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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


After several peaceful days, the Chunin exams finally arrived. After a few days of rest, Iruka was able to sit in a wheelchair by his hospital bed. However, Third Hokage's face was sour, as he had to cover all of Iruka's medical expenses, and they were using expensive medicines. Otherwise, Iruka wouldn't have recovered so quickly. Thinking about his own depleted treasury, Third Hokage's heart bled.

"Everyone, do your best!" Iruka repeatedly advised Sakura and the others, like a caring father. Although he recognized the strength of his students, the Chunin exams required more than just combat skills; there was also a written test ahead.

"Don't worry, Iruka-sensei. Just wait for our good news!"

After bidding farewell to Iruka, the group headed to the exam venue.

"You almost arrived late!" Kakashi stood on an electrical wire, holding his beloved Icha Icha Paradise. "If I didn't know you wouldn't give up on the Chunin exams, I would have thought you weren't coming!"

"Kakashi-sensei, aren't you afraid of getting electrocuted standing on a high-voltage wire?" Sakura glanced up at him. "And even if you're lucky not to get electrocuted, you might end up with kidney problems again, Kakashi-sensei!"

"I don't have kidney problems; my kidneys are perfectly fine!" Kakashi got agitated at the mention of this. After Sakura used Wood Release to absorb his chakra, the nurses in the hospital, especially his former mission partners, gave him strange looks. Guy, in particular, with his big mouth, spread the rumor about Kakashi's kidney issues throughout the hospital. Since then, Kakashi felt like he couldn't lift his head while walking through Konoha without his mask.

"Kakashi-sensei, don't misunderstand. I was just showing concern for Sister Ayame. After all, kidney health is essential for a man!" Sakura looked pitiful, instantly attracting the attention of many Genin who came for the Chunin exams.

"Is that person dressed as a Konoha Jonin? And he's kidney-deficient?" A Genin from Hidden Cloud Village looked surprised.

"You can tell just by looking at him. He's holding a dirty book; how could he not have kidney problems?" His companion from Hidden Cloud Village looked like he had figured out the truth. "And look at him covering his face; it's obvious he's afraid of people seeing his lustful expression. Such people are definitely kidney-deficient!"

"It's a shame. He's quite good-looking. Why does he have kidney problems?"

"Looks can be deceiving. He might be outwardly attractive but internally a dirty person..."

Kakashi's hand, holding Icha Icha Paradise, started trembling. It seemed he could already envision rumors spreading throughout the ninja world about Kakashi Hatake's kidney issues in the near future.

With a grim expression, Kakashi used the Body Flicker Technique to disappear. He shouldn't have bothered caring about his students. Now, his reputation built over many years was ruined, and there was no way to get it back.

"Hey, isn't there supposed to be someone using Genjutsu to set up a barrier here?" When they reached the second floor, Sakura wondered aloud. According to the original storyline, Kamizuki Izumo and Tetsuji were supposed to serve as gatekeepers and use Genjutsu to test the strength and determination of incoming Genin. But now, there was no one here.

"According to my father, there were originally two people here who were supposed to set up a Genjutsu test. However, due to the large number of Genin participating in the Chunin exams, most of them elite from various villages, this insignificant step was removed. This Chunin exam has attracted exceptional individuals, and that type of Genjutsu wouldn't be effective." Shikamaru explained. Third Hokage had sent invitations to the Chunin exams all over the ninja world, especially to the other four major ninja villages, with letters containing provocative language. This angered the other villages, and they sent their elite Genin. With so many elite Genin gathered, Kamizuki Izumo and Tetsuji's Genjutsu wouldn't have much effect. So Third Hokage decided to remove this part, and those two gatekeepers were still guarding the entrance.

"It seems like this Chunin exam will be a fierce competition!" Sakura sighed as she watched Genin with headbands from different ninja villages pass by. In the original plot, only Hidden Sand Village and a few small ninja villages came to Konoha at this time, with fewer participants and less diversity.

"Third Hokage deliberately provoked the four major ninja villages, so the Genin they sent are all elites. I guess Konoha's participants will be targeted this time." Thinking about the letters Third Hokage wrote, Shikamaru had a headache. He found them irritating, and the villages that were at odds with Konoha probably received special instructions. Konoha's participants would likely face challenges.

"It doesn't matter. There aren't many Konoha participants this time, and apart from us, the rest are just ordinary Genin. I bet only our group will make it to the final showdown." Sakura said nonchalantly. Indeed, there weren't many Konoha Genin participating this time, and they were likely the only ones who would reach the final stage.

"I heard there are three stages in the Chunin exams. Let's deal with them all in the second stage!" Hinata clenched her fist, and her knuckles cracked, her eyes flashing with determination.

"No, if we do that, the third stage won't be fun. Let's leave it to fate and see how many of them survive. There will be an audience in the third stage, and without them, how can we make a name for ourselves in front of the spectators?" Sakura stopped Hinata. If they followed Hinata's plan, by the end of the second stage, only they would be left alive. At that point, the other four major ninja villages would likely turn against Konoha.

Hearing Sakura's words, Hinata reluctantly lowered her hand. According to her, they should eliminate all the Genin in the Forest of Death, sparing them from future troubles.

Just as they were discussing this, a white smoke suddenly billowed in front of them. Hearing the familiar voice from the smoke, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke immediately pulled down their headbands to cover their eyes. Among the group, everyone except Lee closed their eyes and turned away.

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