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I want to be upfront when I say that I'm still learning how to cross the T's and dot the i's when it comes to this kind of thing. What works in one version of these games doesn't always carry over when I fix errors elsewhere in this game.

I want to make it clear to everyone that I'm hell-bent on getting this game out there at its best possible quality. We're so very, very close to the finish line now and I'm really appreciative of everyone's patience with me and all of my bullshit lol.

You're all the best patrons that a guy could ask for, and I appreciate all that YOU'RE doing into making sure that this game is as good as it can be.

Next month, I'll try not to make so many stupid mistakes :)



Don't be so hard on yourself, all this stuff is really hard to learn and problems are always going to happen from time to time, so don't worry! ^ ^


it's all good, these things happen


Yeah man, like others are saying, don't beat yourself with it. As a pro game dev myself, this things are to be 100% expected even on the most million dollar game development studios! (If not even more there lol)