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“Another beautiful day. I think I’ll take a break from creating today and go out for a walk.”

It wasn’t often that J got a chance to wind down from his work. He derived an insane pleasure in moving his creations around and creating various versions of each, but everybody needed to get some fresh air at some point. He grabbed his jacket from the stand and headed out of his studio apartment. As he slid it on, he remembered that he’d washed his outfit the previous night before bed and adored how soft the fabric was against his pale, delicate skin. It had become a habit for him to obsessively wash whatever he wore as nothing bothered him more than wearing dirty clothing. The scent of the conditioner he used soothed his nerves as he stepped out into the sunlight and took in a deep breath of fresh air.

Today’s going to be a good day.

He put his hands in his pockets and took a stroll down the sidewalk. As per usual, passersby were gawking at him; a tradition he’d gotten so used to that everybody was white noise to him. To avoid conversation, he pulled out a state of the art set of earphones and plugged them into his ears and turned on one of his go to playlists. Thankfully, nobody ever really grabbed or otherwise touched him as they had that much respect for him. While he wasn’t well known, there were a small handful of people who recognized his kindness and charitable donations.

J began wondering where he should actually go since wandering around aimlessly wasn’t something he was into. As he pondered, he noticed some commotion on the opposite end of the street. He focused and was able to make out what looked to be a business executive. He appeared to be looking directly at J.

For a business dude, he seems pretty young. He’s got a pretty funky hairstyle though with the sides shaved and the top all brushed back. Wonder why there’s a desert fox on his briefcase..

The man seemed to be frantically trying to cross the street, but the crowd wouldn’t allow him to.

Wonder why he doesn’t just wait ‘til a crosswalk, J thought to himself in passing as he continued on his way.

While he wished he could’ve helped the guy out, he was much better off just waiting for a crosswalk instead of trying to jaywalk. For a moment, J could’ve sworn the suave business executive was calling out to him, but the music blasting in his ears made it impossible for him to hear anybody right next to him, no less someone across the street on a busy sidewalk.

He’s probably just late for work. Poor guy. If I ever see him again, I’ll try and help him out.

Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, he saw that the mall was bustling, so he decided to take a look. As he pulled his headphones from his ears, he noticed what appeared to be a couple arguing. One was a large, husky male dressed in a ragged purple outfit complete with matching purple hair and the other was a black woman with light brown skin and very kinky, curly hair. She was dressed in a white, long sleeved shirt that almost went down to her knees, some spats, and slip on shoes as well as a dark blue beanie. One of her eyes was covered by her poofy hair.

Nope. Not dealing with that one. Just pass them by quickly.

As he passed, he overheard them.

“I told you a million times already, Sage, I’m not your property so quit acting like I am.”

Hearing that piqued his curiosity, so he simply put his headphones in and acted like he was listening to music. Thankfully, nobody noticed him remove them since his long hair hid his ears pretty well and he didn’t wear it tied back. He kept a safe distance from the ‘couple’ and listened in.

“Blueberry, I’m the only one who understands you… You gotta believe me.. I’m the master and you’re the pet, remember?”

“No, you WERE my master back before you decided to start acting like a jackass to me and treat me as your property!”

“Isn’t that what a master and pet relationship is supposed to be?”

J was stunned hearing this exchange. To him, it seemed like the woman was defending herself from what sounded like an emotionally abusive boyfriend who took their dom and sub relationship a bit too far. J dabbled in these kinds of relationships in the past, but he never once treated his subs as his property, nor would he refer to them as such. To him, those types of relationships relied solely on trust and compassion with a little bit of rough play from time to time. Nothing abusive like what he was hearing.

“No! You don’t know anything about being a mas-”

Before Blueberry could finish her statement, a loud slap echoed. J covered his mouth in shock at hearing it, assuming the woman had been struck by the man. He peeked his head around the corner to see the woman clutching her cheek, on the verge of tears as the man wiped off his hand.

“I’ll let you try that one more time, Blue. Don’t you EVER talk that way to me again.”

His tone was stern and his pose triumphant as he stood over her. J pulled his earphones out and shoved them into his pocket, calmly approaching them.

Blue rubbed her cheek for a moment before looking up at J. She was relieved, but also couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Everything about J appealed to her from his long, brown hair cascading down his shoulders to his womanly physique. His hips were like a woman’s, but the way he stood confidently brought a blush to her light brown cheeks. The other thing she fixated on was his face and his very thick eyebrows that almost seemed to extend beyond his face with how angry he appeared.

“Who’s this chick? Friend of yours, Blue?”

Sage quickly altered his tone and attempted to appear suave to J, but it was a futile attempt as J wasn’t buying into it. He raised his hand and extended his finger to Sage, pointing right at him.

“Did you just hit her?” J made sure to use the deepest voice he possibly could, shaking Sage to his core as he immediately shifted his tone.

“You’re a...guy? What?”

“Answer the question. Did you just hit her?”

“Hahaha, you look like a woman!”

J was beginning to lose his patience and put his hand down by his side as his other rested in his pocket. Sage clearly wasn’t taking him seriously which was just fine for J as he was used to this kind of reception. Still, based on everything he heard and how fearful Blueberry was, this hadn’t been the first time she was hit and forced to stay in an abusive dom and sub relationship.

“You’re as ridiculous as those big, stupid eyebrows!”

Suddenly, J stopped posturing and looked down for a brief second. A faint red glow began surrounding his body.

“....What did you just say about my eyebrows?”

Sage didn’t mince words and made sure to repeat himself, emphasizing choice words.

“Your eyebrows! They’re BIG and STUPID. Should just shave them off and you’ll be a perfect woman!”

The red glow intensified around J as he balled up his fist and lunged forward, striking Sage in the face. He collapsed to his knees, grasping the side of his face, feeling blood trickle down.

“W-what? S-so fast!”

Standing over him, J gave him some words of his own.

“I can’t stand when people talk shit about my eyebrows, but I can’t stand scum like you who beat women unwarranted.”

Sage tried to form words, but before he could, he was met by a barrage of strikes landing one after another  on his face, shoulders, and chest, making him fly back.

“S-so powerful.. I can take him!”

Hopping back up, Sage charged at J in a blind rage, both fists clenched.

“I’ll kill you and make you both my submissive bitches!”

J removed his wristbands and his jacket, letting them drop nearby Blueberry, who promptly grabbed them out of the way to keep them safe.

With a sigh, J effortlessly stopped Sage’s advance.

“Good grief, what a pain.”

Again, Sage was dumbstruck as he felt J catch his fist in midair.


Before he could even form words, J unleashed another flurry of strikes, leaving Sage bloodied on the ground. As he lay twitching on the floor, J posed over him as he pointed down, the red glow around him dissipating.

“Degenerates like you belong in Hell. Now you’ll see what it’s like to be in an abusive dom and sub relationship.”

Crying for mercy, Sage pleaded for J to let him go and vowed to never bother Blueberry or anybody else ever again. Before he could speak, J had him sent to Hell.

“To Hell with you!”

Several hands the same color as J’s aura reached from the ground and grabbed Sage, dragging his spirit from his body and pulling him into the ground below as his body disintegrated.

After dealing with Sage, J turned his attention to Blueberry to see if she was ok, noticing she was clutching his jacket and wristbands.

“Hey, you good?”

She looked into his eyes and felt secure by his warmth, yet intimidated by what just happened. It was otherworldly and nobody else seemed to pay much attention except for her. There were no crowds cheering him on nor were there any passersby that stopped to watch. While scared, she was grateful to him.

“I-I’m actually great now, thanks to you.” She smiled at him as she hugged his jacket, enjoying the scent.

“Mind if I have those back?” J said gesturing to his jacket and wristbands she had on her arms.

“Oh! Yes, yes, I’m sorry. I..didn’t think you wanted them getting dirty.” She spoke softly and nervously, handing him his stuff back.

“Well, I hope you find someone better than that asshat. Make sure to beware of guys like him when getting into these kinds of relationships.”

She nodded in understanding as he helped her to her feet. Tired from the fight, J took his leave after seeing Blueberry off and wishing her well. As he walked off, his jacket blowing in the wind, she felt a need to be with him. He protected her while nobody else did. She was so used to being ignored by people, so for him to take it upon himself to defend her despite knowing nothing about her. In her mind, there was nobody else but him to follow and that she did. She ran after him, reaching her hand out.


Stopping in his tracks and turning around, he was met by Blueberry lunging at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him close as she shivered.

“Please, can I go with you? Can you be my master?”

He was awestruck by her proposal. He hadn’t really looked twice at her, so he was hesitant, but he knew how to be a proper dom and he didn’t quite enjoy being so lonely. With a smile he accepted the hug, returned the favor and embraced her.

“Of course, you can come with me. As for being your master, I’ll only do so the right way miss..”

“My name is Blueberry. What’s yours, Master?”

“My name is J.”

She smiled brightly at him and dropped down, grasping his arm as she rested her head against it.

“Shall we go, J?”

He smiled and walked off with her into the distance, happy that he finally had some company that actually wanted to stick around for once.

-Insert JoJo anime opening here-


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