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***Bad Ends are currently bugging out because I purged leftover map data. Will fix soon!

***this patch fixes 50 issues - including missing maps in Chapters 2 and 3 that make the game unprogressive. Freya's House should be able to be delivered to and the map spasming out when teleported to view Malary's house has been fixed. We're slowly working our way "up" the ladder, so there may be more. We'll do our best to find them. 

***another new patch, another 60 issues fixed.


With this, we're almost finished with this project. At the risk of repeating myself [from this post] there's still a lot to look forward to! New games are on the horizon, and new projects will always rear their heads.

But until then, this one is getting pretty close to finished!

It's not perfect yet - there are still some issues that I'm having polishing and porting through. But I (and at least one very helpful playtester) have been able to make it through to the end of the story. This update leaves off right before the big fight with Calahree, because I'm not happy with how that turned out, and I want to be able to lead into the Epilogue with no issues for anyone who played through to the final boss.

Padget in Chapter 6 might act wonky - I'm not sure. There's a scene where she disappears and comes back fat - it might not work. I'll figure it out.

I've been told that Chapter 7 is punishing so I did what I could to make it a little easier on you. Gabby's a little higher leveled and the Corrupted Wyvern in Chapter 7 has half health. I've also added an antidote item, and Heal now heals poison - oh and there's a revive spell for Gabby in Chapter 7.

Okay! Now then. Onto some of the main features of this chapter.

The Dev Room is back up and running, mostly. I wasn't able to include game clips because the game's not done yet. But the other features in the dev room are up and running.

the Fight Club is now open! Grind to make those battles a little less difficult.

the Item shoppe is up and running, but the dialogue hasn't been fully implemented yet. The scripting is a little complicated, so it's still stuck in Chapter 1. You should still be able to buy things, though.

Dienro house is still closed off to all chapters except for Chapter 2. Again, the scripting gets complicated here, and I need to be able to make sure it works in the epilogue too. And since the epilogue hasn't been written yet, the house will remain closed.

All of those maps above are "single" maps - meaning that they spit you back out in the chapter that you began in. And holy crap am I worried that it's gonna spit you out in the wrong chapter and break the game. So let me know if this happens so that I can either fix the issue or patch the map shut again so that I can have time to fix the issue.

There are a couple of other things that I think y'all will like though! Again, not done, but getting really really close!




DOWNLOAD - v0.8.2.3[SF] - Start at Chapter 6 (Do NOT transfer saves - start new game)





In the land of the dead segment of the final chapter, I'm pretty sure I can't progress, due to (I think) the path I'm supposed to go down, the path after where you fight the ghoul the first time east into what I remember being the entrance to the town. Will also post on Wgaming since Patreon doesn't have an image feature it seems.


Can you create à save to go to chapter 6 ?


Just wanted to let you know that I got back to you on WG! The bug should be taken care of as of the latest version that I'm uploading now.


Sure, I can create an SF version like I did a few versions back. It won't be able to play literally any other chapters except for 6 and 7 though.


Do it please

Vincenzo Alma

It spit me out at chapter 3 in the previous update


no, I mean which map? There are three one-room maps that this could happen in. The Dev Room, the Item Shoppe, or the Fight Club.

Vincenzo Alma

After I finished it it gave me a screen saying that it would be updated later

Vincenzo Alma

I mean that once I had finished the boss at the end of the chapter when grizelda fights titania it didn't move me forward to the next chapter


Sounds to me like I accidentally linked it to the demo version. But I've triple checked and the correct setup is set to play out during the events in the most recent update. Sorry about that!

Vincenzo Alma

It's ok your work is of the highest quality


unable to complete delivery side quest in chapter 3 Entering freyja's house causes Map012 to fail to load Update: Cannot progress through Chapter 3. Entering East Aemple causes map 13 to fail to load during the brief cutscene


awesome, thank you for letting me know. I've got some bugtesters working on this and a lot of other failed map problems, so this should be a quick fix. Give me a little bit and we'll have it figured out :)


I have enjoyed this update, albeit I do think that this game has a surprising lack of bad endings (And the one I know about that has griselda serving the Fae Queen i don't really like) considering the subject matter. I fully expected one for the dragon of greed and gluttony and was disappointed when that didn't come to be. I am really hoping for an epic bad end when you face off against Calahree(mainly showing how the world was plunged into a gluttonous mania and Calahree began usurping the realms of Lady Death and Belladonna with the power as was hinted was possible in the Lady Death segment). Overall I am still enjoying the game, just surprised the game with Bad Ender in neon flashing lights only has one that I've found. Keep up the good work though.


Don't worry, Bad Ends are getting phased back in. There are the two already planned, one in Chapter 6, and of course the one against Calahree in Chapter 7. I appreciate the feedback!


Got another round of bugs for you. - Chapter 5, after returning to tower, cannot reenter Aemple, dialogue ffom chapter 2 Ginny plays mentioning the crystal in the cave and it prevents you from going back into town - Chapter 7, The entire destroyed aemple section seems to be the old version, not sure if this was a bug or not but I am including it Chapter 7, Upon reaching Griselda, her sprite is all wonky and is replaced with a mess of other sprites in the area. There is also no teleport circle to take you to the final boss. Currently cannot complete the game


Can I have a fucking save to chapter 5, for the milionth time ?


Hey, the save file download is not working for me. It is taking me to the page but says it is invalid


hey i wanted to ask the chest with a code is it a exclusive thing to cetain tiers of patrons or is it just something you figure out


the chapter 5 its bug and you cant enter the town and the chapter 6 is also bug and you cant exit the intro