their gaze met she grinned back at him somewhat menacingly, it made the poor young man even more fearful. He saw to his side that his sister was exploring the room, seemingly uninterested with the fact her brother was about to be put into the diaper the woman was now holding.

“I think the thicker one will be best, you give me those heavy wetter vibes.” She teased.

James cringed wishing he could have any control over his actions to put a stop to this. Instead he had to watch like a passenger trapped in his own body as she wiped him down before sliding the thick diaper underneath him. His legs raised and lowered on command and his backside sunk down into the crinkly padding. She gave him a liberal dusting with baby powder and covered his groin in ointment. He was sure his body would have reacted with excitement if he had any control over himself which was ironic considering that was a slight silver lining that he didn’t get aroused as she lingered over his most sensitive area.

She pulled the four tapes shut firmly over the front of his diaper, effectively sealing him into his new plastic prison.

“I’m going to give you your control back now and I want you to behave, if you don’t then things can get much worse.”

James shook his head in agreement, gulping as he saw the swirling mystical look in her eyes.

“What are you?” He asked, tensing as he realised he hoped he hadn’t offended her.

“Isn’t it obvious?” The woman scoffed. “I’m a witch.”

“But witches aren’t real.” He proclaimed.

The woman stared James down before responding. “I would mind your manners little one, unless you want your potty training taken away permanently.”

She stared down at his diaper and James’s eyes followed, realising to his humiliation he was already wetting himself again and soaking his diaper.

“But I thought you gave me my control back.” He whined.

“Not all of it.” The witch smirked. “I think I’m going to keep it for now, at least until next Halloween.”

“But what am I supposed to do.” James replied, looking like he was the on the verge of having a full blown tantrum.

“For a start you might want to speak to your mother about getting you some diapers, she would have questions I’m sure but I’m confident you will think of something to explain yourself.”

James sat gloomily on the edge of the changing table, looking down at his soggy diaper and trying to come to terms with the reality of his situation.

“I’m sorry for being rude.” He told her hopefully.

“I’m afraid sorry isn’t going to cut it, you just need some time to realise you aren’t as grown up as you think you are.”

The witch pulled him from the changing table.

“Ok let’s see what to do with you now; I suppose I could call your mum to pick the two of you up?” She pondered.

“Noooo, I wasn’t finished.” His sister whined.

“That’s true.” The Witch wondered thoughtfully. “I suppose I could close up and take you both.”

She began to lead James out of the bedroom but he held back reluctantly.

“What did I tell you about behaving?” She reminded him in a veiled threatening manner.

“But what about my pants?” James asked cautiously.

“I don’t think you need them, it will make it easier to keep an eye on your diaper.” She grabbed his padding which seemed fuller then before.

“That reminds me I should probably bring a diaper bag, I imagine you would need a change before I bring you back home.”

James looked up at the witch fearfully.

“What’s the matter, you should be thanking me, now I can explain to her how you came across my place with wet pants and that it was my idea to put you back in diapers. I’m sure after having a conversation with her she would be receptive at getting you some of your own, even taking over the chore of changing them herself so you don’t have to worry about that.”

James gulped as she continued.

“So don’t you worry, I can be rather…. Persuasive.”

She told him coyly, her eyes swirling with that same magical energy.



I want more please it's a really good story Mommy


Yesss pls more