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Hey everyone, left it down to the wire this month. Things will be more on schedule from now on, thanks for your continued support!

Sorry for the lack of a community caption, this month I did four chapters of Summer At Aunties to compensate for it 4000 words total! Enjoy :)


Chapter 10

Marvin’s lips were trembling and his puffy red eyes from his crying earlier started to tear up again. By this point there was no surprising Mildred, she acted almost on instinct and quickly laid a towel over the puddle soaking up all the pee from the tiled floor. She took another towel from the rail and made quick work drying Marvin’s legs, as she slowly made her way up his body Marvin didn’t react as she cleaned around and over his groin. The towelling wasn’t rough but Marvin had to focus on maintaining his balance while his Aunt gave him a thorough cleaning. Mildred offered her nephew a comforting smile before she went back to her task at hand and quickly made short work of what little hair Marvin had leaving him bare from the head down. 

Mildred almost already felt exhausted from today and she hadn’t even got her nephew into the bathtub yet. She tried to remember if it was this hard when she was raising Jill and doing everything for her when she was a toddler. Maybe it was because she was older now, but she didn’t feel like it was her age limiting her. It must just be more work looking after a much bigger ‘baby’ she reasoned. Marvin was certainly not acting anywhere close to his age, she wondered if he was like this at home but then surely her sister would have mentioned it to her. Maybe she was coddling him more then she should have been, but he was reacting positively to her actions and at no point had he put up any kind of resistance. 

The more Mildred pushed him the more Marvin seemed to regress. This whole endeavour was to help mould him into a more mature man that could take care of himself and get a job, possibly move out of home and find a girlfriend. Normal stuff that boys his age should be doing and what his friends all seemed to have no trouble with. Marvin was giving off the impression that he wasn’t ready for any of that, maybe he wouldn’t out right admit it but his actions said more than his words ever could at this point. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, his mother was having troubles with him helping out around the house and being a more involved part of their family. Perhaps she could return him a more docile and well behaved boy who was much closer to his mommy and would do his chores for her. Yes she would practically have to treat him like any other three year old but it seemed like a good enough trade off to have her loving boy back. 

By this point Marvin had sat himself down in the warm tub of water and awkwardly sat in silence as his Aunt set about scrubbing him clean. As Mildred lathered his hair in shampoo she couldn’t help but imagine her nephew running around her living room wearing nothing but his diapers. She had never bathed him by herself before; whenever Marvin and his mother had visited when he was a toddler often they would bath him and Jill together side by side. She had to hold in a chuckle at the thought of having the two of them together in the tub at their ages; there was no chance Jill would ever let that happen. That girl had grown up so fast, quickly overtaking Marvin as the more mature cousin. They do say girls mature faster than boys but the contrast between the pair of them now was astronomical. Jill was blossoming into a well-mannered young woman and here Marvin was supposedly an adult naked in the tub being bathed by his Aunt after just peeing all over the bathroom floor.  

Finally Mildred was satisfied with her cleaning job, having scrubbed Marvin clean so hard his skin now shone with a light pink hue she quickly rinsed him off before reaching between his legs to remove the plug.

“There isn’t that much better, after seeing the state of you I wouldn’t believe me if you told me you had bathed in the last fortnight Marvin!” Mildred said as she helped raised Marvin to his feet.

“I shower every night Auntie.” Marvin said. He knew it was a lie though, often his late night gaming sessions would cause a lapse in his thinking and he would go to bed without having one. One in every two or three nights would have been a more accurate assessment. 

“Well, clearly you aren’t doing a good enough job of it, so from now on no more showers and I will be in charge of your bathroom cleaning habits.” 

The tone of Mildred’s voice almost made it seem like she was scolding Marvin, but without malice she only meant it in the most caring way possible. Marvin shuddered imagining himself going through this whole routine every night. “D..does that mean you will be bathing me?” Marvin stuttered. 

Mildred simply smiled as she removed yet another clean towel from the rack and wrapped it around the naked boy as she started towelling him clean. “Yes it will be either myself or Jill in charge of giving you your baths from now on.”

Marvin’s eyes grew wide and his cheeks turned an even rosier shade of red. His cousin would be in charge of bathing him? But she was younger then he was, it didn’t matter that they were both technically adults he was still the eldest. There was no way he could let this happen, but what choice did he have. Any sort of outburst would just be seen as another one of his tantrums that his Aunt kept insisting they were. He still had another full day to prove his maturity, surely tomorrow would go much better then today had and then maybe his Aunt will have reconsidered by then. A sudden tingling quickly brought Marvin back into the moment and he realised as his Aunt stood their cleaning around his most sensitive areas that maybe it would be harder then he thought it would be.


Unbeknownst to either Marvin or Mildred, Jill had been standing by the bathroom door listening in eagerly to the whole ordeal. From the moment he had wet himself she had been an eager participant in a show she would have loved to seen live but it wasn’t that difficult to picture. Besides it would have been a bit weird seeing her cousin in the nude, but then again was it any different than when she would babysit for other kids. It wasn’t like Marvin was acting any different then what they were. As the events unfolded Jill had to cover her mouth to stop her from gasping out loud at the mention that she would also be in charge of Marvin’s bathing. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, it was like her mother was reading her mind and playing right into her plans. It was exactly what she was after; if she could give him his bath even one time there would be no coming back from that. 

She would always be the more mature cousin, the ‘adult’ of the two of them. Even if Marvin ever regained some sense of maturity or adult responsibility, whenever the two of them were together he would know that to her he was just a little boy. It was something she would always be able to hold and lord over him. The path to her ultimate plan was conveniently laid out in front of her, this time tomorrow she would be the one putting Marvin in the tub. Now she just had to do whatever it took to make sure she got him there. A small niggling in her mind was telling her that maybe this would be a once off and her mother would change her tune and forget about it. She had to make sure Marvin couldn’t prove he was an adult, even the smallest resemblance of maturity she had to do whatever it took to stamp it out. 

‘One day’ she thought to herself. That was all she needed to ensure Marvin acted up and disappointed her mother proving he wasn’t capable of being the adult he was supposed to be. Her mind was racing at a million miles a second as she tried to come up with ideas of what she would do to him tomorrow. She regained her senses as she realised it sounded like the two of them were almost done in the bathroom and quickly as a fox she scampered off into her bedroom to continue plotting. 

Mildred left the bathroom leading the naked Marvin in tow. He struggled to keep his privates concealed as his other hand was firmly clasped in his Aunt’s as he was walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. 

‘At least Jill had no idea what happened in there.’ Marvin thought to himself, taking joy in the smallest of victories. 

The pair was soon standing in the guest bedroom on the fluffy carpeted floor. Marvin was enjoying the soft fuzzy feeling between his toes; it was a far cry from the painted floorboards in his bedroom, before Mildred announced for him to remain there while she fetched him some clean clothes to wear.

Marvin was lost in his thoughts for a moment as he realised all his clothes were in the wash. Maybe she chucked some of them in the dryer, he wondered. There was still a doubt in his mind, a nagging that had been there all day that was telling him his embarrassing experience was yet to come to the end and there was still yet something else humiliating waiting to unfold. Not long after leaving him alone Mildred returned carrying something that was definitely not belonging to Marvin. She stood with her arms held out a long purple nightgown and a pair of pink and white spotted panties clutched in her hands. 

Marvin hesitated and looked back at Mildred. “Marvin, you’re clothes are in the wash and I won’t have you sleeping nude, just be thankful I didn’t bring back a towel and wrap it around you like a diaper.” 

He still didn’t speak up, now his mind was too preoccupied at his Aunts loose threat of diapering him. Surely she wouldn’t do that right, he had a close call earlier and the bathroom incident but it wasn’t like this was a regular occurrence.

“Would you rather I get something from Jill for you to borrow?” Mildred continued. Marvin quickly shook his head. “Alright then fine, if you’re not going to do it yourself just let me do it then.” 

Before Marvin could react, Mildred had swatted his hands aside and was now kneeling in front of him with the panties outstretched. Marvin swallowed, before resting his hands on his Aunt’s shoulders and stepping in to the soft silky underwear. They definitely felt nicer than anything he had worn before but the soft feeling hugging his bottom did little to alleviate the embarrassment that he had been dressed in a pair of his Aunts underwear. At least his privates were now covered. The thoughts quickly diminished as Mildred signalled for him to raise his arms up, quickly he obliged and she draped the long nightgown over his body. It hung loosely from him, he was sure he had seen his Grandmother dressed in something similar to this when he stayed at her place when he was much younger. 

At least it was modest, he would have been mortified if he had ended up in one of her tight silky ones, it would have been a few years since she had left his Uncle. But the thought of her possibly wearing something like that in bed with him would never leave his mind; he had already been traumatised enough for one day. 

“Alright, that looks good on you Marvin!” Marvin blushed, looking down he refused to match his Aunts gaze. “You’re already for bed now, hop in and I will tuck you in before I go.” 

Marvin didn’t refuse, gleefully he jumped into bed. He smiled inwardly ‘this day is finally going to be over.’ Mildred quickly pulled the soft purple doona over him after tucking the sheets in. Not to tight she left them loose enough so he could at least move around in if he wanted to adjust. 

“Goodnight Marvin.” Mildred said sweetly, before kissing her nephew on his forehead. “Tomorrow is another day, perhaps we will see if you can regain some of your adult independence.” She headed over toward the door, hovering her hand over the light switch she turned to face Marvin. “But let’s face it, I think we both know you’re not ready enough to be an adult yet, sweet dreams baby.”

With those final parting words she switched off the light and shut the door, leaving Marvin lying wide awake in the dark, as the feeling of a foreboding doom washed over him. 


Marvin lay awake for some time, what did his Aunt mean by all that. What did she mean that he wasn’t ready to be an adult? He was in all terms legally an adult now; his Aunt did always say age is just a number but just because he had one bad day didn’t nullify all the years of growing up he had done. Had she really called him a baby, maybe it was just one of those things mothers say to their kids. He had been called darling, sweetie, handsome, son and plenty of other pet names in the past by the adults in his life. But calling him baby after having just threatening to have him put in a makeshift diaper made him shiver. It made it seem less like a joke or a passing jab and more a threat or a promise. He really had to do whatever it took to prove he was still mature an adult and hopefully be treated as an equal to his Aunt and cousin. 

These thoughts and more raced through his mind, his biggest concern was that if his Aunt did try and go through with her threats would he have the courage to stop her. He was the same size as her and was sure if it came to it physically he could over power her and run away. But where would he go, instantly he felt guilty he would never try and harm anyone especially someone in his family that he loved. As embarrassing as today was for him it didn’t change how he felt about his Aunt or cousin, he just felt unequal to them now. Like a little kid being babysat, suddenly he pictured himself in a playpen dressed like a toddler he loved going to visit his Aunt when he was younger. He smiled at the fond memory, but quickly that grew to distress as he tossed and turned in bed loosening the sheets trying to shake the image from his head. This was no time to linger on pleasant childhood memories he needed to think like an adult. Finally after some time, sleep finally caught up with him and Marvin closed his eyes, the memories of today quickly floating away. 


A gentle voice spoke as Marvin slept. “Marvin, hey it’s time to wake up……baby.” Marvin’s eyes slowly opened and the first thing he saw was his Aunt smiling down over him. “Hey Princess, did you sleep well? You’re such a cutie I just love watching you sleep.” 

Marvin raised his hands up to rub the sleep from his eyes, ‘wait princess?’ He was suddenly made aware of the pacifier bobbing in and out of his mouth. Why was he sucking on a dummy? Had his Aunt given it to him in his sleep? He quickly grew distressed and the sucking pace increased, but no matter how hard he tried mentally he couldn’t bring himself to remove it from his mouth. It was almost as if there was some otherworldly force that wouldn’t let him bring himself to doing it. 

“Let’s see if my sweetums managed to keep herself dry hmmmm.” It felt more like a statement then a directly worded question. 

Marvin shuffled around he couldn’t tell if he was dry or not, his diaper crinkling loudly as he did. Hold up? Why was he wearing a diaper, this can’t be right he was an adult not some stupid baby. He heard buttons being unclasped before finally looking down and seeing the plain pink onesie he was now dressed in. He could feel it being pulled up and a strong hand grasping around his genitals. 

“Oh my, now isn’t this a surprise it looks like my princess managed to stay dry after all.” Marvin blushed at his Aunties words, none of this felt real how could it be. 

“I’m so proud of you sweetie, but you know you’re much too young to be potty trained yet. You did a great job of keeping your diaper dry but Auntie is going to need you to wet it for me.” Wait, she wanted him to wet his diaper, this didn’t make any sense. 

“Trust me baby, you will feel so much better in a nice wet diaper. You have nothing to be ashamed of just let go, let all those bad wee wee’s out. I promise after breakfast we will get you changed into a fresh one.”

Marvin shuddered, was he really going to be made to wear them during the day, but he only needed them at night. Wait, that wasn’t right….. He didn’t need them at all! Why couldn’t he speak up and say anything, he couldn’t move around he couldn’t take away his pacifier this was all so confusing. 

“Come on Marvin, it’s time to let go now……Be a good girl and pee for me. Just let go, it will be ok I promise.” Marvin felt the grip tighten significantly around his diaper.

It was getting harder and harder to hold on; he could feel the need to pee getting stronger. Maybe if he just did what his Aunt was asking everything would be better. Why would she lie to him, finally he gave in and he felt his entire body overcome with this pleasant warm sensation. “That’s it princess, what a good girl you are.” Finally Marvin felt himself closing his eyes again, revelling in the warm cosy feeling.

If only he knew what was really going on, Jill grinned from ear to ear as she felt the warm spot growing over Marvin’s sheets. She quickly collected the bowl of warm water, carefully removing Marvin’s hand and placing it back over his blanket. Tiptoeing as quiet as a mouse she ever so carefully moved over into the doorway. “Goodnight princess, sleep well.” She said, before slowly closing the door. 

Chapter 13

Marvin tossed and turned before finally he opened his eyes, squinting as the morning sun shone through his blinds and into his eyes. ‘Was it morning already.’ He wondered. Quickly his thoughts turned to disappointment as he remembered yesterday’s events as they quickly flooded back to him. Sighing Marvin turned over to face away from the window. Why did he feel so clammy and gross like he had been to the beach and forgot to have a shower. Just pee yourself, those words pierced him like an icy dagger and Marvin sat up straight and looked around his room. A smile crept from his lips, ‘it was just a dream.’ He felt like laughing before a feeling of dread crept over him. His heart thumped in his chest as he looked down at his bedspread, he shuffled around on his bottom. He definitely wasn’t wearing a diaper so why couldn’t he escape this feeling. Like a band aid he quickly ripped the doona and sheets off of himself in one swoop, enough to get a good look at himself and confirm his fears. He had wet the bed. 

This didn’t make any sense he thought to himself, he had gone to the toilet right before he went to sleep. Well not technically the toilet, but he had relieved himself and besides this had never happened before. He couldn’t remember the last time he had wet the bed, he tried looking back but he had been quick to potty train he remembered his mom toting that comment around multiple times and never ceased to make him feel so embarrassed when she mentioned it. It was like she treated it as his only successful accomplishment to this day, yes he was only a C+ B- average student but surely that didn’t remain his only success. Suddenly he felt even more guilt, what if that was his only accomplishment, being potty trained early and now in the span of less than twelve hours he had peed himself twice. Did that mean he was a failure that now he was an adult he had nothing to show for it? All his friends were probably getting up to go to college or work and here he was lying in bed wearing his Aunt’s clothes that he had thoroughly soaked with his pee. 

Finally he couldn’t take it anymore, this day was supposed to be better than yesterday and already it was so much worse. Marvin couldn’t do anything and so he did the only thing he could do and that was burst into tears. 

It wasn’t long before Mildred came bursting into the room unannounced her maternal instincts quickly kicking in as soon as she heard the crying she ran to her nephews aid. 

“Marvin, what is it sweetie, why are you crying.” She said to the spluttering boy. His eyes had quickly grown all red and puffy from the tears and she quickly found the source of his problem as she eyed the wet nightgown that clung tightly to him. “Oh Marvin, it’s ok accidents happen don’t worry about it.” She took a seat on the dryer side of the bed next to him and put her arm around the sobbing young man. 

“This…. never happened before.” Marvin managed to splutter out in between his sobs.

“Shhhhhh, there… there. Let it all out Marvin, Auntie Mildred’s here, it will be ok.” She said wrapping her arms tightly around her nephew and gently rubbing his back.

Jill had heard the commotion from her bedroom, chucking a dressing gown on over her nightie she carefully walked over to the guest bedroom where Marvin was staying. She wasn’t sure what to expect as she popped her head into the room. She slowly put one hand to her mouth as she leant against the door frame. She wasn’t sure if it was to stop her from gasping or laughing. She took the full sight in that was laid out before her. Marvin was bawling his eyes out in his wet bed wearing her mother’s nightgown that was soaked with his pee. Her mother, consoling him like a toddler that had been doing so well at not wetting the bed and now had suffered a relapse. Then her feeling of triumph suddenly turned to guilt, she had been the cause of this.

Marvin had always been a bossy cousin as they were growing up, but he had never been cruel to her. Occasionally he made fun of her or teased her, but that’s what older siblings did. Well that’s what she imagined they did, being an only child like Marvin he was the closest thing she had to a brother. She was never close with her dad he was always distant and wrapped up in his work, refusing to give her the time of day. Most of her closest friends were girls and she had a couple of boyfriends in high school but they were so immature it had put her off dating since leaving. Now she had reduced the only guy in her life to a blubbering mess. This wasn’t who she was; she had always considered herself a good person. In her quest to have a chance at being the oldest to be the one in charge and have sway over a younger sibling to be in control, she had really hurt Marvin. She realised this now, quickly making her way over to the opposite side of the bed. Ignoring the now dry wet patch she sat down and put her arm around Marvin, his tears made her feel like crying too.     

She couldn’t help but notice the fresh wet spot which lightly trickled out onto Marvin’s nightgown. It was small but still quite noticeable, was he really having an accident on his own? She looked up toward her mother who must have also seen it because she returned her gaze knowingly. 

“Alright sweetie, let’s get you up, after we give you another bath you will feel so much better. Jill, will you take him while I sort out breakfast?”

This was it, Jill thought the defining moment and it had come so much sooner then she thought it would have. So why did she feel so bad about it.


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