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“I had a great time tonight babe.” Dina said flirtatiously.

Eric was feeling incredibly nervous at this moment. He had just finished his date with Dina, they had gone for sushi and it went fantastically. They were getting along swimmingly, this was their third date and Dina had been giving him signals all night. Now they were outside her apartment in his car, she was staring longingly at him with her big glass eyes. She could hardly keep her hands off him the whole night at the restaurant, so often her hand would trace his thigh underneath their booth. It was amazing having this beautiful woman swooning over him, they had matched on Tinder and instantly they clicked. Shared interests the same love for adventure and the outdoors it almost felt too good to be true, but maybe it was.

He honestly had recognised the vibes on their first night out, she was so confident it was almost overwhelming. Eric was always so calm and collected but around her he felt fragile and weak. It would have been so easy to go up with her to her bedroom that night but he made an excuse that he was working in the morning. It was the same thing he came up with on their second date but he knew he couldn’t get away with it the third time. Why the trepidation you might be wondering, well he knew what was expected when he would be staying the night with her. It was clear that she wanted sex that much was irrefutable. Any guy should be gleeful about that, a beautiful woman willing to put out on the first date it was a rarity.

The anxiety Eric had been building over the course of their dating was because he still found himself a virgin. It wasn’t because he was unattractive or uninterested in the prospect. Unfortunately it all stemmed down to his anxiety of performance. He noticed as years and years grew on as he stood by the urinals occasionally glancing down to compare. He wasn’t growing as much as the other boys were; it got to the point where he no longer used the urinal. He was afraid that someone might see his size and scoff at him. He couldn’t argue he was a grower not a shower either, it barely seemed to grow when he was fully erect. Looking online for answers to his problem he found, finding nothing but gimmicks and false promises he quickly gave up. Medically there was nothing wrong with him; he was just a stunted grower according to the doctor he saw.

Eric begrudgingly followed Dina up to her apartment, barely fighting off her advances as she pawed over him along the way. He did his best to try hide his fearfulness he didn’t want to seem disinterested in her. He felt quite shaky as he entered the dimly lit room and was quickly ushered into her bedroom. She wasted no time ripping his shirt off, losing one of his buttons in the process. He staggered back and watched as she perched herself on top of the bed. She sensed his hesitation and quickly disrobed herself impatiently.

“Come on.” Dina said, reaching for the button on his pants.

He stood limply as she fondled with his zipper, she stopped to make eye contact when she realised he wasn’t moving.

“What the hell Eric, don’t tell me you’re not in the mood.”

She emphasized her body as she traced her hands along her breasts, eyeing him seductively.

“It’s not that.” He whispered.

“Then what’s the problem.”

Dana’s brow furrowed, she had been waiting for this moment for weeks, her other dates had been much more eager, what was his problem. Eric stood their glumly, maybe she would be understanding it seemed like she really liked him. Size wasn’t everything; he had heard it so many times and read it all over the internet, telling himself over and over it had become sort of a mantra. It was the only thing that gave him some semblance of confidence that had lead him to this moment. But now he really doubted it, but he thought it once more before he pulled down his pants and underwear in one smooth motion. He kind of regretted shaving now; he thought that already when he caught his reflection before he left for his date. It was supposed to make him feel bigger, but it had the opposite effect he just felt like a child.

Dana’s eyes wondered down and rested over his hairless and underdeveloped groin. Disappointment was clearly evident as the excitement all but left her face, leaving her looking rather annoyed and frustrated.

“Is that it?” She asked plainly.

Eric nodded meekly as he kicked his pants off his ankles and fought the compulsion to cover his shame.

“It can’t be erect, does it get bigger.”

“Not much.” He stammered.

Dana groaned in frustration.

“Why would you not tell me you had a baby dick Eric, you have to be kidding me right now.”

That hurt, it cut him deeper than any insult he could recollect on.

Dana saw how her words had affected him; he looked like a scolded child about to cry.

She started to pity him. “Look it’s not about the size, but we clearly can’t do anything with… that.”

She gestured obviously to his penis.

“Why not tell me earlier, I know you’re embarrassed all guys care about their size. But I waited till now for you because I thought you just wanted it to be more special, but no it’s because you’re a scared little boy not a man.”

Eric stood limply as she berated and chastised him.

“Anything to say for yourself?”

“Sorry…” He whimpered softly.

Dana groaned again before leaving the room, leaving Eric to stand their naked and unsure what to do. It wasn’t long thankfully before she returned holding something in her hand she stood before him.

“Think of this as punishment for acting like a fucking baby and wasting my time.”

He looked at the crinkly pull up in her hands, it was blue and had woody and buzz from toy story on the front.

“What’s that for?” He asked fearfully, already somewhat knowing the answer.

“My nephew wears these when he stays over, they should fit you and your baby dick fine.”

She knelt down and held the crinkly pants open for him to step into. Eric couldn’t believe what he was doing but he quickly and reluctantly stepped in, allowing her to slide them up his body for a tight fit. She looked over him shaking her head, so much for bringing home a man she thought.

“Fits you perfectly, much more suitable I think you should be wearing these all the time.”

He shuffled on his feet, he felt so little and submissive under her vengeful gaze.

“I should tell you to get out, keep your clothes and send you home in just your diaper.”

She wondered for a moment and grinned devilishly.

“But I’m a reasonable person. Now, I gave you something you need now it’s your turn to give me something I need.”

She sat down over the edge of the bed and Eric watched her sheepishly. He really wanted to leave and go home, forget about her forget about dating ever again. Realise he was fated to stay a virgin and a loser with a small dick forever. That was his fate he realised, there would be nothing for him, he would be alone forever.

He felt the tears building around the corner of his eye. But as he watched Dana ogling her naked body that he wished so deeply he could ravish she did something surprising. Slowly her legs spread wide, inviting him over. He realised what she was expecting of him, he quickly stepped over and this time it was his turn to kneel before her.  She gently pulled his head forward and he eagerly began kissing and licking her thighs. Before long he dove straight in and started kissing across her vagina. Her moans pushed him forward and he became more confident in his movements. Eventually her legs arched around his shoulders, she was dominating him but they were both experiencing immeasurable pleasure. It went on for some time, her moans growing louder and more frequent to the point she was panting blissfully. The louder she was the more emboldened Eric grew and before long she climaxed and he eagerly lapped up her wetness.

It took a moment for Dana to catch her breath, as she did she gently pushed Eric back against the floor. He relaxed and allowed himself to be controlled, he watched from the floor as she sat back down on the bed. She quickly rested her foot over his crinkly pull up and began rubbing him. Moving her foot in a circular motion and pushing against his pull up it was barely a minute before he was panting and scrunching his fists. Another minute passed before he had orgasmed covering the insides of his pull up with his sticky cum.

Dana stood up and standing proudly she loomed over him.

“I’ve decided to keep you.” She smiled playfully, and after a moment he returned it in kind.


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