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Hello all!

Welcome to update 0.3.9 of Voronica Goes to Town! If you hang out on Discord you may have noticed that I promised it would be “bangin”, and I do believe that I’ve delivered!

First of all, Voronica has a new outfit – the Foxy Outfit – which will earn her extra money if she wears it while waitressing in the Fox Lounge. In addition, thanks to its mask, she will gain less heat each time she, uh… “lives her truth”.

Taking advantage of this new addition to her wardrobe, the first full stalk scene has now been implemented in the Fox lounge. Some one’s been stepping on Voronica’s turf and she doesn’t take it too well (or takes it entirely too well, depending on your perspective). This scene features a double vore event – so extra nums for the big bun!

Finally, the star of the show, the next entry in Voronica’s relationship with Hart is now available. Just head into her room and things will kick off! I won’t go too far into spoilers, but there are a total of four vore events – making her tied with Tiffany for ‘most people eaten in a single sitting’!

I hope you have a great time with it!

Edit: Oh! I also fixed the thing where bringing your heat back under its maximum didn't stop you getting a game over.

Get it here: Update 0.3.9 for Bunny and Bunzilla | Patreon




więCek ツ

Hey, could you can think about mini animation ( how Voronica playing with her belly.? You know something like massage belly animation after vore.

Heedless H

Well, I do need to make a new digestion animation for when Voronica has maximum belly size and you use that function in her room. So I'll keep the desirability of adding a bit of belly play in mind when I do that.