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“Being a God is very hard work and can be even more so when you’re excommunicated just for being too damn good at your job.” J spoke these words anytime somebody asked him just where he came from and why he was here. Nobody really knew who he was or what he could do, they just knew he was a man with very womanly hips and a luscious, plump rear that sent even the straightest men into a frenzy; causing them to trip over themselves in a vain attempt to court J for themselves. His thick brows remained in a constant furrowed motion as if he made that face so many times, it became stuck that way.

It always seemed like something was bothering him and whenever asked about it, he would always respond in kind, “That’s just how I look. It’s my natural face.” Nobody would believe him, but he didn’t care. All he was interested in was creating. He spent countless hours alone in his room laying out and detailing his own universe for enjoyment. He loved creating characters, putting them in expansive worlds, and forming a narrative to entertain people. Still down on his luck, he never gave up on his aspirations.

When not creating, he was usually browsing local shops for snack foods, drinks, and entertainment. Everytime he stepped out, he caught the attention of somebody. Usually it was his rear that grabbed all the attention, so to combat this, J specifically chose an outfit that would properly shield his endowments. A red short sleeved jacket that he kept unbuttoned, a black t-shirt, a belt with his signature “J” on the buckle, some loose fitting jeans and styled boots along with his signature wristbands. The jacket did well to hide his large bottom and he felt like the coolest person in the room donning it. He could will any outfit he wanted, but he always came back to this basic attire.

Still, despite enjoying alone time with his universes, he did enjoy company; be it male or female. His only problem was never knowing exactly how to go about it since it was a very sensitive time and a wrong move could lead him straight to prison even if he did nothing wrong. He’d converse with people at the shops he frequented, but he never truly got to know them. He decided to start at his book shop as he would always find someone interesting to share a seat with as they previewed the latest graphic novel release. Too bad nothing new came out today.

He made his way down to a shop simply named ‘Reader’s Paradise.’ It had all kinds of books imaginable which attracted a plethora of different individuals. He cruised down to the graphic novel aisle just to see if there was anybody there worth talking to. Sure enough, he spotted somebody and what a somebody it was. J nearly salivated as he looked at him. He was tall, well built, a chiseled jaw, and messy, wavy hair. As he approached the man, J would see he had the deepest, most piercing blue eyes he’d ever seen.

“Oh hello, am I in your way?”

“Nah, man. You’re fine. What you reading there?” J didn’t hesitate to ask as he typically knew about what graphic novels were in the area.

“Oh, just a Superman book. This guy is amazing.”

“Ah Superman, I love him. Which run?”

“Oh, I’m not sure, it just says ‘All-Star Superman.’”

“Jackpot..” thought J to himself as he grew giddy. ‘All-Star Superman’ was his favorite story starring the character, so he knew he could strike up a decent conversation about it. They talked and talked about it for a good 10 minutes before the man tucked it under his arm, deciding to buy it.

“Trust me, man, you’ll love it. By the way, I never introduced myself, My name’s J.”

“Nice to meet you, J. I’m Henry.”

Henry offered his hand to him and the moment J’s hand touched his, electricity shot up and down his spine. They shook hands and Henry started off to the register, leaving J standing there with hearts for eyes. As Henry made his way, he stopped and felt a pair of eyes gawking at him. Now that he was a good distance from him, Henry was able to make out the shape of his body and quickly became attracted. With a smile, he made his way back to J, but as he did, an employee pushing a stack of books on a cart snagged J’s jacket, tearing it off and revealing his big hips to Henry and the rest of the staff.

J froze in embarrassment as the employee apologized profusely, handing the jacket back. He felt every pair of eyes in the store on him and fled the scene in embarrassment. There he was about to really get to know Henry when something like that happened. J ran past Henry as he attempted to reach out and comfort J, but he just missed him by a hair. Everybody went back to what they were doing, but Henry heard loud and clear that most of the people were talking about J in a very sarcastic and snarky tone.

Outside, J fixed his jacket and just started walking away from the shop, heated that his opportunity was blown.

“Every damn time...every damn time they see my body, they always have to stop and stare like they’re at the circus.. Damn these hips of mine..”

He grumbled all the way to the nearest grocery store and went in. Inside, he grabbed a cold soft drink and a chocolate candy bar to ease his nerves. After paying, he stepped outside and bumped into none other than Henry.

“Hey.. I’m sorry about what happened back there.”

J once again froze, not believing the man was standing there, speaking to him. He reached out and touched Henry’s chest momentarily to clarify that he was, in fact, real.

“Ha ha. What’s wrong, never felt a chest before?”

“Oh, sorry, I just… thought you might not have been real..” He paused momentarily because he knew how crazy that sounded. It made him seem like he was high on hallucinogens.

“...Ok, why would you think that, J? Do I need to take you to a hospital?”

“No! Anything but that!”

The sudden explosion frightened Henry, but instead of fleeing, he attempted to calm J down by placing his hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, it’s ok. I just… Have you taken anything in the last 5 minutes?”

“No no… ugh! I’m sorry, Henry, I just…” He tried gathering his thoughts together, but the more he spoke, the deeper he dug himself. He lowered his head in defeat until Henry gently lifted it by placing his hand under J’s chin. A deep blush formed on his pale skin and his heart stopped as he stared into Henry’s eyes.

“It’s ok, trust me. I’m not going to take you to the hospital, I just was concern-”

He couldn’t finish his thought because J stepped closer to him and stole a kiss. Stunned, Henry pushed J back, breaking the sudden kiss. It was a risky move on J’s part, but something told him that if he didn’t act on his desires, he’d never get a chance like this again. Yeah, people were watching, but he didn’t care. Henry saw his blushing face and pulled him back in for another kiss.

J was in heaven. His body grew warm and his cheeks felt flushed. He had no idea how or why this was happening, but he knew that making it last a lifetime was priority number 1. Henry’s lips felt soft and his scratchy stubble soothed J’s nerves. Passersby ignored them as they went on their way. Soon enough, J pulled his soft, plump lips from Henry’s to further entice him.

“So uhh.. Wanna come to my place...or take me to yours?”

Henry smiled and planted a kiss on J’s lips momentarily before answering, “Let’s go to your place, cutie. Show me a good time.”

What started as a means of getting to know people and gaining interest ended with J rushing Henry back to his place without hesitation. As they ran together, J noticed Henry gawking at his womanly hips and nearly salivated. His excitement was very noticeable by the growing bulge in his jeans. Finally, J arrived at his home and dragged Henry in. He made sure to let Henry know he could make himself at home while he put his drink and a candy bar in the fridge, giddy with excitement that he had someone he could play with. Before he could gather his thoughts, he felt his jacket get forcibly removed from his body, leaving him in just his shirt and jeans. He turned around and was immediately met by Henry’s lips pressing against his own.

They kissed for a good half hour, making J’s heart flutter and his face become as red as his belt buckle. Henry slowly pulled J’s clothes off his body until all that was before him was a naked God. J’s body was deceptively lithe, but his arms and chest were quite big. He was blessed with a near perfect frame, standing at 6’ 1”. His waist tapered down into his hips. He had a considerable bit of chub, but nothing that would classify him as obese; if anything, it added to his lower half, which sported thick hips and thighs that curved into a pair of gorgeous legs. Henry licked his lips in anticipation, pulling J closer, letting his hands roam over that pale skin. He wanted to savor the feeling as did J, but the God grew impatient and moved Henry’s hands over his heart shaped rear.

His fingers sunk into J’s flesh, squishing both of his cheeks together as he felt something poking his bulge. He looked down to see J’s astounding erection. It wasn’t just long, it was also very thick and resembled an arm. The pink head was barely covered by his foreskin. J noticed Henry staring and grinned at him, nuzzling his nose against his neck, planting soft kisses on it. Moans bellowed out from Henry as J sucked and nipped at one of his pressure points.

Not wanting to waste time, Henry picked up J and brought him over to a couch decorated with Sonic the Hedgehog pillows which quickly hit the floor so he could lay J down and lay between his legs. He teased J’s nipples, sending him into a frenzy. J’s nipples were one of many erogenous zones he had, but Henry insisted on teasing those pink buds as they hardened against his fingers. J’s back arched into the teasing which gave Henry ample opportunity to pull down his pants and shove his cock deep inside his hole without warning. The entire room became a symphony of pleasured moans as J allowed Henry to ravage his body as he pleased. For hours Henry pumped himself harder and harder into J, making him absolutely lose his mind to the sensations.

It was a version of heaven for J as he felt over Henry’s massive pecs, getting more turned on by the second. Soon enough, Henry gripped J’s massive cock and pumped it as hard as he could. He was on the brink of an orgasm only amplified by Henry’s actions.

“Oh fuck, Henry! I’m gonna…!”

He smiled and aimed J’s cock upward as he plowed the God as hard as he could. A shiver coursed through his body as his pucker was stretched out by Henry and he felt his orgasm finally hit, squirting right onto his chest as Henry came with him, filling J up and collapsing over him. His arms found their way around Henry’s neck as he slowly drifted off into his dreams. It was a perfect night with a man nearly as perfect as himself. J was wholly satisfied.


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