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Part 1

“JAMES.” His mother called out, stopping the boy in his tracks.

“What is it mum?” He replied in kind, letting his school bag slump off of his shoulders.

His mother followed along with the echo of her footsteps and soon she stood at the bottom of the staircase staring straight up at him.

“How was school?” She asked casually.

“Fine.” James Shrugged.

Truthfully it was awful, this wasn’t the first time he had returned home in a different pair of pants then the one he had arrived in, and he was sure his mother would notice. This was James fourth accident now in lesser weeks; in fact this one was his second two days in a row. Neither his mother nor he was aware what was causing them, he refused to see a doctor about it and chalked it all up too stress.

Somewhat miraculously each accident had occurred after a mad dash to the bathroom which he didn’t quite make, but thankfully he had managed to keep them all a secret from his friends. Only his mother and the school nurse were aware what was going on. Shamefully he knew Sarah by name now and she him, it was mortifying having to trudge to the nurse’s office for a change of pants and the subsequent trips made it no better of an adjustment.

“Are those the same pants you went to school in?” She asked him, already well aware what the answer was.

In fact, she was already well informed when the nurse called her earlier in the afternoon delivering the news right after James had left her office in those very same pants. It had been an interesting call, one she had been expecting since she was called up after each accident before but not expecting it to only be a day after their last conversation.

It was an odd situation for her to be in, she couldn’t even place a similar conversation happening when James was still in preschool, now he was an eighteen year-old about to be graduating from high school and she was getting regular calls that he was wetting his pants.

“Yeah, they are.” James replied unconvincingly.

“James.” She said in a tone that he knew meant he was in trouble. “Don’t lie to me; you know I don’t appreciate when you tell me stories.”

He cringed whenever she called them ‘stories’ it was something that she had been doing ever since he was a little boy and he had been caught out being untruthful to her.

“Can you just drop it; I’m going to my room.” He said, leaving in a huff.

She decided against chasing her son up the stairs, it was better to leave the conversation until dinner.

“Put those pants in the wash so I can clean them for you to give back tomorrow.”

James slammed the door, leaving his mother retreating with a frustrated sigh.



‘Shit…..’ He scolded himself for getting caught.

“I told you not to forget these, go straight to the nurses office like we spoke about.”

James snatched away the freshly washed pants from his mother.

“Yes, I will.” He replied with a snarl.

His mother decided not to provoke the bear any further and left his rudeness unpunished, dismissing him with a simple unreciprocated wave as he left the house.

‘What a shit start to the day.’ James grumbled.

It wasn’t worth further aggravating his mother and not keeping his promise so when his bus eventually pulled up at the school he scampered to the nurse’s office, the pants safely tucked out of view in his schoolbag. Hopefully she wouldn’t be there this early and he could just leave them by the door without so much as a word.

Luck was definitely not on his side today, the moment James reached the foothold of the door and left the pants crumbled on the floor, he faced the rather poetic justice of Sarah catching him in the act.

Ummmm hi.” He said quite awkwardly.

“I hope you weren’t planning on just leaving them there all scrunched up.” She said with an annoyed glance.

James looked like a deer caught in the headlights and froze in the same manner.

“Just come in.” Sarah said pushing him inside and taking the pants away from him.

James stumbled around in confusion, unsure why the nurse had forced him inside her office.

“Can I go now?” He asked her with an odd expression over his face.

“Not right now, we have something to discuss.” She patted the exam table expectantly.

James quickly took a seat; he was beginning to feel rather anxious and the sudden urge to use the bathroom was becoming quite apparent.

“Sooooo.” Sarah began unsurely, not exactly knowing what direction to lead the conversation. “Let me get straight to the point.” She said, deciding to take the more direct approach.

James watched her casually walk over to one of the higher up cupboards and dig around for something, like it was obvious to her but tucked away out of sight.

“Now I know what you’re going to say to me.”

Like clockwork James spoke up.

“IM NOT WEARING THOSE.” He cried at the sight of the disposable pull ups Sarah clutched tightly between her arms.

“Look, yelling isn’t going to help us get anywhere.”

James shook his head rather aggressively, “I said I WONT wear them.”

Sarah sighed, recognising that a peaceful approach wasn’t going to work she decided in a change of strategy.

“LOOK.” She shook her finger sternly. “You are in MY office, this isn’t your home, you might think you can get away with talking to your mummy that way but if you think that will work with me then you have another thing coming.”

James quickly slunk right back onto the table, if he wasn’t so afraid he might have noticed the short stream of pee quickly soak into his underwear. Instead unaware he hung his head low and refused to meet her gaze.

“This if for your own good, it will be much better then peeing in your pants every day.”

“It’s not every day.” James whined, as if that small correction would do anything to ease his embarrassment.

“Nevertheless, as long as you attend this school this will be your new underwear from now on.”

James looked up, his mouth hung agape. “You can’t be serious?”

“I’m afraid so.” Sarah replied plainly. “Now pants off.”

James didn’t flinch so Sarah took a step towards him.

“I can do it.” He whined.

With trembling hands he reached for the top button and awkwardly fumbled with it.

“James, I’m losing my patience quit stalling class starts soon.”

“I’m trying, it’s stuck.” He cried out pathetically.

“Just let me.” Sarah replied impatiently.

Without much warning she reached for his buckle causing James to cry out in shock like a little frightened child. Unfortunately for him, the stress became too much and his bladder decided now to give way quickly soaking his slacks.

Sarah stood back with a look of bewilderment as James soaked his pants.

“Ughhhhh.” She groaned. “Guess I wasn’t quick enough.”

James sniffled as he wiped the tears away from his eyes, no longer willing to fight her anymore he lay back and let her strip him away from his sodden jeans and his modesty.

It was quite an ordeal having this woman undress him and clean him up with baby wipes as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Being completely exposed he felt so weak and vulnerable, even his mother hadn’t seen him naked for years. This was all new waters for him and he wanted nothing more than to get up and run away, but felt frozen with fear.

Satisfied James was clean enough Sarah returned to the package of pull ups and ripped out a crinkly pair with a buzz light-year motif on the front.

“Why are they so babyish?” James wailed as if the design on the front was the worst part of all of this.

“Apparently these will fit according to your mother, I thought they looked cute.” Sarah shrugged.

James felt disgusted that his mother had known that this fate awaited him all along; he would be having words with her when he got home. Although as Sarah approached and pulled the crinkly underwear up his legs, he suddenly felt all his confidence and thoughts of rebellion quickly drain away from him.

Sarah stood back to admire her handiwork. “How do they feel?” She asked expectantly.

“They’re fine.” James shrugged.

“Good, you can come find me if you need a change, I have no doubt you will before the day is up.”

James grumpily waddled to the door, getting used to the foreign object wrapped between his legs.

“James.” Sarah called out before he left the room.

“What is it?” He said looking doe eyed.

“Don’t you want some pants back?” She asked with a bemused expression.

James blushed as he realised he almost left the room with his pull ups proudly on display.

“Here.” Sarah tossed him the jeans he had only just returned. “I hope you ask your mummy really nice to wash them again, if I were you I would be on your best behaviour.”

James meekly nodded as he got dressed.

“Oh and one more thing.”

James turned once more, wanting desperately to just leave this room.

“If those pull ups end up leaking.” She pulled out a thick crinkly diaper, something he would have no chance hiding under his school jeans. “I have something else that will be much more appropriate for a little pants wetter like yourself.”

With that James quickly ran from the office, swearing to himself that he wouldn’t let that happen.



Can't wait for a continuation to this story


what will happen when he goes home in a big fluffy diaper