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‘Marvin….. Marvin…..’

He groaned, tossing over to face his intruder that was interrupting his sleep. Sheepishly he wiped his eyes and blinked, as his eyes adjusted he noticed the bars surrounding him before he recognised his Aunts and Cousins faces looking down at him. It took a moment for him to remember where he was and what had transpired. Unfortunately it was a harsh reality and he instinctively sucked on his lips hoping for the comfort that came from sucking on his soother, but even that had fallen from his mouth as he slept.

He watched on helplessly unable to adjust his positioning in the tiny crib as his Aunt pulled back the blanket and exposed his infantile diaper. He didn’t dare look and couldn’t be sure but as his Aunt leaned over and cupped his padding pushing it against him, he knew he was wet.

“Looks like someone definitely soaked his diaper in his sleep.”

He looked up at her submissively, his lips trembled slightly. His Aunt cooed him and reinserted the pacifier that had fallen off in his sleep. Jill lowered the railing of the crib and Mildred gently raised her diapered nephew before leading the soggy boy over to the change table, his wet diaper hanging low between his legs. Marvin refused to make any eye contact with his cousin as he was timidly helped onto the table and laid down. He wished his Aunt would make her leave the room, but then the unspeakable happened. He watched as she stepped away from the table and Jill approached with a fresh diaper and powder in her hands.

“Nooo…” he wailed behind his pacifier.

“Marvin.” He heard his Aunt’s voice speaking up behind Jill. “You have to get used to your cousin diapering you, I can’t be doing it all the time she needs the practice.”

As he felt the tabs of his wet diaper being pulled away and his nudity exposed he finally managed to make eye contact with her. She looked uncomftable; she had such a serious look planted over her face as she wicked away at his groin with a wipe. He stared at her in disbelief as she pulled the dirty diaper away from him and unfolded the new one.

Finally her eyes met his. “Lift your bottom….baby.” She grinned wickedly.

This was her moment she had one, Jill was ecstatic; it took a moment for her to fully realise the situation. But here she was, being the one in charge of her older cousins diaper change. Everything had been leading to this, it happened so quickly it was unbelievable. Maybe her cousin was just a big baby everything he did had proven it up until this point. He wasn’t ready to grow up yet; she would make sure he stayed in diapers for as long as she could manage. It was such a satisfying feeling dusting him with baby powder and she made sure to draw out taping his diaper as long as possible. She stared intently, burrowing into his eyes as she stuck each of the four tapes down.

With his diaper successfully changed she gently brushed her hand along the front of his diaper, listening to it crinkle. At this point Mildred had wondered closer to inspect her work, giving a nod of approval.

“Didn’t Jilly do such a good job changing your diaper Marvin, what do you say to your cousin?”

“Thank wu Jill.” He sullenly lisped around his pacifier.

They both helped raise the defeated boy to his feet; taking his hands in theirs they lead him out of the quiet room, through the bustling classroom and down the hall. He saw May leaning against her class door arms crossed shaking her head.

“I can’t wait to see you next time Marvin.” She said with an obvious attitude and mock sincerity.

Jan met the trio at the front counter and pulled Marvin into a hug. She held him for a moment, ending the embrace with an abrupt pat to his diapered bottom.

“You be good for your Auntie and Cousin ok Marvin sweetie? I look forward to seeing you again next time.”

They made him wave goodbye before they led him through the doors completely naked except for the thick diaper around his waist and the pacifier bobbing in and out of his mouth. It wasn’t enough to comfort him anymore and he would have cried if he hadn’t already so much that day, he didn’t think he had any tears left in him. The bashful boy clutched hard onto their hands as they walked him over the pavement to the car. He felt relief wash over him as a gentle hand pushed his diapered bottom into the back seat and Mildred buckled him in. Finally he was out of the public eye and they could go home. His Aunt and cousin were talking amongst themselves as the car pulled out onto the road. Even though this was his first time here he remembered enough that home was the opposite direction he thought fearfully as they drove off.

“Aren’t we going home?” He asked interrupting their conversation.

Mildred caught his eye in the mirror and smiled. “We’re just getting something to eat it’s been an interesting day so I thought we would get burgers from the drive thru.”

Normally that would be a welcomed treat he loved eating out, but it was a much different experience dressed like a baby. He sunk back in his seat in despair maybe they wouldn’t be able to see he hoped. As they pulled up to the speaker boxes Mildred didn’t ask what he wanted but ordered on his behalf. He didn’t care; anything would have been fine he was too preoccupied worrying about anyone noticing his state of dress. He quickly pulled the pacifier out of his mouth, but Jill was expecting it and quickly reached over and pushed it back in, giving him a stern look.

He turned his head facing away from the building as the pulled to the window. He heard a voice confirm their order and take payment before they drove up to collect the order. They were almost out…. He just had to avoid anyone noticing and then they would be home and he would finally have his privacy.

“Marvin….. is that you OH MY GOSH IT IS, what are you doing here.”



Great chapter ! Really curious to see who is the person that Marvin encountered in his baby glory rsrs