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EDIT2: It'd be easier to list the things that this patch didn't fix lol. Lots of collision errors fixed, no more accidentally going to Bunny Bombshell's VIP room and getting sent back to Chapter 3 (if you need her in parts 4 and 5, she's in her family's house next to the church!) 

There are still a couple of bugs that will need to be ironed out, obviously. But the main object of these updates (especially 2 in a row) is to make sure that these chapters are playable. This is part of the reason why I don't like doing updates this close to the end of the month - I want to make sure that y'all get your money's worth!

**EDIT: Fixed an issue where Chapter 5 wouldn't start, and a couple in the Deadlands about not being able to get Delilah's helmet (as well as a tricky teleporter bug)

Okay! So that's two last-day uploads in a row! I'm not too happy about that, but these are some of the biggest chapters in the game - anything more, and I would have severely missed my deadline!

This version includes the streamlined versions of Chapters 4 and 5 - or at least, a close approximation of what they'll be when the game is finished. There's still some polish missing (the HUD components for Chapter 5 were left out) but those can be worked on in the next update.

I'd like to thank everyone for your patience with these! Chapter 5 in and of itself was basically spaghetti, so there might still be a few glitches there. But it's through your support that I'm able to do cool stuff like this - we're about two months away from this game being ready to launch!

That's right! The finish line is IN SIGHT!

Next update will, obviously, focus on the (thankfully, already largely self-contained) Chapters 6 and 7, while also going back and adding the single maps like the Dev room and the retooled Dienro house. Those have to be done last because, in theory, they have the most propensity for messing things up and sending you to a different chapter. So I'm waiting until everything else works smoothly before attempting to work with them.

However, as people who have played the last update know, the Dienro house is still available to be witnessed in Chapter 2 as part of the deliveries.

Again, side note - DO NOT LOAD AND OLD SAVE FILE TO THIS VERSION. Anything lower than version 8.0.1 will absolutely wreck this game. Play it from the beginning, or from a previous save from v0.8.0.1.

Long story short? These aren't PERFECT updates. I expect there to be some glitches here and there. I've also done my best to crack down on the ones that have been cropping up for those of you who have been playing! But we're getting closer and closer to being finished!




Feel free to list any bugs here in the comment section - I'll get to them as soon as possible! 


Lorelei Stockhausen

I couldn't get into chapter 5 with Delilah in the party. The Lady of Death needed to get next to me in order to move onto the next prompt and Delilah walking behind the PC blocked Lady reaching the PC. The fairy castle (chapter 3) and the nun's alter (chapter 1) don't have proper collision in my play through. Delilah's face png did not load in chapter 5, causing me to lose my save there. Will replay most of chapter 5 to catch back up. Griselda's reactions appear when interacting with Freya's door and the well in chapter 4 and 5 despite not being Griselda. That all being said, loving the story.


The collision parts I knew about, but I'll make sure to take a look at the transition script for Chapter 4 to Chapter 5. Glad that you're enjoying the story!


I got an error when I talked to the Dullahan in the deadlands like her face wasn't loading in and it crashed my game Also, it said I was at the end of content when I finished chapter 5, but I have seen people with screenshots from chapter 6, is this a glitch since I'm not at a proper tier?


Dang, it must have been a hot second since I last played the latest updates to this cause there are a ton of new details this time around. It looks super clean and nice so far. Great job on this! Quick bug I ran into: in chapter 1 after getting the cave opened by the hero to get the axe, if you walk into the cave and go right back out, the hero re-appears in front of the cave. If I run into anything else - and if it's not mentioned here already - I'll add another comment.


is there a way to cure poison? i love this game so far but i got poisoned and its kind of stopped me dead in my tracks ;-;


2 things that I've run into in chapter 2 so far. The first was after the main fairy was defeated in the basement all of the other fairies respawned. The second was the fact that I could not talk to the fortune teller in my game at all at her stall in chapter 2, and that stopped me from completing a delivery so i could not progress.


Ah, went to the wrong person thinking the accessory sales person was the fortune teller, I'll check tonight but if it was the wrong person then that probably would do it. On a different note then the vendor (accessory) in the stall can't be talked to in chapter 2