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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Lay off, I can't explain it to you. Your mind, apart from your brother, can't hold anything!" Sakura waved her hand dismissively, her tone laden with disdain for Sasuke.

"Hmph..." Sasuke, huffed, wearing a proud expression on his face.

Using Earth Release, they created a large pit, burying the three extras from the Hidden Rain Village in the earth. Sakura and her team continued on their way.

Perhaps due to the excessive number of participants in this Chunin Exam, Sakura's team encountered several groups of enemies from different ninja villages in just one day. However, these were all from relatively unknown small ninja villages, and they hadn't encountered a single Genin from one of the five major ninja villages.

After collecting several Heaven Scrolls in succession, Sakura's team finally acquired the Earth Scroll they needed.

"It hasn't been easy, but we've finally gathered all the Scrolls!" Sakura sighed, suddenly feeling a sense of warmth in her eyes. The enemies they had encountered that day, while not particularly powerful, had been incredibly annoying. Moreover, they had consistently obtained Heaven Scrolls, which had almost driven Sakura insane. Fortunately, they had finally obtained an Earth Scroll, lifting their spirits.

"The day is drawing to a close. Let's find a place to rest, and we can continue our journey tomorrow!" Sakura looked at the sky; the sun had already set, and darkness was slowly creeping in. Sakura and her teammates, Naruto and Sasuke, discussed and decided to rest where they were, planning to resume their journey at dawn.

Using Wood Release, they created a house, and then raised a pile of campfires. The three of them roasted some small animals they had caught over the campfire, enjoyed a simple dinner, and then retired to the house to rest and gather their strength.

Early the next morning, the three of them packed up their belongings, had some breakfast, and continued on their way. The morning air still carried a hint of chill, but for ninja, this temperature was nothing to be concerned about.

"Be careful, we're under attack..."

As they walked, Naruto suddenly let out a loud shout, pulling Sakura and Sasuke away. A massive, earthy-brown serpent had charged out from deep within the forest, heading straight for the spot where they had been standing. If it weren't for Naruto sensing the danger and pulling them away in time, they would have been hit by the serpent head-on.

"Well, your alertness is quite impressive. You managed to avoid my attack..." a somewhat deep voice emanated, resembling the hiss of a poisonous snake, making everyone feel uneasy.

"Your concealment techniques are impressive. I couldn't sense you in time," Sakura narrowed her eyes. She hadn't expected Orochimaru to find their trail so quickly, let alone follow them. Orochimaru's ability to remain hidden was indeed terrifying. She had been caught off guard and hadn't detected anyone.

"Oh? Are you a sensory ninja?" Orochimaru looked at Sakura with a slightly surprised expression.

"Somewhat," Sakura replied and then asked, "May I ask why you stopped us? What do you want?"

"This is the location of the Chunin Exam. What do you think?" Orochimaru sneered, taking out a scroll and swallowing it in front of everyone. "If you want my scroll, you'll have to try and take it!"

"No need. We already have our Scrolls!" Sakura shook her head, declining Orochimaru's proposal. "If you lack Heaven Scrolls, we can give you a few!"

Orochimaru's expression froze for a moment. How was he supposed to respond to that? He wasn't here to participate in the Chunin Exam. After a brief pause, Orochimaru's eyes revealed a hint of killing intent. "Is that so? Instead of you giving me Scrolls, I think it's better if I earn them through my own efforts!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... It seems like your goal wasn't the Scrolls in the first place!" Sakura pretended to have an epiphany and said, "Your true target is probably one of us, right?"

"Correctly guessed!" Orochimaru, while somewhat surprised, showed a hint of admiration. "You're quite clever. You figured out my objective so quickly. Judging by your demeanor, you must be the leader in this team. Would you be interested in joining me? With me, you can have a better future and gain more, such as power..."

"No, thank you. I'm quite satisfied with my current life and have no intention of defecting!" Sakura shrugged, saying, "Besides, I don't think becoming a rogue ninja offers a brighter future!"

"Hehe, Konoha will ultimately hold you back. Only by following me can you truly showcase your talents!" Orochimaru spared no effort in trying to entice Sakura to defect.

"Is that so? What future can you offer when you don't even dare to reveal your true face?" Sakura sneered and continued, "Even in Konoha, you need to hide your true identity. Do you dare to claim that you have a brighter future than Konoha?"

"Do you know that my face is fake?" Orochimaru was somewhat surprised.

"Your strength is not something a Genin can possess. Moreover, since your original goal was us, it means you must have investigated us. A person who meticulously infiltrated Konoha to target us wouldn't dare to appear with their true face!" Sakura naturally knew that Orochimaru's current face was borrowed from some minor character in the Grass Ninja Village, using the Face Copying Technique to disguise himself.

"Your analysis is quite accurate!" Orochimaru applauded, extending his long tongue to lick his lips. "So, can you guess my true identity?"

"What's so difficult about that?" Sakura suddenly smiled and said, "You're one of the legendary Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru. However, I think it would be more appropriate to call you Orochi Princess now!"

Orochimaru's face immediately darkened. Even though he had been reincarnated into a female body, it didn't mean he was willing to be called Orochi Princess. Despite admiring Sakura's intelligence, Orochimaru had decided to eliminate her.

"Hehehe, little girl, I don't know whether to admire your courage or call you audacious!" Orochimaru chuckled darkly, and his laughter sent shivers down one's spine. "You're well aware that I'm Orochimaru, yet you dare to speak to me like this. Are all the brats in Konoha this ignorant of their own mortality?"

"What's so frightening about someone who changed from a man to a woman?" Sakura shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the killing intent emanating from Orochimaru. "Moreover, I don't think you've completely pinned us down!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 173: Naruto's Blood, Sakura's Rampage​


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