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Hello guys.

I said I'd have this ready for today, but something came up and I had to do a lot of stuff around almost the whole day, including buying a HDD to back my things up, because I suspect my main HDD is dying soon (loud seeking noise, overall slow performance). I think the trip affected it even though I had it cushioned.

I also had to do some paperwork. How annoying.

Barring that, I was able to finish texturing the rest of the outfit and importing the textures in HS.

So all what's left is finishing importing accessories along their textures and then the naked state (should be simple), which I'll do tomorrow after, again, lots of paperwork to do regarding my stay here.

I'm attaching some high resolution screenshots (thanks to HoneyShot).

It's 3 am and I have to wake up at 5:30, man I hate that.

See you!




Good god I can't wait! Also congrats on moving successfully!