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Leah was quite impressed with herself, she had an air of smugness and superiority hanging over her as she admired her body in the full length mirror. She had been working out and watching her weight meticulously to get her body summer ready. Unfortunately no amount of gym trips would do anything to increase the size of her small breasts so resorting to the heavily padded bikini top was the only option she had. It was doing its job well creating the illusion her size was at least two cup bigger. Forking out on the expensive one down at the surf shop was a good choice, it was striking red and left little to the imagination, of course she had opted for a top with more coverage else it would be more likely to give away her secret. Today’s beach trip wasn’t even some big deal where she was planning on hitting on hot guys, it was just her mother sister and Aunts side in attendance. But it would be her first time hitting the shores this summer, this felt like a trial run.

She had no intention of even picking up a date; this was for herself to build her confidence show the world how hot she was. Yeah you could say she had a bit of an ego, but this was helping her build her character, all through high school she suffered bullying for looking like an underdeveloped pre-teen. She was still a shortie but now damn did she feel like she was looking fine.

“Leah… are you really wearing that?”

She turned to face her mother who had entered her room unannounced.

“YES MUM, get out please.” She complained, annoyed at the sudden intrusion.

Her mother sighed. “It looks even smaller then when you bought it home from the shop, you don’t need to show so much skin and that amount of padding is ridiculous.”

Leah blushed red at the mention of her top; she strode over and slammed the door shut on her mother.

“Bitch….” She silently muttered so there was no chance her mum would hear her name calling.

Eventually she shuffled down to the living room refusing to cover herself with even a towel. Her mother and sister wear wearing much more modest clothing. She took another look at her daughter and shook her head before they finally packed into the van and made their way to the beach.

When they pulled up to the park Leah made sure to put extra emphasise into her stride. She shook her hips side to side exaggerating her movements, no one was around it was mostly a show to annoy her mother. She quickly isolated herself from the two of them finding her own stretch of beach away from everyone else; surprisingly it wasn’t bustling as much as it usually would. It was strange being so underdressed in public; she wasn’t used to showing off this much of her own body. But it felt nice, the warmth washing over her, the pleasant aroma of the sea air and slightly cool breeze caressed her body.

Time slowly passed by and Leah continued to bask in the sun, forgoing sunscreen except for the tiniest amount to better tan her pale body. As she found herself relaxing even deeper a large beach ball bounced over, narrowly avoiding hitting her but showering her in sand as it flew by. It took her by surprise and she let out a low eep from the shock. She looked up and lowered her shades and saw a mother calling out.

“Fucking morons…..” she groaned.

Unamused she stood up and wondered over to the ball by the rocky enclave, before being unexpectedly bawled over by something and tossed into the muddy rock pool. She quickly sat upright pushing the muddy water from her eyes, she saw a woman her mother’s age quickly running over to check on her. She quickly grabbed the great big oaf of a dog and leashed him before checking on her.

“Sweetheart are you alright I am so sorry about that, I tried calling out.”

Leah was in a mild state of shock, she didn’t even realise the tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t resist as the woman stood her up letting her husband lead the dog away.

“Oh my I am so sorry but your suit is torn.” She said looking at the limply hanging bikini briefs with one of the sides strings completely ripped off. As she looked over Leah’s body she noticed that thankfully there was no bruising or cuts, making it some sort of miracle she wasn’t hurt.

Leah was still mentally unable to focus on the moment; she found her body shaking roughly. The apologetic woman quickly took her hand and led her over to the family everyone quickly offering their apologies.

“I know this isn’t exactly age appropriate but it’s the only thing I have on hand.”

Leah sniffled as she watched in bewilderment but still unable to offer resistance. She watched her retrieve a disposable swim diaper, big enough to fit her small frame and fit it up her legs with no issue. She looked down and saw a big clown fish smiling up at her. It was then she realised her top was missing and she finally found her voice.

“My…. My top is gone.” She whimpered, timidly covering her small breasts.

The woman scrunched her face up. “OH I didn’t see you wearing a top sorry, it must be over there somewhere. Is that your mother sweetie.” She pointed over as she walked over towards them.

“LEAH?” her mother started. “What’s going on?” She looked down at her daughters wear. “Atleast you finally decided to wear something more suitable.”

Leah blushed scarlet, “My bottoms tore. I…. can we just go home, I want to leave.” She pleaded.

“No I don’t think so.” Her mother replied. “We just got here now come along and sit with your sister, I’m sorry for the trouble.”

Leah was about to turn and rebuke, it was that stupid family’s fault she was in this mess. But she didn’t get the chance as she was pulled away and made to sit in the sand, a bucket and spade firmly planted at her feet by her mother.

Leah looked down and sniffled, this was bullshit she looked like a toddler. She didn’t know where to cover first, her padded groin or her naked chests. The decision was taken away from her when her mother took a photo of her daughter threatening to take more and post them if she didn’t start playing with her sister. Begrudgingly she obeyed but the tears didn’t stop rolling down the sides of her face, her mother sighed and dug around in her bag before digging out an old pacifier belonging to her sister. She firmly planted it between her lips and smiled.

“Next time when I tell you that the clothes you’re wearing are too grown up maybe you will listen, consider us even.”

Leah sucked solemnly as she silently dug away at the sand with her shovel. She avoided looking upright and meeting the gaze of the smirking faces as they wondered past her trying to figure out why someone her age was dressed or rather undressed so immaturely. Eventually after an hour or so had passed of mindlessly digging up and replanting the sand had gone by under her mother’s watchful gaze she felt an increasing pressure in her bladder. She looked around and went to stand up but she was stopped.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Her mother inquired.

“I need the bathroom.” Leah lisped around her pacifier.

Her mother shook her head. “Not until I say we’re ready to leave, if your sister can hold it so can you.”

Leah stamped her foot in frustration, but after hearing a group laugh beside them she quickly sat back down roughly into the sand. Time was passing slowly, she looked toward her mother multiple times to get her attention, but she refused to acknowledge her and kept her nose glued into her novel. Eventually after much desperation Leah lost the fight, she started bawling as she let go of her bladder. The poor diaper was much too thin and her pee quickly seeped out the sides pooling into the sand wetting it beneath her. Her mother watched with a wicked smirk across her face, she recorded the moment with her cell phone.

“Looks like you couldn’t hold it, a shame we were just about to leave too.”

She felt cruel for putting her daughter through this, but she had been getting to full of herself, this would keep her modest for some time. She took Leah’s hand as the trio packed up and headed toward the car. As she buckled her bawling daughter into the backseat she wondered if a trip to the pharmacy was in order, but maybe that would be taking things too far.


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