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“Nope, not going to cut it mister, you made a promise and you’re going to stick with it. Yes I get it, you’re such a ‘big boy’ now, much too old to be out trick or treating. Unfortunately for you that’s too bad, you will be seeing through your promise or else. I’m still the head of this household doesn’t matter if you’re 2 or 20 years old my word goes. They teach you in preschool about keeping promises, so I figure if you outright refuse to go with your little cousin then I will assume you get a fitting punishment. Since they teach you the importance of honesty and keeping your word at that age I could only assume you didn’t pay enough attention and would need to go back. Oh yes I’ll force you back into preschool for a full year. You don’t think I could do it? Ok then call my bluff, you know your aunt works at the one in our town. Hmmm, bet you’re rethinking your stance now aren’t you.

That’s what I thought, just be thankful that she hasn’t chosen something outright embarrassing for you to wear. She’s still going through her Disney princess phase and you would have made an adorable Anna or Elsa. But luckily for you, it’s just Olaf, unless you were so desperate to be a princess maybe I could have a word with her. You’ll stick with Olaf? Ok good, see you can be agreeable, she’s been looking forward to this for a long time, do not disappoint me. Because if I hear you were a little shit then you’re in for it, don’t cut corners and don’t make her come home early. Alright good, now costume time, don’t worry I have it right here for you.”

“My oh my, goodness me look at the state of you. I should be furious with you, I would honestly have thought it were intentional if it wasn’t for your teary puffy eyes. Any excuse to be coming home early, or getting out of your obligations but I guess this is the real deal. I thought you were too old for this sort of thing to happen to you, it looks like I was mistaken. I mean it is keeping up with how you’ve been acting lately though; it really shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did. Accidents at your age just look at the state of that costume. Thankfully, it seems that your cousin got in enough trick or treating otherwise I would be sending you straight back out there in your wet costume. It looks like you got a nice share of candy too; I’ll be keeping hold of that thank you. Well I can’t be letting you go crazy on candy it’s too much responsibility for you to be trusted.

It’s fine in moderation, but you’re just a helpless little toddler who can’t handle adult responsibility. Well, I think I’m justified right? How many of your friends pee their pants still? None? That’s what I thought, not even your cousin does that during the day. She does have that problem at night though, pull ups have been the solution, and maybe we can borrow some from her. Just in case, you had a day time accident that means you’re more prone to bed wetting it could be a relapse. Yes, I know you’ve said some mean boys scared you, but your cousin’s fine she didn’t ‘let it go’ and she’s the one dressed as Elsa. Haha, sorry but it is really funny you have to see it from my point of view. Now come along I’ll help you out of your wet costume.”

“Awwww aren’t you precious, this look really suits you. Hey don’t get snarky with me and watch your tone Mr, or should I say little Miss? Haha, you are in pink pull ups you hardly look the man you’re supposed to be do you. Isn’t it lucky your cousin shared some with you, even got a few spares just in case there are any more accident’s before I can get you some of your own. Yes you heard me right, we have to start taking precautions and I think a thorough do over of your potty training might be in order. Any more whining or back chat from you and we will go back even further; don’t think I won’t swaddle you in thick diapers. It was me who slid those pull ups up your legs wasn’t it?

I’m surprised they fit, it’s lucky for us they’re so stretchy! I promise you we will get something more suitable tomorrow. No, I just meant something bigger, we’re keeping you in the princess ones. Why? Because they suit you, besides you wouldn’t want to disappoint your cousin would you? She might get offended if she thinks you feel you’re too good for princesses. Nope, pink and cute they’re perfect and that’s what you’re wearing. If you’re friends find out it’s not my problem, you have a condition just tell them you have trouble holding your wees, maybe they can help you with your potty training. I have a feeling that it’s going to take longer than you think. Maybe you will be out of them by next Halloween but even a year seems too generous. Looks like you might be staying in padding for quite a while.”



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