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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard



Sasuke looked at Hozuki Kiyo with a strange expression. Why didn't he sense any sword intent on himself?

"Hey, what's with that look? I'm telling you, everything I said is true!" Hozuki Kiyo was irritated by Sasuke's suspicious gaze. "Sword intent is a kind of momentum, a kind of spirit. Only those who are constantly exposed to swordsmanship can cultivate it..."


Sasuke just glanced at him. Although he didn't quite understand what Hozuki Kiyo meant by sword intent, he figured it was probably the will exclusive to swordsmen.

"Tch, I can't convince you!" Hozuki Kiyo felt like a big stone was stuck in his chest. Why did the thing he longed to cultivate appear on Sasuke? And the guy looked completely clueless, as if he didn't understand what it was at all.

"Can we start the match now?"

Sasuke ignored Hozuki Kiyo's complaints and turned to Gekko Hayate, asking.

"Both sides are ready!"

Gekko Hayate glanced at the two and announced the start of the match. He quickly ran toward the exit, the best escape route. In case anything went wrong in the arena, he could get out faster. This batch of young troublemakers had too much destructive power when they started fighting. It was better to play it safe.

"Konoha Genin Uchiha Sasuke..."

Sasuke formed a confrontation seal, placing his right hand on the hilt behind his back.

"Mist Village Genin Hozuki Kiyo..."

Hozuki Kiyo also formed a confrontation seal, making the same motion as Sasuke. On Hozuki Kiyo's back, there was also a sword, but Sasuke carried a short knife while Hozuki Kiyo had a long one.


The next moment, everyone felt a blur, and Sasuke and Hozuki Kiyo had already collided. The blades of the short knife and the long sword clashed, producing a crisp sound.


Sasuke's black pupils changed for a moment. In the crimson pupils, three pitch-black tomoe emitted an invisible eye power.

"Oh no, is it Sharingan's Genjutsu?"

Hozuki Kiyo felt a sudden dizziness in his brain. Alertness surged within him, and he quickly turned his head to avoid looking directly into Sasuke's eyes.

In that split second when Hozuki Kiyo was distracted, Sasuke kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying.

"Tch, that hurts..."

Hozuki Kiyo got up from the ground, touched his stomach, and curiously asked, "Was that just Sharingan's Genjutsu?"

"It's not a complete Genjutsu, just a small manipulation of Sharingan!" Sasuke didn't conceal it and straightforwardly explained, "Using Sharingan's eye power to invade your brain, causing a momentary trance in your mind. It's just a supplementary attack method."

"I've heard people talk about the Uchiha clan's Sharingan before, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. Now that I've experienced it myself, it's quite impressive!" Hozuki Kiyo recalled the feeling of mental confusion earlier and said, "According to the information I've gathered, your Sharingan should be at the three tomoe level, the highest grade of Sharingan. Your talent is indeed terrifying!"

"Natural talent?" Sasuke smiled, neither confirming nor denying. "My talent isn't as powerful as you imagine. To have the strength I do now, I've put in a lot of effort!"

"Whether you're a genius or not doesn't matter. I just want to have a good fight with you!" Hozuki Kiyo's eyes were filled with determination. "I want to see for myself how big the gap is between me and other ninja village geniuses!"

"I'm willing to accompany you!" Sasuke smirked. "I also want to see what the Hozuki Clan's Kekkei Genkai looks like."

"Then let's go..."

Hozuki Kiyo roared and launched an attack at Sasuke. The long sword in his hand swept upward towards Sasuke's abdomen. Chakra surged in the wrist part holding the sword, and the force of the swing instantly increased. "Taste my Grand Water Arm Technique!"


"Such great strength. Is it a ninjutsu that enhances strength?" Sasuke tried to block with his knife, but unexpectedly, both he and the knife were pushed back several steps. He moved his somewhat numb wrist, looking surprised.

"Too bad..."

Although he saw through the Grand Water Arm Technique with the Sharingan, Sasuke sighed inwardly. This move wasn't suitable for him; it was more suited for someone using heavy weapons. His short knife relied on agility rather than sheer strength.

Despite feeling regret, Sasuke's actions didn't stop due to his inner thoughts. White Fang's Sword Technique was an offensive style of swordsmanship. Defense was never the style of White Fang's Sword Technique. Having lost the initiative to Hozuki Kiyo earlier, Sasuke now took the lead in launching an attack.

With a swift movement, Sasuke dashed like lightning to Hozuki Kiyo. The White Fang short knife aimed at his opponent's neck.


Hozuki Kiyo's long sword blocked the path of the White Fang short knife. Then, Hozuki Kiyo's free hand formed a fist and smashed toward Sasuke's face.


Sasuke's left hand extended, blocking the punch. Then, with a slight movement of his palm, he caught Hozuki Kiyo's wrist and exerted a bit of force, causing him to loosen his fist.

"Using your opponent's hand..."

Sasuke held Hozuki Kiyo's palm. Before the latter could react, Sasuke quickly formed a few hand seals. Then, using a knee bump, he forced Hozuki Kiyo to jump backward.

"Fire Release—Grand Fireball Technique..."

As Hozuki Kiyo retreated, Sasuke completed the hand seals. A high-temperature fireball spewed from Sasuke's mouth, flying towards Hozuki Kiyo suspended in midair.

"Using my hand to complete hand seals?"

The moment Sasuke grasped his wrist, Hozuki Kiyo felt something was amiss. Seeing Sasuke using his hand to complete hand seals, he felt shocked but couldn't help smiling.


As the huge fireball hit Hozuki Kiyo's face, his body instantly turned into a puddle of water on the ground. Seeing this, Sasuke's three tomoe eyes moved slightly, but he didn't express anything special on his face.

"Water Clone?!"

Glancing casually at the water on the ground, Sasuke looked around warily, anticipating possible incoming attacks.

"Suiton—Water Gun Technique..."

However, at that moment, Hozuki Kiyo emerged from the water on the ground. His left hand formed the shape of a hand gun, and a drop of water condensed between his fingers.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 223: The Legendary Titanium Alloy Dog Eyes [Part Three] 


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