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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Is he hiding in the water?"

Sasuke's face showed no surprise. In the moment when Hozuki Kiyo unleashed the Water Gun Technique, a flash of lightning passed over Sasuke's body.


Hozuki Kiyo's Water Gun Technique created a deep hole in the hard ground, but Sasuke had already moved far away, avoiding the attack.

"So fast..."

Hozuki Kiyo's eyes were full of vigilance. Dodging his Water Gun Technique at the critical moment demonstrated incredible speed. Sasuke had also used Lightning Release chakra to enhance his speed, making Hozuki Kiyo wary, as Lightning Release countered the Hozuki Clan's water transformation technique.

Despite being wary of Sasuke's speed, Hozuki Kiyo showed no intention of backing down. Instead, he lifted his long knife and slashed towards Sasuke with great force.

"Is it that ninjutsu that enhances wrist strength again?" Sasuke's Sharingan spotted the chakra gathering in Hozuki Kiyo's hands. His brows furrowed for a moment, then relaxed. "Well then, taste this move: Lightning Release - Chidori Blade..."

A large amount of Lightning Release chakra condensed on the short knife in Sasuke's hand. In a moment, the White Fang short knife transformed into a blade surrounded by lightning.


A crisp sound echoed as both Sasuke and Hozuki Kiyo slid backward. In this head-to-head clash, the two seemed evenly matched.

"My knife..."

However, after coming to a stop, Hozuki Kiyo's face was filled with heartache. On his knife, where it clashed with the White Fang short knife, there was a tiny nick, while Sasuke's White Fang short knife remained intact. In the exchange, Hozuki Kiyo's knife suffered damage, and a few more clashes might risk its destruction.

"What material is your short knife made of? Why is it so tough?"

Hozuki Kiyo looked at his own damaged knife with heartache, then turned his gaze to Sasuke's White Fang short knife, his face filled with envy.

"It's forged from Meteorite Iron combined with some precious metals from the ninja world. The quality should be decent!"

Sasuke twirled the knife in his hand, the blade reflecting sunlight, sparkling brilliantly.

"Indeed, it's a fine knife!" Hozuki Kiyo envied it. As someone aspiring to become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, owning a ninja sword was a lifelong dream. Besides that, collecting high-quality blades was also one of his dreams. Unfortunately, he lacked money and influence. The only companion he had was this ordinary long knife with decent quality, bought with most of his savings. Unexpectedly, it suffered a nick in the Chunin Exam, causing him heartache.

"Let's go again..."

Although he felt heartbroken about his damaged knife, Hozuki Kiyo had no intention of retreating. A swordsman must have an unwavering will. Once the heart falters, the sword loses its edge, rendering even the most precious blade ineffective.


Sasuke responded and charged towards Hozuki Kiyo. As a practitioner of the White Fang's Sword Technique, Sasuke understood the importance of an unwavering momentum for a swordsman. In his previous battles, except for Zabuza, none used a sword. Zabuza, though a sword user, had an assassination style, not the straightforward confrontation that Sasuke sought. Now, encountering another sword user, Sasuke seized the opportunity to gauge his own swordsmanship.

Without ninjutsu or Genjutsu, Sasuke abandoned all techniques except for using Sharingan to observe. He engaged in a sword fight with Hozuki Kiyo. White Fang's Sword Technique emphasized risking everything for a fatal strike, abandoning all defense to focus solely on killing the opponent. Thus, Sasuke aimed each strike at Hozuki Kiyo's most vulnerable areas, adopting a desperate Saburo-like posture.

Despite lacking guidance from a renowned teacher, Hozuki Kiyo, growing up in the Mist Village, had practiced swordsmanship since childhood. He had much more experience than Sasuke, though Sasuke's White Fang's Sword Technique was brutal. Hozuki Kiyo effortlessly resisted, taking advantage of his superior experience.

Two individuals, forsaking ninjutsu and Genjutsu, clashed in swordsmanship. Though it lacked the spectacle of ninjutsu, the danger was no less. The onlookers were captivated, benefiting greatly from the duel.

The clash of blades sent sparks flying, and both had entered a state of undivided concentration, completely absorbed in their sword duel.


After another collision, they separated, both breathing a bit heavily. However, excitement gleamed in their eyes.

"Although my knife is ruined, this battle brings me great joy..."

Hozuki Kiyo's knife was now filled with cracks, seemingly on the verge of shattering. Yet, he showed no signs of reluctance. "For a blade, being destroyed in battle is undoubtedly a great honor!"

"Well then, let's determine the winner next..."

Sasuke wore a smile on his face, having gained much from this battle, especially in mastering the White Fang's Sword Technique.

Watching the two below part ways, Kakashi's eyes were filled with nostalgia.

"So reminiscent..."

In the moment Sasuke used the White Fang's Sword Technique, Kakashi involuntarily recalled the person who once wielded this style—a white-haired man with a short knife, whose name resonated throughout the ninja world but met a tragic end in the village's internal strife.

And the Third Hokage, witnessing Sasuke's familiar swordsmanship, felt a deep regret. If he hadn't allowed Danzo to act recklessly back then, that loyal person to Konoha wouldn't have met such a fate.

The guilt in the Third Hokage's heart was unknown to Sasuke. After a round of intense swordplay, Sasuke had expended a lot of energy. Glancing at a puddle not far from his feet, Sasuke decided to end the battle quickly.

"Fire Release—Phoenix Fire Claw Red..."

Sheathing his short knife, Sasuke quickly formed hand seals. Then, with a flick of his right hand, several shurikens dove into the fireballs he expelled, flying towards Hozuki Kiyo.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 224: The Legendary Titanium Alloy Dog Eye [Part Four] 


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