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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Shall we head towards the Central Tower now?" Naruto eagerly inquired as soon as they entered the Forest of Death. "Or should we try to snatch a Scroll or two first?"

"Let's take our time," Sakura pondered. With seven days for the journey, there was no rush. It might be best to leisurely head towards the Central Tower. Who knows, they might come across someone generous enough to give them a Scroll along the way.

In the serene Forest of Death, apart from the growls of wild animals, the only sound was that of twigs snapping underfoot. Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting shadows on various small animals scampering about the trees.

Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke suddenly stopped.

"Show yourselves! With such a shoddy disguise, did you think we'd be fooled? Do you take us for blind?" Sakura remarked, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

With a flick of her left hand, Sakura showed her Icha Icha Paradise book, her voice steady. "Setting a trap without even using a single exploding tag. You think you can ambush someone like that?"

Right ahead of them, in the sunlight, a thin steel wire reflected the light. It was blatantly exposed, easily noticeable to any keen-eyed individual. From the branches on either side, several kunai were hung, ready to be triggered by the wire. However, the trap seemed too obvious, suggesting the trappers weren't very skilled.

"To think you discovered our trap! The reputation of this ninja village is truly well-deserved," a raspy voice remarked. Three figures emerged from the shadows, landing on a tree opposite Sakura's group.

"Heh, you're not bad yourselves," Sakura responded, noticing their forehead protectors. "Hidden Rain Village, right? Ambushing right at the beginning of the exam – confident, aren't you?"

"Thank you for the compliment," the leader of the Hidden Rain Village trio, who was carrying an umbrella, replied with a smirk. "It's our honor to face a ninja from Konoha. However, I must say, we were quite surprised to meet someone from the great ninja village so soon."

Sakura humbly retorted, "Your Hidden Rain Village is quite formidable, too. Especially considering the fame of your demi-god, Hanzo of the Hidden Rain Village. It's our honor as well."

The leader of the trio nostalgically commented, "It reminds me of the battle between Hanzo-sama and the Konoha Sannin. It's intriguing how fate brings our villages to spar once again."

"Indeed, Hanzo did win back then, but he didn't harm the Konoha Sannin," Sakura mused. "Let's just touch base and move on. After all, friendship comes first. There's no need for unnecessary conflict."

The two teams shared an unexpected bond, appreciating each other's prowess. It was as if fate had brought together two individuals who relished in mutual admiration.

Yet, to Naruto, Sasuke, and the other two ninjas from Hidden Rain Village, the mutual admiration seemed overblown. It was just a regular Chunin Exam, but the way these two were hyping it up, one would think it was a battle of legends.

Without warning, Sakura's expression hardened. Water swirled upwards from the ground, forming a giant vortex. "Suiton – Water Torrent!"

The Hidden Rain Village trio was taken aback. Suiton ninjas were known to be most effective near water, drawing on it for their techniques. How could Sakura execute such a powerful Suiton technique without a water source nearby? Before they could react, the water ensnared them, rendering them unconscious.

After checking their possessions, Sakura sighed, holding a Heaven Scroll. "It's a shame it's another Heaven Scroll." She looked around, melancholic. "I didn't expect them to be so weak. It's lonely being strong. I wonder if there's anyone out there who can match me."

"Can you not?" Sasuke interjected, discreetly rolling his eyes. "Anyone would think we just faced formidable opponents the way you're acting."

Recalling a similar scene, Naruto mused, "This reminds me of Kakashi-sensei and Zabuza's mutual admiration. Such tactics do seem effective, making even a Genin battle seem like a duel between allies."

"Precisely," Sakura nodded in agreement. "It's all about raising one's own stature by praising the other. But I fear Sasuke here will never get it."

Sasuke scoffed, "I don't need such pointless tactics. Battles should be straightforward."

Sakura's lips curled into a playful smirk, and the trio continued their journey through the Forest of Death.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 172: Orochimaru or Orochi Princess? [Part 2]


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