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Since the guests had already said so much.

Wang Shoujie couldn't bear to lose face, so he forced a warm smile and said, "Li Ci, thank your uncle's kindness."

"Thank you, Uncle, you're really a great person." Wang Lici's face was beaming with joy, and then she sat down with a thud, looking like she was about to drool, waiting for the dishes to be served.

Wang Shouyue's heart felt at ease, and this uncle's words were truly sweet.

This simple and naive girl seemed to have brought him a full dose of positive energy, making his wounded heart feel like it was being soothed by a warm current.


Indeed, being with the weak was truly pressure-free and made one feel happy.

Wang Xiaozheng, on the other hand, didn't pay much attention to Wang Lici's cultivation, after all, she was still wearing a High-grade Suppression Amulet.

As for Wang Shoujie, he was also wearing a Concealment Pendant, which was why Wang Xiaozheng couldn't see his cultivation, but it did make him feel a bit intimidated.

However, Wang Xiaozheng looked like he was only at the initial stage of the Spirit Platform, and it seemed like he had given up on the path of Heaven-Human.

It was estimated that he wasn't a match for Wang Shoujie.

Wang Xiaozheng had been thinking about it since they entered the door, and the original gift he had prepared, worth only 2,000 gold, was now feeling like a slap in the face.

He gritted his teeth.

Wang Xiaozheng took the opportunity to modify the gift list while going to the restroom, and then smiled and presented it: "Patriarch Shoujie, this is a resource sent by Ancestor Zhoubo. The quantity is not much, please don't laugh, please don't laugh."

Wang Shoujie received it with both hands, scanned the list, and smiled: "Longzuo's Wang Family is indeed a Celestial Clan, and this gift is truly generous. This gift is probably worth around 5,000 gold."

5,000 gold?

The young people who were dragged along, including Wang Shouye, Wang Zongwei, and Wang Luotong, were all stunned, never expecting Longzuo's Wang Family to be so generous and bring a gift worth 5,000 gold.

This was far beyond their expectations.

Wang Shouyue was also stunned, wasn't it supposed to be 2,000 gold? Oh, right, it must be that Third Uncle saw the situation and added 3,000 gold.

This 3,000 gold addition was perfect, showcasing the strength of Longzuo's Wang Family.

His severely wounded self-esteem was suddenly revived, and he felt like he was showing off, even his spirit was flying high.

Look at the expressions of those young people, they all looked like they had been shocked.


Wang Shouyue smiled and bowed to Wang Shoujie: "Fourth Brother Shoujie, our two families are connected by blood, and we should naturally help each other. This time, we came in a hurry, and this 5,000 gold gift is nothing."

"Uh... it's indeed not much." Wang Lici muttered honestly.

In her opinion, if she could eat freely, she could probably finish all 5,000 gold worth of spiritual food in a few days.

What a waste to come all the way here just to give 5,000 gold.

It would be better to form a team and go to the Outlands to hunt a Third-tier Fierce Beast.

Wang Shouyue's smile froze...

Wang Lici's words had just fallen when Wang Shoujie glared at her fiercely: "If you dare to speak nonsense again, I'll ban you from spiritual food for half a year."

"Right." 'Elder' Wang Shouye also scolded Wang Lici, "Big girl, you're still too young and don't understand what it means to be polite."

What a ridiculous scolding!

Wang Shouyue's frozen smile twitched a few times, what kind of scolding was this?

"Enough." As the only 'Ancestor' present, Ancestor Xiaohan's face turned stern: "You young people don't understand what it means to be rich or poor. Even Celestial Clans don't have much money left over each year. Don't be like a rich man who doesn't know what it's like to be hungry."


What did it mean to be a rich man or a hungry man?

As soon as these words were spoken.

Not only Wang Shouyue, but even Wang Xiaozheng's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Enough, enough." Wang Luotong couldn't help but laugh and say, "Everyone, be careful with your words, who doesn't have a few poor relatives?"

The two guests from Lingzhou were about to hide under the table.

"... " Wang Shoujie broke out in a cold sweat, this meal shouldn't have let you people join in. If you people keep talking, I'm afraid the guests will lose their appetite.

As the Clan Leader, he could only come out and say, "Let's stop joking, and let's eat."

Following Wang Shoujie's command.

The servants brought out the already prepared spiritual food, spiritual wine, and other dishes. They used the finest spiritual meat and fish from An River and the Outlands, which had been frozen and processed to be extremely fresh.

The plates and bowls used were also the finest ceramics. However, the cups and special plates placed by the servants were made of high-quality glassware.

"This... " Wang Shouyue's eyes lit up as he picked up a crystal-clear glass cup: "This is a high-quality foreign glass cup, and it's extremely rare. This must be a legendary top-grade foreign glass cup, right? Fourth Brother Shoujie is indeed generous."

"If you like it, I'll give you a set when you leave, and Ancestor Xiaohan can also have a set." Wang Shoujie smiled warmly.

"Fourth Brother Shoujie is indeed generous, and this set would sell for at least 200-300 gold in County City." Wang Shouyue didn't want to argue about superiority anymore.

Anyway, he had already seen that this Ping'an Wang Clan was truly wealthy, and poor relatives were just poor relatives. As long as he could save face, he found that the world had suddenly become much brighter.

Then he and Wang Xiaozheng began to eat freely, and the dishes were extremely fresh and delicious. The spiritual fish and meat were all at least second-grade, and some were even third-grade spiritual meat.

This made them feel grateful, and just this one meal would probably cost around 200-300 gold.

Nowadays, the Ping'an Wang Clan is truly not what it used to be, and they're really showing off their wealth.

But before they could even take a few bites, they suddenly discovered that all the dishes on the table had been finished.

The Wang Clan members were also used to this.

With Wang Lici present, this meal wouldn't be a peaceful one.

Then, Wang Shoujie, who had been prepared beforehand, calmly and collectedly waved his hand and said, "Bring out the next dish."

The servants and maids brought out the second wave of dishes, one by one.

And this wave of dishes was even more abundant, more filling, and more extravagant!

This shocked Longzuo's Wang Family's old master and young master, who felt like they had just been served an appetizer.

This hospitality was really too extravagant!

Then, in less than half an hour, Wang Shoujie again expressionlessly said, "Bring out the next dish."

The servants and maids started bringing out the third wave of dishes.

This wave was even more abundant.

Longzuo's Wang Family's old master and young master were already shocked speechless. They had thought the first wave of dishes was already extravagant, but they didn't expect there to be a second and third wave.

In the end, they brought out a total of five waves of dishes.

The two of them ate until their bellies were round and full, and they had never had such a luxurious meal in their lives. They truly gained a new understanding.

No wonder.

Earlier, Wang Lici had muttered that 5,000 gold coins were nothing. According to the Wang Clan's eating habits, 5,000 gold coins really were nothing.

Based on the value of the gifts they sent, it was estimated that they couldn't even eat two meals.

Especially that girl called Wang Lici, who ate away half of the food, still looking like she hadn't had enough.

This made Wang Shouyue's heart skip a beat. He had originally thought that this niece of his was quite lovely, with an innocent and harmless appearance. He had even thought about inviting her to County City to treat her to a meal.

But fortunately, he had quickly taken back his words, otherwise he would have had to spend his entire year's allowance on just one meal for her.

He let out a cold sweat and felt grateful.

After the meal, Wang Shoujie, as the host, naturally invited them to drink tea and chat.

Days later...

An River.

A mid-sized cargo ship was heading east into the distance.

Longzuo's Wang Family's Wang Shouyue and Spirit Platform Stage's elder Wang Xiaozheng stood at the ship's stern.

Looking at the increasingly distant Dingpu Ferry Terminal, the two of them exchanged a glance, and their hearts were truly filled with emotions.

This Ping'an Wang Clan's group, from being full of confidence to being beaten down, and then accepting the Wang Clan's hospitality...

This process was truly a rollercoaster, leaving them breathless.

Even their proud Young Master Chen, whom they wanted to establish a connection with, had a deep relationship with the Wang Clan.

Especially Young Master Chen, who was actually a relative of the Wang Clan, having married Wang Shoujie's elder sister Wang Luoyi.

After hearing that they were going to visit Young Master Chen, Wang Shoujie even personally wrote a letter of introduction for them, asking the Donggang's Chen Clan to take care of them.

This was truly a case of "planting flowers but not getting them to bloom, and planting willows but getting them to grow into a shade."

The Wang Clan still remembered the favor that Ancestor Zhoubo had shown them, and they were truly repaying it with gratitude.

"Keep your promise," Wang Xiaozheng said with emotion, "you should learn from your Fourth Brother Shoujie."

"Don't worry, Third Uncle," Wang Shouyue naturally didn't have any pride left, and said sincerely, "I will definitely hold onto Fourth Brother Shoujie's thigh tightly."

"This child can be taught."


After sending off Longzuo's Wang Family's guests, Wang Shoujie began his long-prepared Academy journey.

This procession of over ten horse-drawn carriages was quite grand and majestic, heading towards Longzuo County City.

The horse-drawn carriages moved at a steady pace on the flat official road, with a speed of around 150 miles per day.

This journey would take them through many major cities and passes, including Anyuan Guard, Langyou Guard, Dongshan Corridor, Dingbian Pass, Langzuo Guard, and Xincheng Guard, covering a total distance of over 3,000 miles.

Even though Wang Shoujie's horse-drawn carriages used strong and durable Northern Heavy Draft Horses, they still had to stop and rest at each city, experiencing the local customs and eating local delicacies, making the journey feel like a leisurely tour.

So, this trip took a whole month.

At such a slow pace, Ancestor Xuanfu was not pleased, grumbling several times.

Because every time she traveled to and from the Academy, she would lightly pack and ride, taking less than ten days for a single trip.

But Wang Shoujie was different, taking a whole month to arrive at Longzuo County. And to make matters worse, he kept buying things along the way, showing off his wealth.

Who could blame him, though? This entire trip was arranged by Wang Shoujie, and Ancestor Xuanfu's opinions didn't count.

Instead, Wang Shoujie would often take her to chat with the top Core Disciples, Direct Disciples, and other high-ranking officials at the Academy.

He would even tease her, saying, "You've been at the Academy for over a hundred years, and yet you don't even know the preferences of each high-ranking official?"

In the end, the caravan arrived safely and peacefully at Longzuo County.

Longzuo County.

This was a city name that Wang Shoujie had heard countless times since crossing over into this Fantasy World.

Although he had already imagined what a large city in this world would be like, he was still deeply shocked when he saw the massive and magnificent city walls with his own eyes.

The city walls were like a giant monster lying on the ground, with a thickness of around 40-50 feet and a height of around 60-70 feet. Even a famous fifth-rank Ferocious Beast would look tiny compared to the city walls.

It was no wonder that the city was built to defend against not just fifth-rank Ferocious Beasts, but also sixth-rank and seventh-rank ones!

No wonder the Changning Guard, which was considered a rural area in the eyes of the County City people, was nothing compared to this city.

At the entrance of the County City, there were horse-drawn carriages and Spirit Beast-drawn carriages waiting in line to enter. The Northern Heavy Draft Horse was just an ordinary breed, and it couldn't compare to the Spirit Beasts.

Wang Shoujie's Fire Treading White Cloud, for example, was a famous Spirit Type horse, but it was more suitable for riding than for pulling carriages.

The Azure Scale Heavy Horse and the White Elephant Spirit Ox were more suitable for pulling carriages, with the former being faster and more capable of carrying heavy loads, and the latter being specialized for pulling heavy cargo.

Each had its own uses.

Of course, these were just two common types of Spirit Type animals that even ordinary aristocratic families could afford.

There were also some strange and exotic creatures, even third-rank or fourth-rank Spirit Beasts, that were beyond the means of ordinary families.

Most people had to wait in line to enter the County City, but Wang Shoujie and his group didn't need to.

Firstly, they had the Celestial Clan to receive them.

Secondly, even with Ancestor Xuanfu's Academy Core Disciple token, they could enter through the VIP channel.

The group only had to wait for a short while.

Not far away, a group of people rushed towards Wang Shoujie and his group.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a fire silk robe, a purple gold crown on his head, and a white face with a majestic aura.

He quickened his pace, striding towards them with a spring in his step, and said with a smile, "Are you the Ping'an Wang Clan? I am Wang Xiaorui, the current head of the Longzuo Wang Family, here to welcome you home."

His attitude was extremely polite.

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but smile when he saw this. It was impossible for the Longzuo Wang Family to send someone to welcome them personally just because of a letter.

At most, they would send a Spirit Platform Stage elder.

The only explanation was that the Longzuo Wang Family must have received reports from Wang Xiaozheng and Wang Shouyue, and knew that the Ping'an Wang Clan was developing well.

In fact, this was exactly what Wang Shoujie had wanted to achieve.

It was to avoid unnecessary unpleasantness due to misunderstandings.

After all, they were relatives, and if they had the opportunity to support each other, it would be a good thing.

This wasn't like the fantasy novels he had read in his previous life, where relatives would fight and kill each other all the time.

In Da Qian country, it was rare to see relatives fighting each other. Instead, they would often support each other and present a united front against outsiders.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 154: The Aristocratic Family's Hidden Depths The Thousand-Year-Old Wang Clan


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