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“Cindy, this is unbelievable I can’t believe I have to have this talk with you AGAIN.”

Cindy sat their sullenly while her teacher continued to berate her.

“Do you really want to repeat your final year for a third time, you were doing so much better now look at this work, does this look good enough to you?”

She wasn’t sure if she expected to answer her or not so she chose to remain silent, shifting awkwardly on the wooden chair in her teacher’s office.

“Your friends are all in their first year of college, isn’t that shameful? It’s not like you have learning difficulties you’re just lazy. We went through all of this with your parents, I had to make sure they didn’t let you drop out, I know you can do it Cindy you’ve shown me time and time again.”

Her final year of high school was supposed to be the previous year, unfortunately she ended up going to a few to many parties and her grades reflected that. Miss Jones, her English studies teacher took it upon herself to mentor the girl. She found out from her other teachers a similar pattern of slipping grades, turning up to class looking hung over and rotten. Unfortunately she wasn’t able to have much of an impact in time and she drastically failed her final year. Rather than letting her get away with dropping out and finding a mediocre job or trying to find an alternate path into college, Miss Jones told her parents to make sure she repeated the year.

It was pretty awkward being in the same classes as the students from the year before, especially now she was eighteen. It started off relatively easy, the curriculum was pretty much the same for the most part and she breezed through the first semester with high marks. At the start of the second however her previous year’s pattern repeated itself and she quickly fell in with the wrong crowd. She concocted a story of why she had to repeat the previous year and ended up with a falsely acclaimed ‘badass’ reputation. This times Miss Jones got on top of it immediately, speaking with other teachers they made sure to give her detentions, extra homework and separate her from her classmates. It didn’t do a lot of good though instead of her being a lazy party goer now she became a rebellious little shit head, according to her teacher.

Miss Jones was fed up; her parents were trying their best to rein in their increasingly wayward daughters misdemeanours. But it was no use, she had to think of something drastic and experimental else she may end up without a positive future. She wasn’t sure why she was so drawn to this girl, perhaps it was because she had been teaching her so often through the years ever since her first she had always had her each year for at least one of her classes. A crazy thought had entered her head the previous night; perhaps instead of fighting against Cindy’s immature habits she should push them further. Reverse psychology, if she was acting like a little brat then she would push her in that direction. Force her to act the age she was portraying herself to be.

After one more half assed assignment was handed in that had barely been started and looked like it had been copied word for word of a wiki article, she decided enough was enough. She had good rapport with the preschool across the road from the school; it was her close friend Gina that owned it. She had already discussed Cindy with the woman and wasn’t surprised to see Gina whole heartedly agreed with her plan. With the rest of their teachers on board they excused her from classes for the day and Miss Jones gleefully announced her intentions.

“You’re going back to preschool.”

Cindy rolled her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

Miss Jones stood up and leant over her desk.

“You’re going back to preschool until you learn to be a big girl again and act your age.”

Cindy shrieked when Miss Jones grabbed her arm and pulled the rebellious young woman down the corridor. She knew she was taking a big risk doing this but she even had her parents sign off on the plan, this was better than her ending up at some dead end job or someplace worse. Cindy had no choice but to follow along forcefully, she didn’t have the strength to fight back against the overpowering woman. Quickly she was pulled across the street, it wasn’t until she was shoved inside the preschool’s sliding doors that Cindy realised it was no joke. There were some quick introductions before she was marched into Gina’s class and plonked down at a desk, a bunch of curious eyes looked at her. Many giggled at the sight of the big girl sitting at the tiny desk, barely managing to fit onto the small chair.

The class was as entertaining as you could imagine everything was insanely easy and well below her level. The most basic of mathematical problems and writing skills, but it was a class for early learning toddlers. After the first lot of work they were given free time to do some craft projects. Cindy actually found herself enjoying the painting she was making even if the brushes were basic and comically large for easy gripping. She saw the child next to her raise her hand and ask to use the bathroom, that’s when she realised she was quite in need of a trip herself. Standing up she walked over but she was stopped by Cody.

“Cindy, where do you think you’re going?”

“Bathroom.” She shrugged

Gina shook her head. “Did you ask for permission?”

“Can I___” She started to say before Gina cut her off.

“No you have to learn manners, sit down we will try again in fifteen.”

Cindy begrudgingly sat down in her seat, what a bitch she thought.

She dare not misbehave though, this was going to be a one day trip then she would be back tomorrow and no one would be the wiser. If anyone found out where she spent today her bad girl reputation would be in tatters. Eventually fifteen minutes had passed and Cindy called out to Gina as she passed by.

“Can I please go to the bathroom?” She actually felt a little desperate at this point.

Gina sighed. “You didn’t put your hand up Cindy, are you sure you’re ready to be in this class?”

A chorus of giggles followed Gina’s remark, Cindy sat back down frustrated. It was like the fact she wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom made her even more desperate to use it. She tried distracting herself with her painting but found she had to clamp one hand desperately over her skirt. She was terrified if she moved it she would end up pissing herself. She watched the clock tick by at a ludicrously slow pace; she could have sworn she saw the hand move backwards even. She tried getting Gina’s attention, dropping her paint brush her hand shot up in the air. She saw she wasn’t the only one though and she swore that Gina was intentionally avoiding her, moving over to the hands that had come up after hers.

Suddenly she thought she felt something slightly dampen her panties. “MISS PLEASE.” She called out.

Gina stamped over to her. “CINDY what have I told you about interrupting.” She stood with her arms crossed.

“But Miss I have to go.” Cindy sobbed; she trailed off as she finally lost the fight. The woman got quite the sight watching the older girl sitting their sobbing as pee flooded the plastic seat and splashed down onto the carpet below. She started bawling and Gina quickly took her off to the bathroom, shaking her head and saying so much for being a big girl, which only made her cry louder. Cindy stomped and whined as she was cleaned off by Gina, she wailed as she was made to sit on the changing table and a strangely large enough to fit her diaper was strapped around her freshly powdered bottom. A pacifier was clipped to her shirt and shoved into her mouth and the padded girl was sent back out with a smack to her diapered and pants less bottom.

Miss Jones returned at the end of the school day and had to stop to really soak in the spectacle. Cindy was blissfully painting away, sucking enthusiastically on her pacifier her thick diaper clearly on show. After a quick recap from Gina she walked over to the girl.

“That’s a lovely picture you’ve painted Cindy.” She said, looking at the colourful garden she had spent the last our on.

She also glanced down and noticed the sagginess and obvious sogginess to the girl’s diaper, now this was a strange development. After a quick talk with Gina she watched her make some space and now Cindy had her own hook and cubby for her bag and other projects. Clearly this girl wasn’t ready to even be in high school let alone graduate, it was better she spent some more time here. One strange phone call later and her mother was there to pick her daughter up, she gladly accepted the fresh diaper to change her in and promised that when she was back tomorrow she would be ‘appropriately dressed.’

Cindy wasn’t sure how she felt about all this, but when she saw her ‘friends’ coming out of school at the same time she was being led out in her wet diaper, they gasped at the sight. She knew there was no going back, her diaper felt heavier as she wet it some more before being strapped into the back seat. Her soggy padding was pressed firmly against her and she sucked away at her pacifier wondering if she could go back to school next year. Next time she would make sure she tried her best, after all she was supposed to go back, she couldn’t stay at preschool could she?


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