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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Lightning Release ninjutsu, huh? While it can't injure me, it's still quite bothersome when it hits."

Muttering to herself, Hinata dodged swiftly, moving aside before the lightning ball could reach her.

"Lightning Blade Slash…"

No sooner had Hinata steadied herself than Kagetsuki launched another attack. His Broadbladed Sword crackled with lightning, resembling a long sword forged from thunderbolts from afar.

"Eight Trigrams Empty Palm…"

Hinata remained calm and collected, countering with a backward Eight Trigrams Empty Palm. The chakra that surged from her palm collided with the blade in Kagetsuki's hand, sending out a dull thud as Kagetsuki was flung uncontrollably through the air.


With a roar, Kagetsuki charged forward, his Broadbladed Sword slashing mercilessly towards Hinata's neck. Having learned from his previous attempts, Kagetsuki wasn't overly concerned about accidentally taking Hinata's life.


Hinata blocked the Broadbladed Sword with her left hand while her right hand moved swiftly towards Kagetsuki. This time, her left hand wasn't enveloped in chakra, yet Kagetsuki's sword still couldn't penetrate Hinata's defense.

Sensing the incoming strike, a feeling of imminent danger rose in Kagetsuki's heart. He forcefully stamped on the ground and, with an effortful push on the sword's hilt, his body leapt into the air, flipping over towards Hinata's back.

"Come back down…"

However, halfway through his aerial maneuver, Kagetsuki felt an overwhelming force transmitting through his Broadbladed Sword. His body, mid-flip, was cast down like a rag doll by Hinata's single hand.


"Cough… cough…"

Dust billowed, and a muffled crash echoed in everyone's ears. Beneath Kagetsuki, a sizable crater formed, its spider-web fractures spreading outward. Kagetsuki lay in the crater, unable to help coughing up blood.

"How can your strength be so immense?" Kagetsuki propped himself up with the Broadbladed Sword, his face etched with shock. Weren't the Hyuga clan known for their gentle fist technique? Why did he feel as though he had been deceived?

"It's not that I am overly strong; it's that you are too weak!"

Hinata retorted without a shred of courtesy. Indeed, being in her Diamond State, it was natural for her strength and even her speed to be significantly enhanced.

"This is the kind of battle I desire!"

Kagetsuki's eyes burned with a fiery determination. After catching his breath, a layer of Lightning Release chakra enveloped him, and he launched a fierce assault on Hinata.

The Lightning Release chakra invigorated Kagetsuki's cells, boosting his speed and agility. Without any fancy maneuvers, he directed a straightforward slash towards Hinata's head.

Ducking and evading in one fluid motion, Hinata countered as Kagetsuki's blade barely missed her. Her diamond-hard palm struck Kagetsuki's body with substantial force.

"Eight Trigrams. Two palms… Four palms… Eight palms… Sixteen palms… Thirty-two palms… Eight Trigrams. Sixty-Four Palms…"

The Gentle Fist technique that Hinata had practiced for so long was now unleashed with lightning speed. Before Kagetsuki could react, Hinata had delivered the full sequence. The Lightning Release chakra infiltrated Kagetsuki's body through his pressure points, and the internal burst of electricity made him scream in agony.


Struck by Hinata's Eight Trigrams Palm, Kagetsuki was sent flying, crashing into the arena wall. The spectators gasped in unison, incredulous at the sheer force of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist. It was unexpectedly fierce, flinging a person through the air with such ferocity, the spider-web crack upon impact laid bare the extent of Hinata's strength.

"This Gentle Fist... something seems off about it," remarked Hyuga Hiashi, sharing his thoughts. The Hyuga's Gentle Fist traditionally relied on chakra to damage the opponent's chakra points, but Hinata's technique smelled distinctly of raw, unyielding power.

"It's still called Gentle Fist, and that's what matters. As for the specifics... well, they're not important!" Sakura chuckled awkwardly. Hinata had indeed used Gentle Fist, but she had also unleashed her full physical strength upon Kagetsuki without reservation. If one were to delve into details, it was an integration of both gentleness and force.


Kagetsuki, now embedded in the wall, coughed up a mouthful of blood. He felt as if all his bones were shattered and a prickling pain spread through his muscles, making even a slight movement excruciating.

"Does it hurt?" Hinata approached Kagetsuki, patted his shoulder, and spoke with deep implication, "Here's some advice for you—don't rush headlong into battle wielding a sword like a simpleton. You're supposed to be a ninja, yet you scarcely utilize ninjutsu, which is a disgrace to the name!"

"Spurt..." Another pat from Hinata forced Kagetsuki to spit out blood once more. His irritation swelled upon hearing her words.

Kagetsuki was not inept at ninjutsu; his main focus had always been swordsmanship, reliant solely on his blade skills. Ninjutsu was not his forte, and he rarely used it in combat. Who could have anticipated his opponent, Hinata, being capable of diamond-hard defenses? No matter how exquisite his Kenjutsu, it was futile against her impenetrable guard.

Kagetsuki had imagined an exciting duel with Hinata, yet he found himself quickly overpowered. At this moment, all he felt was frustration.

"Don't look so cross; getting angry is bad for your health!" Hinata suddenly smiled, feigning a realization. "Oh, and don't move around too much. I might have accidentally struck a few of your pressure points near the kidneys during the fight. You should probably get that checked out at the hospital!"

"Kidneys?" Kagetsuki froze, a chill creeping up his spine. "You're joking, right?!"

"Why would I joke about such a thing? I did tap a few points on your kidney area by mistake. It shouldn't affect your life going forward!"

Hinata smiled brightly, but Kagetsuki felt his heart sinking.

Thinking about his kidneys potentially damaged by the Gentle Fist's pressure point strikes sent a wave of despair through Kagetsuki, especially as a subtle pain began emanating from his waist, as if falling into an icy abyss.

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