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Before the night's out, there's gonna be a big patch that fixes a lot of issues. Some of them major, like the missing maps issue, and some of them minor.

I've been working at this solo for so long that it's honestly kind of weird having bugtesters help me out. But I've got four people working with me on Discord to help smooth this update over. I know that this one's been a little hodgepodge, and I'm really genuinely sorry. I'm hard at work at fixing as many of these issues as possible.

That being said, and I really try not to be "this guy" when it comes to things that I create, but please keep in mind that I'm just one person making these things, and have been literally since the beginning of this game. I rely on your input to help catch issues and fix them as they crop up, but I'm really not trying to frustrate you when these games don't work. Believe me, I understand how frustrating bugs in games can be by now lol. But I promise I'm going to try and have this all patched out as soon as I possibly can. And this update will be a big chunk taken care of.

And honestly, I've had way rougher launches for updates than this one lol.

March's update should, in theory, be the last one - as in, version 1 rather than 0.9 or whatever. It's coming with a playable epilogue, an implemented item shop where the wife gets fatter and more spoiled the more money that you spend there, and Lady Dienro's house where you can feed her the items that you buy from the Perfectly Legitimate Businesswoman, on top of viewing those What If scenes if you can get into the Dev room.

I'm doing my best to make sure that this all happens, and my patrons are a big reason why I'm able to do cool stuff like make games and write stories and work so far ahead in the future. Without you guys, none of this would be possible!

And I know I say this to you guys a lot, but thank you for your patience. With me, with my projects, and with any of these bugs that I might miss in this big ass fucking update that's getting posted at the end of the night.


Mighty Halberd

No rush bobo, godspeed with the bugging! ^^