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“It’s so nice to be out and about isn’t it my little guy. This is the first time you’ve come out with your mommy in a long time, it’s lovely having my little guy waddling around with me, make sure your hand never leaves the cart ok I wouldn’t want you to get lost. Uhuh, no candy mister we’re putting you on a diet, you got a bit of your baby fat back since we haven’t been getting you outside in a while. Hmmm, I suppose I better check that diaper of yours huh? Oh… looks like someone has a wet tushy that needs changing. I think we have everything we need here, let’s go to the checkouts baby.”

“Wow you sure are buying a lot of baby food, are you running a day care? Oh no day care just the one big baby, well they must be a BIG baby to need all this food my goodness. 

‘You should see his diapers’ 

Wait it’s HIM? Oh wow you really got him to admit it, so it’s true then, awww and his diapers are wet too? Aren’t you such a lucky baby to have a caring mommy to look after you even when you’re supposed to be a grown up boy. That sure looks like a wet diaper to me, better pull his pants back up, wouldn’t want to embarrass him to much he might soak through them and I would rather not have to close my register to clean up pee. Hmm, looks like this isn’t scanning, could we please get a price check on the baby powder for the very wet baby and his mother at register three.”

“It’s ok sweetie kins, just relax and enjoy the swings. Mommy loves pushing her baby boy and will do anything to make you feel better. I know, it’s ok to cry baby you’re upset just let it all out and let the calming swing do its work, soon you’ll feel better again. I know that ‘big kid’ made fun of you when he saw your diaper sticking out of your shorts but theres nothing to be ashamed of. You need your diapers baby, if we let you out of them just think of all the messes we would be cleaning up. Think of all the people seeing you in your wet shorts, when they see your cute diaper bulge most people understand that you need them and won’t make fun of you for it. I know the boy who made fun of you is younger in age but not in maturity that’s why he’s a bigger kid.

Sorry but it’s just a fact, now that you’re in diapers again you’re no better than any kid who isn’t you need to face reality my darling boy. Weeeee, I think I am starting to see that adorable smile again? You can stay on these swings as long as you like, I know you’re in a wet diaper any kind of confrontation or embarrassment makes you tinkle into your padding. It’s a thick diaper though so as long as there aren’t any more incidents it should hold for the time being. As soon as we’re done here we’ll get you changed. Maybe we should be going for something even thicker, I know these are already super obvious but, I love seeing your cute bottom wrapped up in a thick thirsty diaper.” 

“Alright sweetie you be a good boy and just lie still ok, I need to show the babysitter how to change a diaper on a much bigger baby then she would normally deal with. I paid extra since you’re such a handful so mommy needs to make sure everything is done properly, it’s been so long since we’ve been apart from each other even for a moment. I know you’ll be in safe hands with her she has lots of experience with babysitting, especially with disciplining naughty boys so you have to be on your best behaviour. Otherwise a night of spankings and time outs will be on the menu for you. Pee yew, yep it’s definitely a stinky one, hopefully for you; this will be the only one you have to deal with for the night.  

Wow you’re a natural, it’s just like your regular charges, just a much bigger baby to deal with. Ok now we’ve gone through his feeding routine, you know he’s just on a baby food diet and his bottles of formula for now. He needs to be bathed before his beddie byes so he smells beautiful and clean when I come home and kiss him goodnight. Its best you keep him in the thicker triple diapers overnight, he’s become such a big night time soaker and I want to make sure his sheets are kept dry. Bedtime for him is 8pm, not a minute later. Make sure he doesn’t try and con his way into staying up any later, it just mean’s I’ll have a cranky baby to deal with in the morning. It wouldn’t be the first time he has tried to convince himself that he’s a big boy that can stay up latter watching television. So we have to snap that kind of attitude in the but straight away, I want my sweetie to remain pure and sweet as long as he is living with me. Alright baby, that’s everything, you better be on your best behaviour ok. Otherwise maybe we’ll look into taking away some of your more ‘adult’ privileges.” 



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