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Following Marvin’s little tantrum it was announced by his Aunt that she had better take the grumpy boy home for a much needed nap. He was made to apologise to everyone for his outburst and thank Jen for everything she had done for him. Marvin cringed as he noticed his Aunt take the note with the address written down for the day care. He was then made to grab his bag and follow close behind his Aunt to her car which happened to be a glamorous red suburban minivan. 

Marvin couldn’t remember much about his Aunt and he tried to recall if she was a wealthy woman, he wondered what kind of house they would pull up in. Theories about his Aunts wealth occupied his thoughts were was good enough to make him momentarily forget about the humiliation he had suffered moments before. Unfortunately he was reminded once again of his immaturity and lack of respect as a peer his Aunt held for him when she spoke to him.

“Now I suppose you know how to buckle yourself in and don’t need me to do it for you.” 

Marvin rolled his eyes as he deposited his suitcase into the boot of the car. “Stop treating me like a kid Auntie, I’m an adult.” 

“Well you sure could have fooled me.” She Scoffed. “I don’t know many adults that throw temper tantrums in their soiled underpants after a failed attempt at going to the toilet, do you?” 

The question was rhetorical and Marvin refused to respond, he kept the same posture as he had on the train ride over and sat in the front seat against the window seal, resting with his palm bunched up underneath his chin. The ride wasn’t far but the scenery quickly changed from a more metro suburban feel into long pastures with windy roads across green countryside. Eventually they pulled into the driveway of a modest home in a secluded area, there were neighbours on either side but the front yards were huge and lined with large pine trees, creating a level of privacy. The house was quite generous in size, two stories giving off a rustic feel with its timber frame and arches.

Marvin stepped out onto the stone gravel pathway and stretched his legs before pulling his suitcase out of the boot. It was a strange feeling the quiet streets, he could only here the whistling of the wind as it blew through the trees and the crunch of the gravel beneath his sneakers. Marvin had nothing more to look forward to then removing his messy underwear and having a shower. By now thankfully the wet spot on his pants had dried up, the last thing he wanted was for Jill to see what happened. He remembered a lot about his cousin even though it had been a while since they last spoke. He remembered how bossy she was, even being a year younger she always made it seem like she was the eldest of the two and would always make decisions for the both of them. Though this was back when they were much younger and the decision was always what board game to play or what movie to watch. Even as he remembered this though he looked back on them as fond memories and he looked forward to seeing her again. 

As Marvin and his Aunt approached the house, the front door shot open and Jill stood out onto the porch to greet them. She was definitely dressed for summer in a pair of denim short shorts, and a white crop top that left her midriff uncovered and a pair of red flip-flops on her feet. Maybe his Aunt wasn’t as conservative as Marvin originally thought, with all her rules about video games in the house his mind had wandered and he half expected Jill to be dressed in a full hijab or sent off to join a nunnery. Maybe this was a good sign he thought to himself before he quickly looked away realising he had been looking at his cousin’s outfit for an uncomfortably long amount of time.

“Hey Marvin, what took you guys so long!” Jill said as she walked up to Marvin throwing her arms around him. “It’s been so long, you’ve gotten so tall now, and you will always be my little cousin though.” She said reaching up and scuffing his hair. 

“Hey, I’m a year older then you remember?” Marvin replied, not too sure if she had been joking or not.

“Hmmmm, doesn’t sound right to me.” She teased.

“Yeah after today I’m pretty sure that’s way off the mark, in fact if anything I would say he’s acting younger then when we last saw him.” Mildred said as she walked past them into the house.

Jill looked suspiciously at Marvin who shrugged, he suspected Jill to push the subject further but she seemed to let it go for the moment as she led him into the house. 

“Come on, I’ll give you the tour.” 

After leaving his suitcase in the hallway, Jill dragged Marvin around giving him a tour around the rather elaborate house. With such nice décor he was actually surprised it was only a three bedroom household, though one of the rooms was being used as a study for Jill so technically it could be conceived as four. Finally Jill stopped at the final bedroom door between her and her mother’s rooms. 

“And this dear cousin will be where you’re sleeping.”

As the door slowly swung open the first thing that Marvin laid eyes on was the crib and babies changing table that were pushed against one side of the room. 


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