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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


In the Konoha Hokage's office, the Third Hokage sat behind his desk, facing a group of Konoha Jonin.

"The Chunin Exams are about to begin. Recently, there have been many outsiders coming to the village, some with ill intentions. Be vigilant, everyone. Also, any qualified Genin can let me know if they wish to participate in the Chunin Exams..."

The Third Hokage spoke while puffing on a cigarette. He was determined to raise Konoha's presence in the eyes of other ninja villages through these Chunin Exams. He also aimed to remind these villages of the fear that Konoha's dominance had once instilled.

"I..." Kakashi Hatake started to speak, leaning on a cane, but he was interrupted by the Third Hokage.

"Your three students are definitely participating. No need for you to say anything. Go back and rest!" With a wave of his hand, the Third Hokage tried to send Kakashi back to the hospital.

The last time this guy took his three students on a mission, they ended up bringing him back, beaten and battered. He thought Kakashi had suffered severe injuries, but the hospital examination revealed he had kidney deficiency. It infuriated the Third Hokage, his face turning almost green.

"Uh..." Kakashi chuckled awkwardly, turned around, and retreated to a corner. Last time's incident wasn't his fault. Sakura, that brat, had used Wood Release to tie him up and squeezed chakra out of him like crazy. It gave him symptoms akin to kidney deficiency. Also, due to the excessive chakra drainage, he hadn't fully recovered yet. He had to walk with a cane and it was truly pitiable.

After the sign-up concluded, Sakura and the whole group were on the Chunin Exam registration list. Moreover, many other Genin from Konoha were selected into various teams. This time, the number of participants was probably the highest in Konoha's history.

"Um, Lord Third Hokage, can Sakura and Naruto really participate in the Chunin Exams?" Iruka asked with concern. "They've just graduated, after all!"

"Hey, Iruka, no need to worry. Their strength goes beyond your imagination!" Kakashi smiled. "Furthermore, they each have powerful cards to play. In this Chunin Exam, the ultimate victor will be decided among them through battles. Other ninja villages have no chance!"

"Is that so?" Iruka was still a bit uneasy.

"How about I test their abilities tonight?"

"That's fine, but..." The Third Hokage nodded and motioned for Zabuza and Haku behind the crowd to step forward. "They will follow you. You can proceed without worries."

"No need, it's just a test. I won't go overboard. Why would I need them?" Iruka said in confusion. Weren't these two the latest rising stars in Konoha's medical field? Was he worried he might accidentally hurt Sakura and the others, leading to Zabuza and Haku coming along?

"You're overthinking it!" The Third Hokage gave Iruka a meaningful look. "What I mean is, they'll be with you to provide immediate rescue in case Sakura and the others go a bit too far. We wouldn't want them accidentally killing you!"

Iruka: "???"

With a belly full of confusion, Iruka sat down, pondering. After the Third Hokage's meeting was over, he still couldn't figure out what the Third Hokage meant. He could only go home, baffled, to prepare for the test that night.

That night, in an uninhabited alley in Konoha, a miserable scream echoed throughout the village. Upon hearing that familiar sound, the Third Hokage, Kakashi, and others sighed helplessly. It seemed the worrisome event had indeed occurred.

In the Konoha Hospital, Iruka, wrapped in bandages like a mummy, lay on a hospital bed. His eyes gazed at the ceiling, devoid of any spirit. Sakura and the others wore embarrassed expressions, surrounding his bed.

"Iruka-sensei, you really went too far. You pretended to be ninja from other villages and attacked us. If we hadn't stopped in time, you might be dead by now!" Naruto frowned, his brows filled with unconcealed worry. When Iruka suddenly attacked them, he and Sakura instinctively counterattacked. If they hadn't sensed Iruka's true identity and stopped in time, Iruka would have long been gone by now.

"I was just worried that you guys might not be up to par, so I wanted to test you before the Chunin Exams to prevent you from getting hurt during them!" Iruka sighed, his eyes filled with relief. "Now, it seems I don't have to worry about your safety."

"What we need to worry about now is your safety, Iruka-sensei. Do you know how serious your injuries are?" Hinata furrowed her brows. "You have five broken ribs, various degrees of fractures in your limbs, spine damage, and injuries to your internal organs. Your muscles are severely damaged, and you have a slew of external injuries. If Haku hadn't used medical ninjutsu to stabilize you and Naruto hadn't infused life force into you, you'd be dead by now!"

"Haha, I never expected this!" Iruka laughed awkwardly. He hadn't anticipated that Sakura and the others would be so formidable. At that moment, he genuinely felt the threat to his life. If he had known it would be like this, he wouldn't have foolishly tried to test them.

"Well, Iruka-sensei, for the next while, you'll have to lie in the hospital and recover slowly!" Sakura said. "I'll have Haku and Zabuza use some better medicines to help you recover quickly. As for the medical expenses, just charge them to Grandpa Third Hokage's account!"

"Charge it to the Third Hokage? Is that really okay?" Iruka hesitated. Wasn't it a bit unethical to do that?

"It's alright. Grandpa Third Hokage didn't explain it to you properly. He knew we wouldn't hold back, yet he didn't clarify anything. Let him pay a bit as compensation. I'll have Haku manipulate the bill a bit. That way, you'll get a dowry too, Iruka-sensei. You're getting older; it's time to find a wife!"

Sakura stroked her chin. Swindling money from the Third Hokage didn't weigh on her conscience. The dividends given by the Haruno Group and Tenka Kai to Konoha each year were substantial. What's a bit of money to swindle? At this moment, the Third Hokage, who was observing through a crystal ball in his office, clutched his chest. His face was filled with regret. Oh no, I've given them leverage. Looks like I'll have to spend money to avoid a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 161: Kakashi in a Precarious Situation


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