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“Ugh, how have you not found a costume yet, surely you have some idea by now. Come on, anything will do, we’ve been here for over an hour. Your sister and I can’t spend all day here following you around we have to prepare for the party later. Seriously just pick something this is getting ridiculous. Well Of course it has to be reasonable, you know exactly what not to pick. You’re just having a silly tantrum because I won’t let you dress in something slutty and demeaning. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can prance around dressed like a prostitute, even on Halloween. I know all your ‘friends’ do that, but I don’t care I’m not their mother am I, I’m yours. You do realise this is a FAMILY event, you’re cousins Aunt’s uncles, your GRANDMOTHER will be there. I don’t know who you will be trying to impress.

Unless….. You’re planning on ditching our party aren’t you; I’ve been watching you sneaking glances at your phone shifting it away when I look at you. Unbelievable, you can’t lie to me missy I’m your mother I’ve known you since before you were born, I can tell when you are keeping secrets from me. Dispicable honestly, you go out with them every weekend, can’t you even give me this one night. The whole family will be there, I know it might not be your idea of fun but it means a lot to me. I really thought you would pull through, I guess I was mistaken. Well yes you SHOULD feel bad, I’m your mother and this is how you treat me. You aren’t a rebellious teenager anymore you should be more mature and responsible and realise your actions can hurt people. YES you will come to the party I know, as you should, if you want to make it up to me, then I guess I might have something in mind.”

“Hahaha! You look adorable sweetie! Well you did say you would make it up to me, looks like you came through. Thanks a bunch this really has made my day, I can’t wait for everyone to see you. Well of course they will, this is your costume for the party after all. No no no you misunderstood this wasn’t just for me, this is what you’ll be wearing when we get to your Aunts. This is too good not to show off to everyone, they will love it. Awwwww, don’t blush baby you don’t need to be embarrassed this look is good on you trust me. I know I might have gone a bit overboard, but you said I could pick anything and I wanted it to be authentic. Who knew a place like that existed huh, I always drive by there and have been so curious about it. I thought maybe it was a costume store at first dedicated to that kind of clothing but after speaking to the clerk apparently a lot of people do it as a lifestyle.

It wasn’t that much for the outfit, yes yes I know I wouldn’t buy you that dress and here I’ve gone and spent this much money on a costume, but it was worth it. The onesie is really doing that diaper bulge justice; it’s showing it off so perfectly. Hey, just be thankful I let you dress yourself, I guess all that babysitting paid off you did a pretty good job of this diaper. What’s wrong I used to always check your diaper, why don’t you want me fiddling around with it? Did you have an accident is that the problem, come on let me check you. Hahaha, I’m just teasing, your sister is going to love this outfit. Come downstairs with me, grab my hand and we will show her. Oh, make sure you put your pacifier in first, I’ll clip it on. Tonight is going to be a riot; I can’t wait to hear what people think.”

“Here you are, I’ve been looking all over for you. Why are you crying sweetie, it’s alright come give mommy a hug. I know I know, it’s ok darling, shhhhhh just take a deep breath. Here have a tissue, blow your nose for me, there that’s a good girl, now just relax and tell me what happened. Your friends, yeah I wasn’t expecting them to show up, I guess they were wondering why you ditched them and decided to hunt you down. I guess you mentioned that you were planning on ditching our party for them so they went on a hunch and tracked you down, they do know where your Auntie lives they’ve been here before when you were younger. I guess they must have remembered. I know they took photos and it was embarrassing, yes I can only imagine they shared them online to everyone. Kids these days and their social media, its unbelievable privacy just isn’t what it used to be.

Look I don’t think anyone is going to take them seriously, they will see it’s just a costume. Oh you mean, let me have a look, just let me check you please. Ahhhh, how did that happen? The shock when they saw you? Well I guess it’s lucky I put you in a real diaper isn’t it. I’m sure it isn’t that obvious in the photo, oh wow yeah that is really droopy, what a horrible time for your snaps to pop open exposing your diaper to them. I guess it is a bit tight and the diaper is quite thick. Plus you were always a heavy wetter as a kid, oh don’t give me that look. Now come enjoy the party, who cares what they think of you, mommy will always be here for my little angel. Don’t worry I thought ahead and brought you a spare diaper. Well what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t keep a spare diaper on hand in case you had an accident? Now lie back, just let me take care of it, it’s time you gave back control.”



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