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 Hello guys.

I've finished Lady.

Following the recommendation of a patron, I'm going to publish it here first and then it goes on the site. I have to say though, Patreon keeps failing at uploading the files and it's kind of annoying, so I'll upload the stuff in my server as well as Baidu and put the links here.

Anyways, since posts in Patreon are a bit more cramped than Wordpress, I'm gonna have to make this as small as possible.

The password for the file with the mod is: x`3EP+^NA\2yKfDa



Remember you need the latest Wideslider installed and your game patched with it.

Remember to download the card for your respective version of the game (attached to this post).

I hope I didn't forget anything.

Now I start working on Motoko and continue working on Morrigan's outfit.

See you!




Thanks! She looks great!\


Sorry to disturb the roy12 Feeling the use of the module into the picture after the look does not understand why this will be the case Previously Yennefer also appeared in a similar situation


I might be able to send pictures through the system to send a picture to you so you can not see the picture my situation is to read the lady's mod when the face of the texture distortion distortion Will Roy mailbox? I would like to understand if the solution to this The problem before your other modules are no problem but this is the situation can not understand


THX : )


thx roy


Rikku PLs roy lol


Thanks!btw:Witch work does this character come from?


Nice! Ever considered doing any of the Tekken girls?


I have, but the models you can get from the last one are terrible. Wait until 7 is out and an exporter exists.